Progress in botany : morphology, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, geobotany Fortschritte der Botanik : Morphologie, Physiologie, Genetik, Systematik, Geobotanik


Progress in botany : morphology, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, geobotany = Fortschritte der Botanik : Morphologie, Physiologie, Genetik, Systematik, Geobotanik

editors, Karl Esser ... [et al.]

Springer-Verlag, 1984

  • v. 46

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index



  • A. Morphology.- I. Cytology.- a) Special Cytology: Cytology and Morphogenesis of the Prokaryotic Cell.- 1. Cell Shape and Variation of Cell Structure.- a) Progress in Preparation Techniques.- b) New Isolates.- c) Assembly of Rickettsia.- 2. Bacterial Cell Aggregates.- a) A Cell Conglomerate: Conglomeromonas largomobilis.- b) A Thermophilic Methanogenic Consortium.- 3. The Outermost Bacterial Surface Structures.- a) Chroococcacean Cyanobacteria.- b) An External Layer in Brucella.- c) Extracellular Slime and Swarming.- 4. Cell Wall Type, Composition, Assembly, and Degradation.- a) Identification of the Gram Type.- b) Regular Arrays.- c) Cell Wall Assembly.- d) Cell Wall Degradation.- 5. Bacteriophage Adsorption to Gram-positive Bacteria.- 6. Cell Adhesion.- a) General Remarks.- b) Cell Adherence Mediated by Pili or Fimbriae.- c) Cell Adherence Mediated by Nonfimbrial Adhesins.- 7. Bacterial Membranes.- a) Membranes of Photosynthetic Bacteria.- b) Membranes in Non Photosynthetic Bacteria.- 8. Organization of the Bacterial Nucleoid.- a) Folding of Prokaryotic DNA.- b) Cell Wall - DNA Association.- c) Cosegregation of Cell Wall and DNA.- 9. Bacterial Motility.- a) Motility Mediated by Flagella.- b) A Model for Gliding Motility.- c) Motility of Mycoplasma.- References.- b) Cytology and Morphogenesis of the Fungal Cell.- 1. Books, Monographs, etc..- 2. Morphogenesis of Spores.- a) Zoospores.- b) Sporangiospores.- c) Ascospores.- d) Basidiospores.- e) Conidiospores.- 3. Germination.- a) Spores.- b) Zoosporangia.- References.- II. Morphologie und Histologie der hoheren Pflanzen.- a) Vegetative Anatomie der Spermatophyta.- 1. Allgemeines.- 2. Standardwerke.- 3. Der Stamm.- 4. Xylem.- a) Einzelne Xylemstrukturen unter verschiedenen Aspekten.- 5. Phloem, Bast und Borke.- 6. Sekretionsgewebe.- 7. Ergastische Korper.- 8. Das Blatt.- a) Trichome und Stomata.- 9. Die Wurzel.- Literatur.- B. Physiology.- I. Plant Water Relations.- 1. Water Relations of Cells and Tissues.- 2. Root Water Uptake and Water Movement Through the Plant.- 3. Stomatal Behavior and Transpirational Water Loss.- 4. Water-Stress Effects on Growth and Metabolism.- 5. Aspects of Applied Water Biology.- 6. Habitat Water Relations and Plant Performance.- 7. Water Relations of Poikilohydric Plants.- References.- II. Mineral Nutrition: Vacuoles and Tonoplasts.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Experimental Approaches.- a) Direct Access.- b) Washout or Efflux Analysis.- c) Microphobe Analysis.- d) Differential Extraction.- e) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR).- f) Isolation of Vacuoles and Tonoplast Vesicles.- g) Transcellular Electrical Profiles.- 3. Relationship Between the Vacuole and the Cytoplasm.- 4. The Vacuole and "Efficiency" of Mineral Nutrition.- 5. Outlook.- References.