A world history of railway cultures, 1830-1930


    • Esposito, Matthew D.


A world history of railway cultures, 1830-1930

edited by Matthew Esposito

Routledge, 2020

  • v. 3

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



v. 3. Continental Eurasia

Set ISBN for 4 v.: 9780815377221



This 4-volume collection is the first compilation of primary sources to historicize the cultural impact of railways on a global scale from their inception in Great Britain to the Great Depression. Gathered together are over 200 rare out-of-print published and unpublished materials from archival and digital repositories throughout the world. Organized by historical geography, this third volume explores the railways through Eurasia.


  • Volume III. Continental Eurasia Part 1: Mentalite and the Machine Ensemble: France and Colonies 1. Paul Verlaine, 'The Scene behind the Carriage-Window Panes', in Poems of Paul Verlaine Trans. Gertrude Hall (New York: Duffield, 1906), p. 22. 2. William Makepeace Thackeray, The Paris Sketchbook of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh
  • The Irish Sketch Book
  • & Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo (New York: Caxton, 1840), pp. 265-267. 3. Michael J. Quin, Steam Voyages on the Seine, the Moselle, & the Rhine, with Railroad Visits to the Principal Cities of Belgium, 2 vols. (London: H. Colburn, 1843), II, pp. 71-75. 4. George Musgrave, The Parson, Pen, and Pencil: Or, Reminiscences and Illustrations of an Excursion to Paris, Tours, and Rouen in the Summer of 1847 (London: R. Bentley, 1848), I, pp. 124-135, II, pp. 251-252. 5. George Musgrave, By-roads and Battle-fields in Picardy, 2 vols. (London: Bell and Daldy, 1861), I, pp. 12-13, 212-218. 6. George Musgrave, A Ramble into Brittany, 2 vols. (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1870), I, pp. 91-94. 7. Thomas Adolphus Trollope, Impressions of a Wanderer in Italy, Switzerland, France, and Spain (London: H. Colburn, 1850), pp. 261-264. 8. Andrew Dickinson, My First Visit to Europe (New York: G. P. Putnam, 1851), pp. 158-160. 9. Frank B. Goodrich, Tricolored Sketches in Paris during the Years 1851-2-3 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1855), pp. 202-203, 205-206, 210, 216. 10. Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad (Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1875), pp. 106-112. 11. Henry James, A Little Tour in France (Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1885), pp. 258-261. 12. Henry James, Portraits of Places (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., [1911]), pp. 81-86. 13. Emile Zola, Germinal (London: Chatto & Windus, 1914), pp. 1-10. 14. Mary Raymond Williams, July and August of 1914 (Cleveland: [Press of the Brooks Company], 1915), pp. 78-103. 15. Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, 2 vols. Trans. C. K. Moncrieff (New York: Holt, 1922), I, pp, 154-155 II, pp. 104-105, 232-234. 16. Angus B. Reach, Claret and Oliver, from the Garonne to the Rhone (New York: G. P. Putnam, 1853), pp. 63-68. 17. Charles Richard Weld, The Pyrenees, West and East (London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1859), pp. 29-35, 45-46, 49. 18. Gordon Casserly, Algeria To-day, (New York: F. A. Stokes, n.d.), pp. 170-185. 19. Lewis Gaston Leary, Syria, the Land of Lebanon (New York: McBride, Nast, 1913), pp. 72-78, 80-84, 86-87. Part 2: Pathbreakers and Stone Breakers: Belgium, Holland, and Colonies 20. E. H. Derby, Two Months Abroad (Boston: Redding & Co., 1844), pp. 36-38. 21. W. C. Dana, A Transatlantic Tour (Philadelphia: Perkins & Purves, 1845), pp. 195-197, 216-219. 22. Compagnie du Congo pour le commerce et l'industrie, Brussels, The Congo Railway from Matadi to the Stanley-Pool (Brussels: P. Weissenbruch, 1889), pp. 106-110. 23. E. D. Morel, Red Rubber: The Story of the Rubber Slave Trade Flourishing in the Congo in the Year of Grace 1906. With an Introduction by Sir Harry Johnston (New York: The Nassau Print, 1906), pp. 91-103. 24. Reverend J. H. Whitehead, 'Reports and Letter of Protest to the Governor-General', in E. D. Morel, Recent Evidence from the Congo (Liverpool: J. Richardson & Sons, 1907), pp. 14-17. Part 3: Incongruous Eisenbahn: Railways in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Colonies 25. J. G. Kohl, Austria, Vienna, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube (London: Chapman and Hall, 1843), pp. 156-158, 160. 