An answer to a book, intituled, The state of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James's government, in which, their carriage towards him is juſtified, and the abſolute neceſſity of their endeavouring to be free'd from his government, and of submitting to thei preſent Majeſties, is demonſtrated


An answer to a book, intituled, The state of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James's government, in which, their carriage towards him is juſtified, and the abſolute neceſſity of their endeavouring to be free'd from his government, and of submitting to thei preſent Majeſties, is demonſtrated

, [s.n.] , 1692


An answer to King

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




Attributed by Wing to Charles Leslie. Cf. ESTC

Description based on imperfect copy: leaf O1 incorrectly bound between N1 and N2

Pages [2] (1st group), [1] (3rd group) blank

Signatures: A[4](A1+a-e[2]) B-F[4] G-2X[2] A-I[2]

Errata: p. [22] (1st group)

Pages 35, 36 (4th group) misnumbered 36, 35

References: ESTC R994