- III. Photosynthesis. Carbon Metabolism: On Land and at Sea.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Superior Performance of Marine Phytoplankton in Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation.- 3. The Uptake of Inorganic Carbon, and Evidence of a Role for Carbonic Anhydrase.- 4. Chloroplast Carbon Metabolism.- a) RuBP Carboxylase.- b) Other Calvin Cycle Enzymes.- c) Starch Metabolism.- d) "Chloroplast Respiration" DNA Association.- c) Cosegregation of Cell Wall and DNA.- 9. Bacterial Motility.- a) Motility Mediated by Flagella.- b) A Model for Gliding Motility.- c) Motility of Mycoplasma.- References.- b) Cytology and Morphogenesis of the Fungal Cell.- 1. Books, Monographs, etc..- 2. Morphogenesis of Spores.- a) Zoospores.- b) Sporangiospores.- c) Ascospores.- d) Basidiospores.- e) Conidiospores.- 3. Germination.- a) Spores.- b) Zoosporangia.- References.- II. Morphologie und Histologie der hoheren Pflanzen.- a) Vegetative Anatomie der Spermatophyta.- 1. Allgemeines.- 2. Standardwerke.- 3. Der Stamm.- 4. Xylem.- a) Einzelne Xylemstrukturen unter verschiedenen Aspekten.- 5. Phloem, Bast und Borke.- 6. Sekretionsgewebe.- 7. Ergastische Korper.- 8. Das Blatt.- a) Trichome und Stomata.- 9. Die Wurzel.- Literatur.- B. Physiology.- I. Plant Water Relations.- 1. Water Relations of Cells and Tissues.- 2. Root Water Uptake and Water Movement Through the Plant.- 3. Stomatal Behavior and Transpirational Water Loss.- 4. Water-Stress Effects on Growth and Metabolism.- 5. Aspects of Applied Water Biology.- 6. Habitat Water Relations and Plant Performance.- 7. Water Relations of Poikilohydric Plants.- References.- II. Mineral Nutrition: Vacuoles and Tonoplasts.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Experimental Approaches.- a) Direct Access.- b) Washout or Efflux Analysis.- c) Microphobe Analysis.- d) Differential Extraction.- e) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR).- f) Isolation of Vacuoles and Tonoplast Vesicles.- g) Transcellular Electrical Profiles.- 3. Relationship Between the Vacuole and the Cytoplasm.- 4. The Vacuole and "Efficiency" of Mineral Nutrition.- 5. Outlook.- References.- III. Photosynthesis. Carbon Metabolism: On Land and at Sea.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Superior Performance of Marine Phytoplankton in Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation.- 3. The Uptake of Inorganic Carbon, and Evidence of a Role for Carbonic Anhydrase.- 4. Chloroplast Carbon Metabolism.- a) RuBP Carboxylase.- b) Other Calvin Cycle Enzymes.- c) Starch Metabolism.- d) "Chloroplast Respiration".- e) Potassium, Calcium, and pH.- 5. Cytosolic Synthesis of Sucrose from Carbon Exported from the Chloroplast.- a) Movement of Metabolites Across the Chloroplast Envelope.- b) The Regulation of Sucrose Biosynthesis.- c) Soluble Low-Molecular-Weight Carbohydrates Other than Sucrose.- 6. Nitrogen Assimilation, and Lipid Biosynthesis.- a) Nitrogen Assimilation.- b) Lipid Biosynthesis.- 7. C4 Metabolism.- a) C4 Plants.- b) C3?C4 Intermediate Plants.- c) CAM.- d) Freshwater Macrophytes, and Stomata.- e) Marine Algae.- 8. Respiration.- a) Mitochondrial (Dark) Respiration.- b) Photorespiration.- References.- IV. Metabolism of Organic Acids.- 1. PEP-carboxylase as the Key Enzyme in Plant Metabolism.- 2. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM).- a) Current Reviews on CAM.- b) Carbon Flow in CAM.- 3. Malate Synthesis by PEPC-mediated CO2-fixation in Nitrogen Fixing Root Nodules.- 4. Malate Metabolism and Proton Extrusion.- 5. Malate Oxidation by Mitochondria.- 6. Malic Acid in Grapes.- 7. Metabolism of Organic Acids Other than Malic Acid.- a) Ascorbate and Oxalate.- b) Malonate.- c) Trans-aconitic Acid.- d) Shikimic Acid.- References.- V. Metabolism of Organic N-Compounds Ammonium Assimilation and Amino Acid Metabolism.- 1. Assimilation and Reassimilation of NH4+.- a) Physiology.- b) Glutamine Synthetase (GS).- c) Glutamate Synthase (GOGAT).- 2. Asparagine.- 3. 4-Methylene-L-Glutamine (4-Megln).- 4. Prolin and Ornithine Degradation.- 5. Shikimate Pathway.- a) Pathway Enzymes.- b) Inhibitor Studies.- c) Regulation of Quinate: NAD+-Oxidoreductase.- d) Subcellular Compartmentation.- 6. Aspartate-derived Amino Acids.- a) Subcellular Compartmentation.- b) Regulation.- c) Degradation of Lysine.- d) Biosynthesis of Methionine.- e) Metabolism of S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM).- References.- VI. Secondary Plant Substances. Monoterpenes.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Substrates for Cyclization.- 3. Menthone-type Monoterpenes.- 4. Thymol and Cineole.- 5. Bornane Type.- 6. Pinane Type (Fig. 5).- 7. Thujane Type.- 8. Carane Type.- 9. Iridane Type.- 10. Fenchane Type.- 11. Irregular Type (Fig. 11).- 12. Some Biological Aspects of Monoterpenes.- References.- VII. Developmental Physiology.- 1. Dormancy.- a) Seed Dormancy.- b) Bud Dormancy.- 2. Seed Germination.- a) Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis.- b) Control of Enzyme Activity: Biosynthesis and Secretion of ?-Amylase.- 3. Photomorphogenesis.- a) Properties of Phytochrome.- b) High-Irradiance Response (HIR).- c) Cryptochrome.- d) Molecular Analysis of the Photomorphogenic Responses.- 4. Elongation Growth.- a) Fast Membrane Reactions.- b) Changes in RNA Synthesis.- c) Changes in Cell Wall Structure.- d) Growth Response to Hormones Other than IAA.- 5. Flowering.- a) Photoperiodism.- b) Involvement of Growth Regulators.- c) Changes in the Apical Meristem During Transition to Flowering and Flower Differentiation.- 6. Senescence and Aging.- a) Seeds.- b) Seedlings.- c) Foliage Leaves.- d) Flowers.- e) Fruits.- References.- VIII. Physiology of Movement.- 1. Cytoplasmic Streaming.- 2. Chloroplast Redistribution as Controlled by Light.- a) Funaria and Lemna.- b) Vaucheria.- c) Mougeotia.- d) Brown Algae.- 3. General Remarks.- References.- C. Genetics.- I. Replication.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Cloning of Replication Proteins.- 3. Regulation of DNA Replication.- 4. Termination.- 5. Partitioning.- References.- II. Recombination.- a) DNA Transformation in Cyanobacteria, Algae and Fungi
