The Sage handbook of human-machine communication


The Sage handbook of human-machine communication

edited by Andrea L. Guzman, Rhonda McEwen and Steve Jones

Sage, c2023


Includes bibliographical references and index



The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication has been designed to serve as the touchstone text for researchers and scholars engaging in new research in this fast-developing field. Chapters provide a comprehensive grounding of the history, methods, debates and theories that contribute to the study of human-machine communication. Further to this, the Handbook provides a point of departure for theorizing interactions between people and technologies that are functioning in the role of communicators, and for considering the theoretical and methodological implications of machines performing traditionally 'human' roles. This makes the Handbook the first of its kind, and a valuable resource for students and scholars across areas such as communication, media and information studies, and computer science, as well as for practitioners, engineers and researchers interested in the foundational elements of this emerging field. Part 1: Histories and Trajectories Part 2: Approaches and Methods Part 3: Concepts and Contexts Part 4: Technologies and Applications


Editors' Introduction - Andrea L. Guzman, Rhonda McEwen, & Steve Jones Foreword: Human-Machine Communication, Humacomm, and Origins - Steve Mann Part 1: Histories and Trajectories Part 1: Introduction 1. Machines are Us: An Excursion in the History of HMC - Kate K. Mays and James E. Katz 2. The interdisciplinarity of HMC: Rethinking communication, media, and agency - Andreas Hepp & Wiebke Loosen 3. Cybernetics and Information Theory in Human-Machine Communication - Ronald Kline 4. Cyborgs and Human-Machine Communication Configurations - Katina Michael, Jeremy Pitt, Roba Abbas, Christine Perakslis, MG Michael 5. The Meaning and Agency of Twenty-First-Century AI - Jonathan Roberge 6. The History and Future of Human-Robot Communication - Florian Shkurti 7. From CASA to TIME: Machine as a Source of Media Effects - S. Shyam Sundar, Jin Chen 8. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Human-Machine Communication (HMC) - Steve Jones & Rhonda McEwen 9. HMC and HCI: Cognates on a Journey - Victoria McArthur & Cosmin Munteanu 10. Developing a Theory of Artificial Minds (ToAM) to Facilitate Meaningful Human-AI Communication - Nandini Asavari Bharadwaj, Adam Kenneth Dube, Victoria Talwar, and Elizabeth Patitsas 11. HMC and Theories of Human-Technology Relations - Eleanor Sandry 12. Philosophical Contexts and Consequences of Human-Machine Communication - David J. Gunkel 13. Critical and Cultural Approaches to Human-Machine Communication - Andrew Iliadis 14. Gender and Identity in Human-Machine Communication - Leopoldina Fortunati 15. Literature and HMC: Poetry and/as the Machine - Margaret Rhee 16. Human-Machine Communities: How Online Computer Games Model the Future - Nathaniel Poor 17. Perfect Incommunicability: War and the strategic paradox of human-machine communication - Jeremy Packer, Joshua Reeves, and Kate Maddalena Part 2: Approaches and Methods Part 2: Introduction 18. Human-Robot Interaction - Autumn Edwards 19. Auditing Human-Machine Communication Systems Using Simulated Humans - Nicholas Diakopoulos, Jack Bandy, Henry Dambanemuya 20. Experiments in Human-Machine Communication Research - Nicole Kramer & Jessica Szczuka 21. Detecting the States of Our Minds: Developments in Physiological and Cognitive Measures - Michelle Lui 22. Human shoppers, AI cashiers, and cloud-computing others: Methodological approaches for machine surveillance in commercial retails environments - Kristina M. Green 23. Visual Research Methods in Human-Machine Communications - Herve Saint-Louis 24. Observing Communication with Machines - Patric R. Spence, and David Westerman, Zhenyang Luo 25. Coding ethnography: Human-machine communication in collaborative software development - Jack Jamieson 26. An ethnography for studying