Wine tasting : a professional handbook
Wine tasting : a professional handbook
Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, c2023
4th ed
- : [hbk.]
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Previous ed.: 2017
Includes bibliographical references and index
Wine Tasting: A Professional Handbook, Fourth Edition presents the latest information behind tasting, including insights on physiological, psychological and physicochemical limitations associated with sensory evaluation. The book's author notes how techniques may guide in achieving improved wine quality and adjusting production procedures to match consumer preferences, occupational hazards of professional wine tasters, and the latest information on types of wine, vineyard and winery sources of quality, and the principles of food and wine combination. Fully updated, this new edition includes coverage of the statistical aspect of wine tasting, including multiple examples to demonstrate the science of wine characteristic measurement and analysis.
With its inclusion of illustrative data and testing technique descriptions, the book is ideal for both those who train members of tasting panels, those involved in designing wine tastings, and the connoisseur seeking to maximize their perception and appreciation of wine through a clear and applicable understanding of the wine tasting experience.
1. Introduction 2. Visual Perceptions 3. Olfactory Sensations 4. Oral Sensations 5. Quantitative Wine Assessment 6. Qualitative Wine Assessment 7. Styles and Types of Wine Quality 8. Nature and Origins of Wine Quality 9. Wine and Food Combination
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