  • Trends and Perspectives.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Principles of Transformations in Cyanobacteria.- 3. Cloning of Recombinant DNA in Algae.- 4. Trends in Yeast Systems.- 5. New Transformation Vectors in Filamentous Fungi.- 6. Conclusions.- References.- III. Mutagenesis.- 1. Segment-specific Mutagenesis.- a) Nick-induced Gap Misrepair.- b) Mutagenesis at Displacement Loops.- c) Mutagenesis at Insertion Loops.- d) Easily Detectable Mutagenesis Using the M13 Lac Vector.- e) Segment-specific Mutagenesis Using the Single- stranded Phage Vector fd.- f) Site-specific Mutagenesis by Error-Directed DNA Synthesis.- g) Mutagenesis by UV Irradiation of Isolated DNA Fragments.- 2. Segment-specific Deletions.- a) Deletions Created by Endonuclease S1.- b) Deletions Created by Nuclease Bal31 and Exonuclease III.- 3. Site-specific Mutagenesis Directed by Oligonucleotides.- a) Mutagenesis After Cloning in Single-stranded E. coli Phages.- b) Mutagenesis After Cloning in Plasmids.- 4. Mutants Derived from Chemically Synthesized Gene Fragments.- a) Synthesis of Regulatory Elements.- b) Synthesis of Complete Genes.- References.- IV. Extrakaryotic Inheritance: Mitochondrial Genetics.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Mitochondrial Genome in Higher Plants.- 3. Gene Shuffling.- 4. Mitochondrial Transcription and RNA Processing.- a) Initiation of Transcription.- b) RNA Processing.- 5. Nuclear-Mitochondrial Interactions.- a) Transport of Proteins into Mitochondria.- b) Identification of Nuclear Genes for Mitochondrial Functions.- References.- V. Phytopathology.- a) Biological Control of Plant Pathogenic Fungi.- 1. Introduction 2.- 2. Survey of Cases Reported.- a) Endothia parasitica.- b) Rhizoctonia solani.- c) Cevatocystis ulmi,.- d) Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici.- 3. Discussion.- References.- D. Taxonomy.- I. Systematics and Evolution of the Algae.- 1. General Aspects.- 2. Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae).- a) Books, Reviews.- b) Nomenclature.- c) Taxonomy and Biology of Cyanobacteria.- d) Prochloron.- 3. Rhodophyceae.- a) Reviews.- b) Morphology and Taxonomy.- c) Life History and Polymorphism.- d) Cellular Organization.- e) Chemo taxonomy.- f) Cyanidium.- 4. Dinophyceae.- a) Reviews.- b) Cellular Organization.- c) Life History and Cysts.- d) Taxonomy.- 5. Cryptophyceae.- 6. Prymnesiophyceae.- 7. Eustigmatophyceae.- 8. Tribophyceae (Xanthophytes).- 9. Raphidophyceae.- 10. Chrysophyceae.- 11. Diatomophyceae.- a) Books, Reviews.- b) Cellular Organization.- c) Taxonomy.- 12. Fucophyceae (Phaeophyceae).- 13. Euglenophyceae.- 14. Glaucophyceae.- 15. Green Algae.- a) Books, Reviews.- b) Ultrastructure and Phylogeny.- c) Systematics of Lower Categories 26.- References.- II. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Fungi.- 1. General Considerations, Phylogeny, and Ecology.- 2. Fungus-like Protoctista.- a) Myxomycota.- b) Labyrinthulomycota.- c) Oomycota.- d) Chytridiomycota.- 3. Fungi.- Zygomycota.- a) Zygomycetes.- b) Trichomycetes.- Ascomycota.- a) Endomycetes (Hemiascomycetes).- b) Ascomycetes.- Taxonomy.- Laboulbeniomycetidae.- Ascomycetidae.- Fungi Imperfecti (Deuteromycota).- a) General Considerations and Teleomorph-Anamorph Connections.- b) Coelomycetes.- c) Hyphomycetes.- 4. Basidiomycota.- a) General Aspects.- b) Phragmobasidiomycotina.- c) Holobasidiomycotina.- References.- III. Systematics of Lichenized Fungi.- 1. Morphology of the Mycobiont.- 2. Morphology of the Phycobiont.- 3. Ontogenetic Studies.- 4. Chemistry.- 5. Phylogeny and Evolution in Lichenized Fungi.- 6. Taxonomy.- 7. Floristics.- 8. Phytosociology and Ecology.- 9. Chorology.- 10. Herbaria and Bibliographies.- References.- IV. Systematics of the Bryophytes.- 1. Fundamental Perspectives.