American higher education : issues and institutions


American higher education : issues and institutions

John R. Thelin

(Core concepts in the history of higher education / Marybeth Gasman and Edward P. St. John, series editors)

Routledge, 2023

2nd ed

  • : pbk


Includes bibliographical references and index



* Authored by well-known scholar, leader, and author in the field * New end-of-chapter questions for discussion encourage student interactivity * This volume tackles topics that are pervasive but often overlooked or misunderstood in the field, including intercollegiate athletics, fund raising and philanthropy, and budgeting * Each chapter includes sections on Issues, Characters and Constituents, Complexities and Conflicts, Connections with Diversity and Social Justice, and Additional Readings


Series Editor's Introduction Preface Acknowledgements 1. Introduction: Higher Education Inside and Out 2. Bricks and Mortar: Redesigning the American Campus 3. Admissions and Attrition: Enrollment Management 4. Teaching and Learning 5. Students and Student Life 6. Faculty and the Academic Profession 7. Governance and Organization: Structures and Cultures 8. Fiscal Fitness: Budgets and Finances 9. Intercollegiate Athletics: Higher Education's Peculiar Institution 10. Public Policies: The Campus and Federal, State, and Local Governments 11. Fund-Raising and Philanthropy: The Nonprofit Sector 12. Research and Development: The Enterprising Campus 13. Colleges and Consumerism: Cost and Price of Higher Education 14. Innovations and Internationalizations in American Higher Education 15. Beyond Business as Usual: Continuity and Change 16. Crises and Credibility: American Higher Education Reconsidered

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