Sforza Pallavicino : a Jesuit life in baroque Rome


Sforza Pallavicino : a Jesuit life in baroque Rome

edited by Maarten Delbeke

(Intersections : yearbook for early modern studies, 83)

Brill, 2022

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [297]-326) and index



As a key figure in baroque Rome, Sforza Pallavicino embodies many of the apparent tensions and contradictions of his era: a man of the church deeply involved in the new science, a nobleman and courtier drawn to ascetism and theology, a controversial polemicist involved in poetry and the arts. This volume collects essays by specialists in the fields and disciplines that cover Pallavicino's activities as a scholar, author and Jesuit, and situate him within the Roman cultural, political and social elite of his times. Through the figure of Pallavicino, an image of baroque Rome emerges that challenges historical periodisations and disciplinary boundaries. Contributors: Silvia Apollonio, Stefan Bauer, Eraldo Bellini, Chiara Catalano, Maarten Delbeke, Maria Pia Donato, Federica Favino, Irene Fosi, Sven K. Knebel, Alessandro Metlica, Anselm Ramelow, Pietro Giulio Riga, and Jon R. Snyder.


Acknowledgements List of Figures Note on the Editor Notes on the Contributors Abbreviations Note on the Translations 1 Sforza Pallavicino: A Jesuit Life in Baroque Rome Maarten Delbeke 2 City, Church, and Court: Roman Culture in the Age of Sforza Pallavicino Maria Pia Donato 3 'Before the Explosion of the Novatores' Ideas': Sforza Pallavicino Lincean Federica Favino 4 'The Great Friendship that Exists between Us': The Correspondence between Sforza Pallavicino and Fabio Chigi (1629-1651) Irene Fosi 5 The Challenge of the Poem: The Classicism of I fasti sacri Silvia Apollonio 6 The 'Paths of Parnassus' in the Literary Thinking of Sforza Pallavicino Pietro Giulio Riga 7 Language and Idiom in Sforza Pallavicino's Trattato dello stile e del dialogo Eraldo Bellini 8 'With Ultramarine Hues': Sforza Pallavicino and Baroque Poetics Jon R. Snyder 9 Pallavicino the Optimist Sven K. Knebel 10 Pallavicino's God in Part and Whole Anselm Ramelow 11 Sforza Pallavicino and the Condemnation of Jansenius's Five Propositions Chiara Catalano 12 Writing the History of the Council of Trent Stefan Bauer 13 Intellect and Imagination in Pallavicino's Arte della perfezion cristiana: A Close Reading Alessandro Metlica Bibliography Index Nominum

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