- 2. Systematics.- a) Flora.- b) Systematics Above the Family Level, Important Lists.- c) Systematics on the Family Level and Below.- d) Cytosystematics.- e) Chemosystematics.- 3. Morphology and Anatomy.- a) Conducting Tissues.- b) Transfer Cells.- c) Structural Adaptations.- d) Oil Bodies.- e) Blepharoplast Structure.- f) Life Forms, Life Strategies.- References.- V. Systematics of the Pteridophytes.- 1. Systematics.- 2. Bibliography, Collections, Nomenclature.- 3. Floristics.- 4. Geography and Ecology.- 5. Morphology and Anatomy.- 6. Chemotaxonomy.- 7. Cytotaxonomy, Biosystematics, Hybridization.- 8. Folklore, Uses.- 9. Fern Allies.- References.- E. Geobotany.- I. The History of Flora and Vegetation During the Quaternary.- 1. Paleoclimatology.- 2. History of the Last Glaciation.- 3. The Paleoecology of the Last Glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere.- 4. Vegetation History of the Last Glaciation.- References.- II. Vegetation Science (Sociological Geobotany).- 1. Fundamental Perspectives, Books, Monographic Volumes and Bibliographies.- 2. General Results and Methods.- a) Sampling Methods and Taxon Analysis in Releve Surveys.- b) Global Classification of the World's Vegetation.- c) Diversity, Numbers and Dominance Structure of Species in Vegetation.- d) Population Death in Vegetation.- 3. Examples of Interrelations Between Vegetation and Animals.- a) Interrelations Between Vegetation and Ants.- b) Vegetation and Small Mammals.- 4. Vegetation Science as Basis of Nature Protection and Nature Conservation.- 5. Vegetation of Temperate and Adjacent Regions.- a) Steppe Vegetation of Pontic Regions, Central and Northern Asia.- b) Xeric Grassland of the Alps and of Southern European High Mountains.- c) Syntaxonomy of Plant Communities in Central and Western Europe and in Some Adjacent Areas.- 6. Vegetation of Meridional and Adjacent Regions.- a) Vegetation of Mediterranean Islands: Endemism and Syntaxonomy.- b) Vegetation of Mountains Rising above Meridional Plains.- 7. Tropical Vegetation.- a) Savanna Vegetation in Africa.- b) Dry Woody Vegetation and Grasslands in Tropical South America.- References.- F. Special Topics.- I. Symbiosen: Mykorrhiza.- a) Ektomykorrhiza.- 1. Symbiosepartner.- 2. Anatomie.- 3. Physiologie.- 4. O#8221
  • .- e) Potassium, Calcium, and pH.- 5. Cytosolic Synthesis of Sucrose from Carbon Exported from the Chloroplast.- a) Movement of Metabolites Across the Chloroplast Envelope.- b) The Regulation of Sucrose Biosynthesis.- c) Soluble Low-Molecular-Weight Carbohydrates Other than Sucrose.- 6. Nitrogen Assimilation, and Lipid Biosynthesis.- a) Nitrogen Assimilation.- b) Lipid Biosynthesis.- 7. C4 Metabolism.- a) C4 Plants.- b) C3?C4 Intermediate Plants.- c) CAM.- d) Freshwater Macrophytes, and Stomata.- e) Marine Algae.- 8. Respiration.- a) Mitochondrial (Dark) Respiration.- b) Photorespiration.- References.- IV. Metabolism of Organic Acids.- 1. PEP-carboxylase as the Key Enzyme in Plant Metabolism.- 2. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM).- a) Current Reviews on CAM.- b) Carbon Flow in CAM.- 3. Malate Synthesis by PEPC-mediated CO2-fixation in Nitrogen Fixing Root Nodules.- 4. Malate Metabolism and Proton Extrusion.- 5. Malate Oxidation by Mitochondria.- 6. Malic Acid in Grapes.