HMC: What can we learn from observing how humans communicate with machines? - Sharon Ringel 27. Talking About "Talking with Machines": Interview as Method within HMC - Andrea L. Guzman 28. Feminist, Postcolonial, and Crip Approaches to Human-Machine Communication Methodology - Paula Gardner & Jess Rauchberg 29. A Research Ethics for Human-Machine Communication: A First Sketch - Charles Ess Part 3: Concepts and Contexts Part 3: Introduction 30. Rethinking Affordances for Human-Machine Communication Research - Gina Neff & Peter Nagy 31. Affect research in human-machine communication: The case of social robots - Carmina Rodriguez-Hidalgo 32. Social Presence in Human-Machine Communication - Kun Xu & David Jeong 33. Interpersonal Interactions Between People and Machines - Astrid Rosenthal-von der Putten and Kevin Koban 34. Dual-Process Theory in Human-Machine Communication - Kevin Koban & Jaime Banks 35. Privacy and Human-Machine Communication - Christoph Lutz 36. Natural Language Processing - Natalie Parde 37. Datafication in Human-Machine Communication Between Representation and Preferences: An Experiment of Non-Binary Gender Representation in Voice-Controlled Assistants - J.L. Mortensen, N.N. Siegfredsen, and A. Bechmann 38. Human-Machine Communication and the Domestication Approach - Jenny Kennedy & Rowan Wilken 39. Intersectionality and Human-Machine Communication - Sarah Myers West 40. Human-Machine Communication, Artificial Intelligence, and Issues of Data Colonialism - Beth Coleman 41. A feminist Human-Machine Communication Framework: Collectivizing by design for inclusive work futures - Chinar Mehta, Payal Arora, and Usha Raman 42. Dishuman-machine communication: Disability imperatives for reimagining norms in emerging technology - Gerard Goggin 43. Robotic Art - The aesthetics of machine communication - Damith Herath, Stelarc 44. Labour, Automation, and Human-Machine Communication - Julian Posada, Gemma Newlands, and Milagros Miceli 45. The Brain Center Beneath the Interface: Grounding HMC in Infrastructure, Information, and Labour - Vincent Manzerolle 46. AI, Human-Machine Communication and Deception - Simone Natale 47. Governing the Social Dimensions of Collaborative Robotic Design: Influence, manipulation and other non-physical harms - Sara Brooks and AJung Moon 48. Who's liable?: Agency and accountability in human-machine communication - Jasmine E. McNealy 49. The Popular Cultural Origin of Communicating Robots in Japan - Keiko Nishimura Part 4: Technologies and Applications Part 4: Introduction 50. Human Social Relationships with Robots - Maartje de Graaf & Jochen Peter 51. Algorithms as a Form of Human-Machine Communication - Taina Bucher 52. Bot-to-bot Communication: Relationships, Infrastructure, and Identity - Wei-Jie (Josh) Xiao and Samuel C . Woolley 53. Communicating with Conversational Assistants: Uses, Contexts, and Effects - Yi Mou & Yuheng Wu 54. Conceptualizing Empathic Child-Robot Communication - Ekaterina Pashevich 55. Haptics, Human Augmentics, and Human-Machine Communication - Jason Archer 56. Love and Sex and Robots, Oh My! A Call for HMC Attention - Riley Richards 57. Virtual Reality as Human-Machine Communication - Eric Novotny, Joomi Lee, and Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn 58. HMC in the Educational Context - Chad Edwards & Matthew Craig 59. Human-Machine Communication in Healthcare - Jihyun Kim, Hayeon Song, Kelly Merrill Jr., Taenyun Kim, and Jieun Kim 60. Why Human-Machine Communication Matters for the Study of Artificial Intelligence in Journalism - Seth C. Lewis & Felix M. Simon 61. Human-Machine Communication in Marketing and Advertising - Weizi Liu & Mike Z. Yao 62. Human-Machine Communication in Retail - Jenna Jacobson, Irina Gorea 63. Autonomous Vehicles: Where Automation Ends and the Communication Begins - Thilo von Pape 64. HMC in Space Operations - Regina Peldszus 65. Religious Human-Machine Communication: Practices, Power, and Prospects - Pauline Hope Cheong & Yashu Chen

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