Global marketing management


Global marketing management

Masaaki Kotabe, Kristiaan Helsen

Wiley, c2023

9th ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



An indispensable resource for students of marketing, management, and international business In the newly revised ninth edition of Global Marketing Management, a decorated team of international marketing professionals delivers an authoritative discussion of the realities of global marketing in today's economy and an insightful exploration of the future of marketing to an international audience. You'll obtain an integrated understanding of marketing best practices on a global scale, complete with relevant historical background and descriptions of current marketing environments. The latest edition builds on four major structural changes to the global marketing environment: growing anti-globalization sentiment, the growth of information technology tools, the increasing demand for personalization, and the environmental impact of business activity. In-depth case studies offer lively discussions of real-world global marketing campaigns and are accessible online. Global Marketing Management also provides: Thoroughly updated examples and case studies with contemporary information An ongoing emphasis on the increased volatility and uncertainty of today's global markets Updated discussions of the balance to be struck between pursuing economies of scale and respecting unique cultural sensitivities New explorations of major global environmental and ethical issues New chapters on emerging markets, internet marketing, and corporate social responsibility


1 Globalization Imperative 1 Why Global Marketing Is Imperative 4 Saturation of Domestic Markets 4 Emerging Markets 4 Global Competition 5 Global Cooperation 6 Internet Revolution 7 The Fluid Nature of Global Competition 8 Globalization of Markets: Convergence and Divergence 12 International Trade versus International Business 13 Who Manages International Trade? 17 Evolution of Global Marketing 19 What Is Marketing? 19 Domestic Marketing 20 Export Marketing 22 International Marketing 23 Multinational Marketing 24 Global Marketing 24 The Impact of Economic Geography and Climate on Global Marketing 26 Summary 28 Key Terms 28 Review Questions 28 Discussion Questions 28 Further Reading 29 Appendix: Theories of International Trade and the Multinational Enterprise 30 2 Economic Environment 38 Intertwined World Economy 40 Foreign Direct Investment 42 Portfolio Investment 44 Country Competitiveness 46 Changing Country Competitiveness 46 Human Resources and Technology 46 Emerging Markets 48 Evolution of Cooperative Global Trade Agreements 51 General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade 51 World Trade Organization 51 Information Technology and the Changing Nature of Competition 59 Value of Intellectual Property in Information Age 59 Proliferation of E- Commerce and Regulations 61 Regional Economic Arrangements 62 Free Trade Area 63 Customs Union 65 Common Market 66 Monetary Union 66 Political Union 67 Multinational Corporations 67 Summary 69 Key Terms 70 Review Questions 70 Discussion Questions 71 Further Reading 72 3 Financial Environment 73 Historical Role of the U.S. Dollar 74 Development of Today's International Monetary System 75 The Bretton Woods Conference 75 The International Monetary Fund 76 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 77 Fixed versus Floating Exchange Rates 78 Currency Blocs 80 Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Rates 81 Purchasing Power Parity 81 Forecasting Exchange Rate Fluctuation 83 Coping with Exchange Rate Fluctuations 83 Spot versus Forward Foreign Exchange 86 Exchange Rate Pass- Through 88 Cryptocurrencies: A New Development 88 Balance of Payments 89 The Internal and External Adjustments 93 Economic and Financial Turmoil around the World 94 Asian Financial Crisis (1997-1998) and Its Aftermath 94 The South American Financial Crisis (2001-2002) and Its Aftermath 95 The U.S. Subprime Mortgage Loan Crisis and the Subsequent Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009) 95 The COVID- 19 Pandemic (2020-Present) Causing the Worst Recession Since World War II 96 Economic and Financial Crises in Perspective 97 Responses to the Global Financial Crises 97 Marketing in the Euro Area 101 Historical Background 101 Ramifications of the Euro for Marketers 104 Summary 107 Key Terms 108 Review Questions 108 Discussion Questions 108 Further Reading 109 4 Global Cultural Environment and Buying Behavior 110 Meaning of Culture 112 Elements of Culture 113 Material Life 113 Language 114 Social Interactions 118 Aesthetics 119 Religion 121 Education 123 Value Systems 125 Cross- Cultural Comparisons 126 High- versus Low- Context Cultures 126 Hofstede's Classification Scheme 127 World Value Survey (WVS) 131 Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) 131 Cultural