- 7. Metabolism of Organic Acids Other than Malic Acid.- a) Ascorbate and Oxalate.- b) Malonate.- c) Trans-aconitic Acid.- d) Shikimic Acid.- References.- V. Metabolism of Organic N-Compounds Ammonium Assimilation and Amino Acid Metabolism.- 1. Assimilation and Reassimilation of NH4+.- a) Physiology.- b) Glutamine Synthetase (GS).- c) Glutamate Synthase (GOGAT).- 2. Asparagine.- 3. 4-Methylene-L-Glutamine (4-Megln).- 4. Prolin and Ornithine Degradation.- 5. Shikimate Pathway.- a) Pathway Enzymes.- b) Inhibitor Studies.- c) Regulation of Quinate: NAD+-Oxidoreductase.- d) Subcellular Compartmentation.- 6. Aspartate-derived Amino Acids.- a) Subcellular Compartmentation.- b) Regulation.- c) Degradation of Lysine.- d) Biosynthesis of Methionine.- e) Metabolism of S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM).- References.- VI. Secondary Plant Substances. Monoterpenes.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Substrates for Cyclization.- 3. Menthone-type Monoterpenes.- 4. Thymol and Cineole.- 5. Bornane Type.- 6. Pinane Type (Fig. 5).- 7. Thujane Type.- 8. Carane Type.- 9. Iridane Type.- 10. Fenchane Type.- 11. Irregular Type (Fig. 11).- 12. Some Biological Aspects of Monoterpenes.- References.- VII. Developmental Physiology.- 1. Dormancy.- a) Seed Dormancy.- b) Bud Dormancy.- 2. Seed Germination.- a) Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis.- b) Control of Enzyme Activity: Biosynthesis and Secretion of ?-Amylase.- 3. Photomorphogenesis.- a) Properties of Phytochrome.- b) High-Irradiance Response (HIR).- c) Cryptochrome.- d) Molecular Analysis of the Photomorphogenic Responses.- 4. Elongation Growth.- a) Fast Membrane Reactions.- b) Changes in RNA Synthesis.- c) Changes in Cell Wall Structure.- d) Growth Response to Hormones Other than IAA.- 5. Flowering.- a) Photoperiodism.- b) Involvement of Growth Regulators.- c) Changes in the Apical Meristem During Transition to Flowering and Flower Differentiation.- 6. Senescence and Aging.- a) Seeds.- b) Seedlings.- c) Foliage Leaves.- d) Flowers.- e) Fruits.- References.- VIII. Physiology of Movement.- 1. Cytoplasmic Streaming.- 2. Chloroplast Redistribution as Controlled by Light.- a) Funaria and Lemna.- b) Vaucheria.- c) Mougeotia.- d) Brown Algae.- 3. General Remarks.- References.- C. Genetics.- I. Replication.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Cloning of Replication Proteins.- 3. Regulation of DNA Replication.- 4. Termination.- 5. Partitioning.- References.- II. Recombination.- a) DNA Transformation in Cyanobacteria, Algae and Fungi
  • Trends and Perspectives.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Principles of Transformations in Cyanobacteria.- 3. Cloning of Recombinant DNA in Algae.- 4. Trends in Yeast Systems.- 5. New Transformation Vectors in Filamentous Fungi.- 6. Conclusions.- References.- III. Mutagenesis.- 1. Segment-specific Mutagenesis.- a) Nick-induced Gap Misrepair.- b) Mutagenesis at Displacement Loops.- c) Mutagenesis at Insertion Loops.- d) Easily Detectable Mutagenesis Using the M13 Lac Vector.- e) Segment-specific Mutagenesis Using the Single- stranded Phage Vector fd.- f) Site-specific Mutagenesis by Error-Directed DNA Synthesis.- g) Mutagenesis by UV Irradiation of Isolated DNA Fragments.- 2. Segment-specific Deletions.- a) Deletions Created by Endonuclease S1.