My secret life
Bibliographic Information
My secret life
Arrow, 1994
- : pbk : Pt.1.
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Originally printed in six copies, in eleven vols: printed Brussels: Brancart, 1888-1892
Contents: Pt. 1. (vols. 1-4)
Description and Table of Contents
This long-suppressed work of 19th-century erotica recalls in detail the amorous encounters of its author on his travels across Europe. It also reveals the "other" Victorian world - one of sexuality and desire, and the unbridled passions of men and women breaking the bounds of controlled society. Originally printed in only six copies for private circulation in the late 1880s, the work consists of 11 volumes in all. The first four are included here, and cover Walter's experiences from childhood to his early thirties. The introduction by Donald Thomas explains what is known of Walter's identity and his world, and the circumstances surrounding the 1969 trial, when the work's publication was banned and a publisher was gaoled.
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