Distance 134 Adapting to Cultures 135 Culture and the Marketing Mix 137 Product Policy 138 Pricing 140 Distribution 140 Promotion 141 Summary 144 Key Terms 145 Review Questions 145 Discussion Questions 145 Further Reading 147 5 Political and Legal Environment 148 Political Environment- Individual Governments 149 Home Country versus Host Country 149 Structure of Government 151 Government Policies and Regulations 154 Political Environment- Social Pressures and Political Risk 163 Social Pressures and Special Interests 164 Managing the Political Environment 166 Terrorism and the World Economy 171 International Agreements 174 Group of Seven (G7) Group of Eight (G8 now defunct) and Group of Twenty (G20) 176 Wassenaar Arrangement 177 International Law and Local Legal Environment 179 International Law 179 Local Legal Systems and Laws 179 Jurisdiction 183 Issues Transcending National Boundaries 184 ISO 9000 and 14000 184 Intellectual Property Protection 185 International Treaties for Intellectual Property Protection 191 Antitrust Laws of the United States 194 Antitrust Laws of the European Union 196 U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 197 Summary 200 Key Terms 200 Review Questions 201 Discussion Questions 201 Further Reading 203 6 Global Marketing Research 204 Research Problem Formulation 208 Secondary Global Marketing Research 210 Secondary Data Sources 210 Problems with Secondary Data Research 212 Primary Global Marketing Research 214 Focus Groups 214 Survey Methods for Cross- Cultural Marketing Research 215 Observational Research 222 Leveraging the Internet for Global Market Research Studies 222 Market Size Assessment 225 Method of Analogy 225 Trade Audit 228 Chain Ratio Method 228 Cross- Sectional Regression Analysis 229 New Market Information Technologies 230 Managing Global Marketing Research 232 Selecting a Research Agency 232 Coordination of Multicountry Research 233 Summary 234 Key Terms 235 Review Questions 236 Discussion Questions 236 Further Reading 237 7 Global Segmentation and Positioning 238 Reasons for International Market Segmentation 239 Country Screening 239 Global Marketing Research 240 Entry Decisions 240 Positioning Strategy 241 Resource Allocation 241 Marketing Mix Policy 243 International Market Segmentation Approaches 243 Segmentation Scenarios 244 Bases for International Market Segmentation 246 Demographics 247 Socioeconomic Variables 249 Behavior- Based Segmentation 251 Lifestyle and Values 252 International Positioning Strategies 254 Uniform versus Localized Positioning Strategies 257 Universal Positioning Appeals 259 Global Foreign and Local Consumer Culture Positioning 260 Summary 263 Key Terms 263 Review Questions 263 Discussion Questions 263 Further Reading 264 Appendix: Segmentation Tools 265 8 Global Marketing Strategies 269 Information Technology and Global Competition 270 Real- Time Management 270 Blockchain Technology 271 On- Time Communication 272 Electronic Commerce (E- Commerce) 272 E- Company 274 Faster Product Diffusion and Connectivity 274 Global Strategy 275 Global Industry 275 Competitive Industry Structure 279 Competitive Advantage 281 Hypercompetition 286 Interdependency 287 Global Marketing Strategy 288 Benefits of Global Marketing 289 Limits to Global Marketing 291 R&D Operations and Marketing Interfaces 293 R&D/Operations Interface 294 Operations/ Marketing Interface 296 Marketing/R&D Interface 298 Regionalization of Global Marketing Strategy 299 Cross- Subsidization of Markets 302 Identification of Weak Market Segments 302 Use of the "Lead Market" Concept 303 Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets 304 Competitive Analysis 307 Summary 308 Key Terms 309 Review Questions 309 Discussion Questions 309 Further Reading 310 9 Global Market Entry Strategies 312 Country Selection 313 Scale of Entry 316 Choosing the Mode of Entry 317 Decision Criteria for Mode of Entry 317 Exporting 321 Indirect Exporting 322 Cooperative Exporting 323 Direct Exporting 323 Licensing 323 Benefits 324 Caveats 324 Franchising 325 Benefits 326 Caveats 326 Expanding through Joint Ventures and Alliances 327 Benefits 329 Caveats 329 Drivers behind Successful International Joint Ventures 330 Wholly Owned Subsidiaries 333 Benefits 333 Caveats 334 Acquisitions and Mergers 334 Greenfield Operations 338 Dynamics of Entry Strategies 338 Timing of Entry 340 Exit Strategies 342 Reasons for Exit 343 Risks of Exit 345 Guidelines 346 Summary 346 Key Terms 347 Review Questions 347 Discussion Questions 347 Further Reading 349 Appendix A: Country Screening- Converting Raw Data into a 10- Point Scale 349 Appendix B: Alternative Country Screening Procedure 350 Appendix C: Mode of Entry Choice- Three Theoretical Perspectives 351 10 Global Product Policy Decisions I: Developing New Products for Global Markets 353 Standardization versus Customization 355 Drivers toward Standardization 355 Modular Product Design