- b) Deletions Created by Nuclease Bal31 and Exonuclease III.- 3. Site-specific Mutagenesis Directed by Oligonucleotides.- a) Mutagenesis After Cloning in Single-stranded E. coli Phages.- b) Mutagenesis After Cloning in Plasmids.- 4. Mutants Derived from Chemically Synthesized Gene Fragments.- a) Synthesis of Regulatory Elements.- b) Synthesis of Complete Genes.- References.- IV. Extrakaryotic Inheritance: Mitochondrial Genetics.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Mitochondrial Genome in Higher Plants.- 3. Gene Shuffling.- 4. Mitochondrial Transcription and RNA Processing.- a) Initiation of Transcription.- b) RNA Processing.- 5. Nuclear-Mitochondrial Interactions.- a) Transport of Proteins into Mitochondria.- b) Identification of Nuclear Genes for Mitochondrial Functions.- References.- V. Phytopathology.- a) Biological Control of Plant Pathogenic Fungi.- 1. Introduction 2.- 2. Survey of Cases Reported.- a) Endothia parasitica.- b) Rhizoctonia solani.- c) Cevatocystis ulmi,.- d) Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici.- 3. Discussion.- References.- D. Taxonomy.- I. Systematics and Evolution of the Algae.- 1. General Aspects.- 2. Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae).- a) Books, Reviews.- b) Nomenclature.- c) Taxonomy and Biology of Cyanobacteria.- d) Prochloron.- 3. Rhodophyceae.- a) Reviews.- b) Morphology and Taxonomy.- c) Life History and Polymorphism.- d) Cellular Organization.- e) Chemo taxonomy.- f) Cyanidium.- 4. Dinophyceae.- a) Reviews.- b) Cellular Organization.- c) Life History and Cysts.- d) Taxonomy.- 5. Cryptophyceae.- 6. Prymnesiophyceae.- 7. Eustigmatophyceae.- 8. Tribophyceae (Xanthophytes).- 9. Raphidophyceae.- 10. Chrysophyceae.- 11. Diatomophyceae.- a) Books, Reviews.- b) Cellular Organization.- c) Taxonomy.- 12. Fucophyceae (Phaeophyceae).- 13. Euglenophyceae.- 14. Glaucophyceae.- 15. Green Algae.- a) Books, Reviews.- b) Ultrastructure and Phylogeny.- c) Systematics of Lower Categories 26.- References.- II. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Fungi.- 1. General Considerations, Phylogeny, and Ecology.- 2. Fungus-like Protoctista.- a) Myxomycota.- b) Labyrinthulomycota.- c) Oomycota.- d) Chytridiomycota.- 3. Fungi.- Zygomycota.- a) Zygomycetes.- b) Trichomycetes.- Ascomycota.- a) Endomycetes (Hemiascomycetes).- b) Ascomycetes.- Taxonomy.- Laboulbeniomycetidae.- Ascomycetidae.- Fungi Imperfecti (Deuteromycota).- a) General Considerations and Teleomorph-Anamorph Connections.- b) Coelomycetes.- c) Hyphomycetes.- 4. Basidiomycota.- a) General Aspects.- b) Phragmobasidiomycotina.- c) Holobasidiomycotina.- References.- III. Systematics of Lichenized Fungi.- 1. Morphology of the Mycobiont.- 2. Morphology of the Phycobiont.- 3. Ontogenetic Studies.- 4. Chemistry.- 5. Phylogeny and Evolution in Lichenized Fungi.- 6. Taxonomy.- 7. Floristics.- 8. Phytosociology and Ecology.- 9. Chorology.- 10. Herbaria and Bibliographies.- References.- IV. Systematics of the Bryophytes.- 1. Fundamental Perspectives.- 2. Systematics.- a) Flora.- b) Systematics Above the Family Level, Important Lists.- c) Systematics on the Family Level and Below.- d) Cytosystematics.- e) Chemosystematics.- 3. Morphology and Anatomy.- a) Conducting Tissues.- b) Transfer Cells.- c) Structural Adaptations.- d) Oil Bodies.- e) