A critical study of literary critic Q.D. Leavis's published and unpublished writings


A critical study of literary critic Q.D. Leavis's published and unpublished writings

G. Singh

(Studies in British literature, v. 68)

E. Mellen Press, c2002

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [283]-284) and index



This work analyzes the various aspects of Q.D. Leavis' dealings with novelists such as Jane Austen, Dickens, the Bronte sisters, and George Eliot. It comments on plot, characterization, style, and the Zeitgeist. The final chapters examine the nature of her collaboration with her husband F.R. Leavis. The chapters dealing with Hans Christian Andersen, and folk and fairy tales cover hitherto unexplored ground.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ix PREFACE BY ROBIN LEAVIS xi INTRODUCTION xv PERSONAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1 Ch. I Fiction and the Reading Public: A Sociological Approach to the Novel 21 II Jane Austen: Novelist of a Changing Society 41 III The Bronte Sisters: A Revolutionary Theory of the Novel 53 IV Dickens: A Tolstoyan Novelist before Tolstoy 67 V George Eliot: Novels as 'Deeply Serious Things' 87 VI Mrs Margaret Oliphant: Bridging the gap between Jane Austen and George Eliot 97 VII The Novel of Religious Controversy 111 VIII The Anglo-Irish Novel 123 IX The American Novel: Hawthorne, Melville, Henry James, Edith Wharton 133 X The European Novel: French, Russian and Italian 151 XI Folk Lore, Fairy Tales, Oral Tradition 173 XII Hans Christian Andersen: Voice of the Story-teller 193 XIII Q.D. Leavis and the making of Scrutiny 209 XIV Q.D. Leavis and F.R. Leavis: the Nature of Creative Collaboration 239 XV Q.D. Leavis: Last Years (A Personal Memoir) 261 BIBLIOGRAPHY 283 INDEX OF NAMES 285

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