Strategies 359 Multinational Diffusion 361 Developing New Products in the Global Marketplace 365 Identifying New Product Ideas 366 Screening 367 Concept Testing 368 Test Marketing 368 Timing of Entry: Waterfall versus Sprinkler Strategies 370 Truly Global Product Development 375 Summary 377 Key Terms 377 Review Questions 378 Discussion Questions 378 Further Reading 379 Appendix A: Using Conjoint Analysis for Concept Testing in Global New Product Development 380 Appendix B: Back- of- the- Envelope Calculations- Incremental Break- Even Analysis (IBEA) 382 11 Global Product Policy Decisions II: Marketing Products and Services 385 Global Branding Strategies 387 Global Branding 387 Local Branding 391 Brand Naming 393 Global or Local Branding? 395 Brand- Name Changeover Strategies 398 Management of Multinational Product Lines 401 Product Piracy 406 Strategic Options against Product Piracy 407 Country- of- Origin (COO) Effects 410 Country- of- Origin (COO) Influences on Consumers 411 Strategies to Cope with COO Stereotypes 413 Global Marketing of Services 416 Challenges in Marketing Services Internationally 416 Opportunities in the Global Service Industries 418 Global Service Marketing Strategies 419 Summary 420 Key Terms 421 Review Questions 421 Discussion Questions 421 Further Reading 422 12 Global Pricing 423 Drivers of Foreign Market Pricing 424 Company Goals 424 Company Costs 425 Customer Demand and Price Sensitivity 426 Competition 428 Distribution Channels 431 Government Policies 431 Managing Price Escalation 432 Pricing in Inflationary Environments 435 Global Pricing Currency Fluctuations and Tariffs 437 Currency Gain/Loss Pass Through 438 Currency Quotation 440 Tariff Pass Through 441 Transfer Pricing 441 Determinants of Transfer Prices 441 Setting Transfer Prices 443 Minimizing the Risk of Transfer Pricing Tax Audits 444 Global Pricing and Antidumping Regulation 445 Price Coordination 446 Global Pricing Contracts (GPCs) 447 Aligning Pan- Regional Prices 448 Implementing Price Coordination 450 Summary 450 Key Terms 451 Review Questions 451 Discussion Questions 451 Further Reading 452 13 Global Communication Strategies 453 Global Advertising and Culture 454 Language Barriers 454 Other Cultural Barriers 456 Communication and Cultural Values 457 Setting the Global Advertising Budget 458 Percentage of Sales Method 459 Competitive Parity 460 Objective- and- Task Method 460 Resource Allocation 460 Creative Strategy 461 The "Standardization" versus "Adaptation" Debate 461 Merits of Standardization 463 Barriers to Standardization 465 Approaches to Creating Advertising Copy 466 Global Media Decisions 468 Media Infrastructure 468 Media Limitations 469 Advertising Regulations 470 Choosing an Advertising Agency 474 Other Communication Platforms 476 Sales Promotions 476 Direct Marketing 477 Livestreaming 478 Global Sponsorships 479 Mobile (Brand- in- the- Hand) Marketing 481 Trade Shows 482 Product Placement 484 Branded Entertainment (Content) 485 Viral Marketing 485 Global Public Relations (PR) and Publicity 487 Globally Integrated Marketing Communications (GIMC) 488 Summary 490 Key Terms 490 Review Questions 490 Discussion Questions 491 Further Reading 491 14 Sales Management 493 Market Entry Options and Salesforce Strategy 495 Role of Foreign Governments 498 Cultural Considerations 499 Personal Selling 499 Cultural Generalization 500 Corporate (Organizational) Culture 501 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 501 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 502 Impact of Culture on Sales Management and Personal Selling Process 505 Salesforce Management 506 Salesforce Objectives 506 Salesforce Strategy 506 Recruitment and Selection 507 Training 508 Supervision 509 Evaluation 511 Cross- Cultural Negotiations 511 Cross- Cultural Intelligence 512 Stages of Negotiation Process 512 Cross- Cultural Negotiation Strategies 514 Expatriates 516 Advantages of Expatriates 517 Difficulties of Sending Expatriates Abroad 518 The Return of the Expatriate- Repatriation 521 Generalizations about When Using Expatriates Is Positive or Negative 522 Summary 523 Key Terms 523 Review Questions 523 Discussion Questions 524 Further Reading 524 15 Global Logistics and Distribution 526 Definition of Global Logistics 528 Managing Physical Distribution 530 Modes of Transportation 531 Warehousing and Inventory Management 534 Third- Party Logistics (3PL) Management 537 Logistical Revolution with the Internet 538 Managing Sourcing Strategy 540 Procurement: Types of Sourcing Strategy 541 Outsourcing of Service Activities 546 Free Trade Zones 550 International Distribution Channel 554 Channel Configurations 554 Channel Management 556 International Retailing 556 E- Commerce and Retailing 559 Private- Label Branding (Store Brands) 562 On- Time Retail Information Management 562 Retailing Differences across the World 564 Summary 567 Key Terms 568 Review