A natural history of Ireland, in three parts


A natural history of Ireland, in three parts

by several hands

Printed by and for George Grierson, ..., 1726


Natural history of Ireland

A collection of such papers as were communicated to the Royal Society, referring to ſome curioſities in Ireland

A discourse concerning the Danish mounts, forts, and towers in Ireland; never before published

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




Contents: (from t.p.) Part I. Being a true and ample deſcription of its situation, greatneſs, shape, and nature; of its hills, woods, heaths, bogs; of its fruitful parts and profitable grounds, with the ſeveral ways of manuring and improving the ſame: with its heads or promontories, harbours, roads and bays; of its springs and fountains, brooks, rivers, loughs; of its metals, minerals, freeſtone, marble, sea-coal, turf, and other things that are taken out of the ground. And laſtly, of the nature and temperature of its air and seaſon, and what diſeaſes it is free from, or ſubjeƈt unto. Conducing to the advancement of navigation, husbandry, and other profitable arts and profeſſions. Written by Gerard Boate, late doƈtor of phyſick to the state in Ireland

Contents: (from t.p.) Part II. A colleƈtion of ſuch papers as were communicated to the Royal Society, referring to ſome curioſities in Ireland. Part III. A diſcourſe concerning the Daniſh mounts, forts and towers in Ireland; never before publiſhed. By Thomas Molyneux, M.D. F.R.S. in England

Other titles from title pages of part II and III

Part II and III have separate title pages dated 1726 and 1725 respectively, but pagination and register are continuous