26. John W. Corson, Loiterings in Europe (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1848), pp. 222-227, 234-239, 263-266. 27. Rachel Harriette Busk, The Valleys of Tirol: Their Traditions and Customs, and How to Visit Them (London: Longmans, Green, 1874), pp. 148-149, 168-170, 327. 28. Robert L. Jefferson, A New Ride to Khiva (New York: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1900), pp. 32-43. 29. E. H. Derby, Two Months Abroad (Boston: Redding & Co., 1844), pp. 20-32, 34-36. 30. Samuel Laing, Notes of a Traveller, on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and Other Parts of Europe, Second ed. (Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1846), pp. 165-169. 31. Nathaniel Parker Willis, Rural Letters and Other Records of Thought at Leisure (New York: Baker and Scribner, 1849), pp. 288-289. 32. Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Company, 1899), pp. 24, 103, 547-549. 33. Peter Rosegger, The Light Eternal [The Eternal Light] (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1907), pp. 246-248. 34. Adolf Friedrich (Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin), From the Congo to the Niger and the Nile, 2 vols. (London: Duckworth & Co., 1913), I, pp. 3-10, II, pp. 196-198. 35. A. D. C. Russell, 'The Bagdad Railway', Quarterly Review 235, 1921, 307-315. Part 4: Italia, Espana, Lusitania: Railways in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Colonies 36. William J. L. Maxwell, Letters of an Engineer while on Service in Syria in Connection with the Proposed Euphrates Valley Railway and the Beyrout Waterworks (London: Marcus Ward & Co., [1886]), pp. 5-10. 37. Lina Duff Gordon (Lady Duff Gordon, Caroline Lucie Duff Gordon, Mrs. Aubrey Waterfield), Home Life in Italy: Letters from the Apennines, Second ed. (London: Metheun, 1909), pp. 12-14, 147-151, 174-175, 181-182. 38. Edmondo de Amicis. Spain and the Spaniards (New York: Putnam, 1885), pp. 277-278. 39. Henry N. Shore, Three Pleasant Springs in Portugal (London: S. Low, Marston & Company, 1899), pp. 307-314. 40. James Johnston, Reality versus Romance in South Central Africa (New York: F. H. Revell Company, 1893), pp. 32-35. Part 5: Iron Roads to the Iron Mountains of Scandinavia: Railways in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark 41. Edwin Coolidge Kimball, Midnight Sunbeams, or, Bits of Travel through the Land of the Norseman (Boston: Cupples and Hurd, 1888), pp. 78-86. 42. William Eleroy Curtis, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (Akron, Ohio: The Saalfield Publishing Co., 1903), pp. 118-124, 127-128. 43. Francis E. Clark and Sydney A. Clark, The Charm of Scandinavia (Boston: Little, Brown, 1914), pp. 153-156. 44. Theophile Gautier, A Winter in Russia Trans. M. M. Ripley (New York: H. Holt and Company, 1874), pp. 22-24. 45. Finland Johnson Sherrick. Letters of Travel (N.p.: N.p., 1905), pp. 79-82. Part 6: Railways among the Ruins: Greece, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Czechoslovakia, and Serbia 46. Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad (Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1875), pp. 417-418. 47. Mrs. Brassey, Sunshine and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople (New York: H. Holt and Company, 1880), pp. 354-357, 362-364. 48. Olive Gilbreath, 'Men of Bohemia', Harper's Magazine 138, 1918-1919, 251-254. 49. Mary Heaton Vorse, 'Milorad', Harper's Magazine 140, 1919-1920, 256-262. Part 7: Russian Prologues, Dialogues, Travelogues 50. Theophile Gautier, A Winter in Russia, Trans. M. M. Ripley (New York: H. Holt and Company, 1874), pp. 236-242. 51. Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, Trans. Nathan Haskell Dole (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1886), pp. 721-725. 52. The photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944), Prokudin-Gorskii Collection. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Washington D.C. Captions Figure 1. Steam Engine with Prokudin-Gorskii carriage in background. 1910. Figure 2. On the handcar outside Petrozavodsk on the Murmansk railway. 1915. Figure 3. Uneven tracks near the Ladva Station on Murmansk railway. 1915. Figure 4. Bashkir Switchman. 1910. Figure 5. Peasant Girls of the Russian Empire. 1909. Figure 6. Bashkir woman in a folk costume. 1910. Figure 7. Catholic Armenian Women in customary dress. 1905-1915. Figure 8. Georgian women in holiday attire in the park of Borzhom. 1905-1915. 53. Maurice Baring, Russian Essays and Stories, Second Ed. (London: Methuen, 1909), pp. 1-24, 52-55, 63-70. Part 8: Strategic Russian Railways, Resources, and Representations 54. George Dobson, Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia
  • Notes of a Journey from St. Petersburg to Samarkand (London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1890), pp. 71-73, 102-104, 109-113, 125-132, 139-144. 55. C. E. Biddulph, Four Months in Persia and a Visit to Trans-Caspia (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1892), pp. 112-117. 56. Sir Henry Norman, All the Russias: Travels and Studies in Contemporary Russia, Finland, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia (New York: Scribner's Sons, 1903), pp. 231-235, 237. Part 9: Test of the Russian Will: The Trans-Siberian Railway 57. Robert L. Jefferson, Roughing it in Siberia (London: S. Low, Marston & Co., 1897), pp. 1-11. 58. James Young Simpson, Side-lights on Siberia
  • Some Account of the Great Siberian Railroad, the Prisons and Exile System (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1898), pp. 147-149. 59. Isabella L. Bird, Korea and Her Neighbors: A Narrative of Travel, with an Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and Present Position of the Country (New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1898), pp. 239-244. 60. Annette M. B. Meakin, A Ribbon of Iron (Westminster: A. Constable, 1901), pp. 21-25, 110-118, 156-159, 166-172, 273-277. 61. Leo Deutsch, Sixteen Years in Siberia (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1905), pp. 140-144, 324-327. 62. Lindon Bates Jr., The Russian Road to China (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910), pp. 71-74. 63. Richardson L. Wright and Bassett Digby, Through Siberia: An Empire in the Making (New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1913), pp. 231-234. Part 10: The Iron Road Meets the Silk Road: Railways in Japan and China 64. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry Comp. Francis L. Hawks, (New York: D. Appleton, 1856), pp. 414-418. 65. Lilias Dunlop Finlay Swainson, Letters from China & Japan (London: Henry S. King & Co., 1875), pp. 177-178, 181-183, 194-196. 66. Isabella Bird, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. An Account of Travels on Horseback in the Interior, 2 vols. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880), pp. 26-32. 67. E. G. Holtham, Eight Years in Japan, 1873-1881. Work, Travel and Recreation (London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1883), pp. 6-11, 101-112, 122-131, 211-213, 216-217, 247-249, 253-254. 68. W. S. Caine, A Trip Round the World in 1887-8 (London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1888), pp. 159-164. 69. Lafcadio Hearn, Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1899), pp. 275-279. 70. Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Letters from Japan (New Edition. New York: Macmillan Co., 1904), pp. 43-45, 326-328, 331. 71. Marie C. Stopes, A Journal from Japan. A Daily Record of Life as Seen by a Scientist (London: Blackie, 1910), pp. 46, 105-106. 72. Baroness Albert d'Anethan (Eleanora Mary Anethan), Fourteen Years of a Diplomatic Life in Japan (London: S. Paul & Co., [1912]), pp. 358-359. 73. Frank E. Younghusband, The Heart of a Continent (New York: Scribner's Sons, 1896), pp. 50-52. 74. John Foster Fraser, The Real Siberia (London: Cassell, 1902), pp. 220-230. 75. R. Logan Jack, The Back Blocks of China (London: E. Arnold, 1904), pp. 89-93. 76. Richardson L. Wright and Bassett Digby, Through Siberia: An Empire in the Making (New York: McBride, Nast & Company, 1913), pp. 203-208. 77. Sir Alexander Hosie, On the Trail of the Opium Poppy, 2 vols. (London: G. Philip & Son, 1914), I, pp. 3-4, 165-167, 169-172, II, pp. 82-84. 78. C. E. Bechhofer, A Wanderer's Log (London: Mills & Boon, 1922), pp. 91-93.

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