Identity, intertextuality, and performance in early modern song culture
Identity, intertextuality, and performance in early modern song culture
(Intersections : yearbook for early modern studies, v. 43)
Brill, c2016
- : hardback
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Singing together is a tried and true method of establishing and maintaining a group's identity. Identity, Intertextuality, and Performance in Early Modern Song Culture for the first time explores comparatively the dynamic process of group formation through the production and appropriation of songs in various European countries and regions. Drawing on oral, handwritten and printed sources, with examples ranging from 1450 to 1850, the authors investigate intertextual patterns, borrowing of melodies, and performance practices as these manifested themselves in a broad spectrum of genres including ballads, popular songs, hymns and political songs. The volume intends to be a point of departure for further comparative studies in European song culture.
Contributors are: Ingrid Akesson, Mary-Ann Constantine, Patricia Fumerton, Louis Peter Grijp, Eva Guillorel, Franz-Josef Holznagel, Tine de Koninck, Christopher Marsh, Hubert Meeus, Nelleke Moser, Dieuwke van der Poel, Sophie Reinders, David Robb, Clara Strijbosch, and Anne Marieke van der Wal.
Notes on the Editors
Notes on the Contributors
List of Illustrations
1 Introduction
Louis Peter Grijp and Dieuwke van der Poel
2 Local and Religious Identity in Swedish Popular Hymn Singing during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Ingrid Akesson
3 Performing Pietism in the Peatlands: Songs in the Manuscript Miscellany of a Village Schoolmaster in the Dutch Republic between 1750 and 1800
Nelleke Moser
4 Guilielmus Bolognino's Den Gheestelijcken Leeuwercker: The Collected Songs of a Counter-Reformation Champion
Hubert Meeus and Tine de Koninck
5 Songs and Identities: Handwritten Secular Songbooks in German-Speaking Areas of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Franz-Josef Holznagel
6 'Social Networking is in our DNA': Women's Alba Amicorum as Places to Build and Affirm Group Identities
Sophie Reinders
7 The Many Shades of Love: Possessors and Inscribers of Sixteenth-Century Women's Alba
Clara Strijbosch
8 Exploring Love's Options: Song and Youth Culture in the Sixteenth Century Netherlands
Dieuwke van der Poel
9 Oppositional Political Identity in the Song Culture of the Vormarz and the 1848 Revolution in Germany
David Robb
10 The Perils of Performance: From Political Songs to National Airs in Romantic-Era Wales (1790-1820)
Mary-Ann Constantine
11 Folksongs, Conflicts and Social Protest in Early Modern France
Eva Guillorel
12 "Fortune My Foe": The Circulation of an English Super-Tune
Christopher Marsh
13 Samuel Pepys and the Making of Ballad Publics
Patricia Fumerton
14 Slave Orchestras and Rainbow Balls: Colonial Culture and Creolisation at the Cape of Good Hope, 1750-1838
Anne Marieke van der Wal
Index Nominum
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