Questions 568 Discussion Questions 569 Further Reading 570 16 Export and Import Management 571 Organizing for Exports 573 Research for Exports 573 Export Market Segments 575 Indirect Exporting 575 Direct Exporting 576 Mechanics of Exporting 577 Legality of Exports 578 Export Transactions 579 Terms of Shipment and Sale 580 Payment Terms 580 Currency Hedging 583 Role of the Government in Promoting Exports 583 Export-Import Bank 585 Tariff Concessions 587 Export Regulations 587 Managing Imports- The Other Side of the Coin 589 Mechanics of Importing 591 Import Documents and Delivery 592 Import Duties (Tariffs) 592 Gray Markets 593 Summary 602 Key Terms 602 Review Questions 602 Discussion Questions 603 Further Reading 604 17 Planning Organization and Control of Global Marketing Operations 605 Global Strategic Marketing Planning 606 Bottom- Up versus Top- Down Strategic Planning 606 Pitfalls 607 Key Criteria in Global Organizational Design 607 Environmental Factors 607 Firm- Specific Factors 608 Organizational Design Options 609 International Division Structure 609 Global Product Division Structure 610 Geographic Structure 611 Matrix Structure 614 The Global Network Solution 616 Organizing for Global Brand Management 617 Global Branding Committee 617 Brand Champion 618 Global Brand Manager 618 Informal Ad Hoc Branding Meetings 618 The Role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 618 Life Cycle of Organizational Structures 619 Control of Global Marketing Efforts 621 Formal ("Bureaucratic") Control Systems 621 Informal Control Methods 622 "Soft" versus "Hard" Levers 623 Summary 624 Key Terms 625 Review Questions 625 Discussion Questions 625 Further Reading 626 18 Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets 627 Emerging Markets 628 Definition 628 Characteristics of Emerging Markets 629 Competing with the New Champions 633 The New Champions 634 Competing against the Newcomers 638 Targeting/Positioning Strategies in Emerging Markets 640 BOP or No BOP? 641 Middle- Class Consumers in Emerging Markets 643 Gen Z in EMs 644 Entry Strategies for Emerging Markets 645 Timing of Entry 645 Entry Mode 646 Product Policy 647 Product Innovation 647 Branding 649 Packaging 650 Pricing Strategy 650 The Distribution Challenge 651 Creating Distribution Systems 651 Managing Distributor Relationships 653 Communication Strategies for Emerging Markets 654 Push versus Pull Activities 654 Mass Media versus Nontraditional Marketing Approaches 655 Summary 657 Key Terms 657 Review Questions 657 Discussion Questions 657 Further Reading 658 19 Global Marketing and the Internet 659 Barriers to Global Internet Marketing 661 Language Barriers 661 Cultural Barriers 662 Infrastructure 665 Knowledge Barriers 666 Legal Environment and Government Regulations 667 Global Internet Consumers 668 Globally Integrated versus Locally Responsive Internet Marketing Strategies 669 The Internet and Global Product Policy 671 Global Branding and the Internet 671 Web- Based Global New Product Development 671 Web- Based Marketing of Services 673 Global Pricing and the Web 673 Price Transparency 674 Group Buying 675 Global Distribution Strategies and the Internet 675 Role of Existing Channels 676 E- Tailing Landscape 678 The Role of the Internet for Global Communication Strategies 680 Online Advertising 681 Online KOL Marketing 682 Online Monitoring 684 Summary 685 Key Terms 685 Review Questions 685 Discussion Questions 686 Further Reading 686 20 Sustainable Marketing in the Global Marketplace 687 Global Corporate Citizenship 688 Scope of CSR 688 Major Areas of CSR 691 Corruption/Graft 691 Environmental Concerns 692 Supply Chain Accountability 694 Commitment toward Customers 697 Community Support (Cause- Related Marketing) 699 The Case for Sustainability 699 Reputation in Consumer Markets 699 Safeguard Future Supplies 701 Brand Loyalty 701 Reputation in Labor and Equity Markets 702 Challenges for Sustainability Strategies 702 Cultural Tensions 703 Sustainability Image 704 Poor Infrastructure 706 Sustainable Marketing and Global Consumers 706 Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Strategy 709 Step 1: Set Objectives and Targets 709 Step 2: Understand the Operating Environment 709 Step 3: Specify Strategic Sustainability Initiatives 710 Step 4: Implement 711 Step 5: Develop Metrics for Monitoring and Reporting 713 Global Stakeholder Engagement Programs 715 Sustainable Marketing Mix Policy for the Global Marketplace 716 Developing Sustainable Products and Services 716 Sustainable Pricing 719 Communication and Sustainability 719 Sustainability and Distribution Channels 722 Crisis Management and Consumer Boycotts 722 Crisis Management 723 Consumer Boycotts 725 Summary 726 Key Terms 726 Review Questions 726 Discussion Questions 726 Further Reading 727 Subject Index I- 1 Name Index I- 20 Company Index I- 29

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