Gude & Godlie Ballatis noted

Bibliographic Information

Gude & Godlie Ballatis noted

edited by Ross W. Duffin

(Recent researches in the music of the Renaissance, 174)

A-R Editions, c2022

Printed Music(Other)

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For voice, unacc.

Scottish words; also printed as text

Prefatory matter in English

Contents of Works
  • Prayers & articles of faith. Moyses vpon the mont Sinay
  • We trow in God allanerlie
  • Ovr Father God Omnipotent
  • Christ baptist was be Johne in Jordan flude
  • Ovr Sauiour Christ King of grace
  • All meit and drink wes creat be the Lord
  • Christ lernit vs on God how we suld call
  • We thank our God baith kynde and liberall
  • All creature on the Lord dependis
  • To our gude God of warldis Lord and King
  • We thank the, God, of thy gudnes
  • Spirituall sangis. Sore I complaine of sin
  • We wretchit sinners pure
  • All Christin men taktent and leir
  • Cum heir sayis Goddis sone to me
  • Blissit is he quhome God dois correct
  • Sinners vnto my sang aduert
  • Faithfvl in Christ vse ?our [gour] riches richt
  • Help God the formar of all thing
  • Be blyith al Christin men and sing
  • I come fra heuin to tell
  • To vs is borne a barne of blis
  • In dulce iubilo, now let vs sing
  • Onlie to God on heich be gloir
  • Lord God thy face and word of grace
  • Lord let thy seruand now depart
  • Christ Jesus gaue him self to deid
  • Certaine Ballatis of the scripture. Till Christ, quhome I am haldin for to lufe
  • Richt soirly musing in my mynde
  • Richt soir opprest I am with panis smart
  • Allace that same sweit face
  • I call on the, Lord Jesus Christ
  • Of mercy ?it [git] he passis all
  • We suld in to remembrance
  • Hay let vs sing and mak greit mirth
  • In Burgh and land, eist, west, nor, south
  • We suld beleue in God abufe
  • The grace of God appeiris now
  • Of thingis twa I pray the, Lord
  • Lord Father, God, that gaif me lyfe
  • Blis, blissit God, thir giftis gude
  • Blissing, gloir, wisdome, & hartly thankfulnes
  • Now let vs sing with Joy and mirth
  • Qvha can discriue or put in write
  • Gif ?e [ge] haif rissin from deid againe
  • Qvha suld my melodie amend
  • Let vs reioce and sing
  • Psalmes & Ballatis. Qvhat is the caus, O God omnipotent
  • Saif vs gude Lord, and succour send
  • O Lord how lang for euer wil thow for?et [forget]
  • O Lord, quha sall in heuin dwell with the
  • The Lord God is my Pastor gude
  • ?e [Ge] richteous reioyce and loue the Lord
  • Thow sall not follow wickit menis wayis
  • O Lord aduert vnto my voce and cry
  • Till trew in hart God of Israell is sweit
  • God for thy grace thow keip no moir silence
  • Qvha on the hiest will depend
  • Qvhen fra Egypt departit Israell
  • Except the Lord with vs had stand
  • Fra deip (O Lord) I call to the
  • At the Riuers of Babylon
  • I will the loue my gracious Lord and King
  • The Hethin folk, Lord in thy heritage
  • Have mercy on me God of micht
  • Blissit ar thay that sit in Goddis dreid
  • For lufe of one I mak my mone
  • Qvho is at my windo, quho, quho
  • O God be mercyfull to vs
  • In till ane mirthfull May morning
  • All my hart ay this is my sang
  • My Lufe murnis for me, for me
  • Tell me now and in quhat wise
  • My saule dois Magnifie the Lord
  • Christ thow art the licht, bot & the day
  • Christ is the onlie sone of God
  • Christ Jesus is ane A. per C
  • Allone I weip in greit distres
  • The Lord sayis I will schaw
  • Grevovs is my sorrow
  • Johne cum kis me now
  • Lord let me neuer be confoundit
  • Go hart vnto the lamp of licht
  • My saule, prayse þou the Lord alwayis
  • The man is blyste, that hes not gone
  • Ovr brother let vs put in graue
  • Mvsing greitlie in my mynde
  • Pray God for grace, my lufe maist deir
  • Downe be ?one [gone] Riuer I ran
  • With heuie hart full of distres
  • Welcvm Lord Christ, welcum againe
  • O Christ quhilk art the licht of day
  • With huntis vp, with huntis vp
  • Baneist is faith now euerie quhair
  • Mvsing greitly in my mynde
  • The Bischop of Hely brak his neck
  • I am wo for thir wolfis sa wylde
  • Allace vnkyndlie Christ we haue exilit
  • Of the fals fyre of Purgatorie
  • Wo is the hirdis of Israell
  • God send euerie preist ane wyfe
  • The wind blawis cauld, furious and bauld
  • Hay now the day dallis
  • Remember man, remember man
  • Preistis Christ beleue
  • The wallis of the kirk ?e [ge] byg
  • Carols & Contrafacta. Till our gude man, till our gude man
  • The paip that pagane full of pryde
  • Say weill is throuchlie a worthy gude thing
  • Knaw ?e [ge] not God omnipotent
  • Was not Salomon the King
  • All my lufe leif me not
  • Welcum Fortoun, welcum againe
  • Moral exhortations. All Christin and faithfull
  • Blenk in this mirrour man and mend
  • O man ryse vp and be not sweir
  • O man behald this warldis vaniteis
  • Sen throw vertew incressis dignitie
  • Appendix. O Lord in thee is all my trust
Related Books: 1-1 of 1
  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 9781987208207
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Place of Publication
  • Pages/Volumes
    xxii p., 195 p. of music
  • Size
    26 cm
  • Parent Bibliography ID
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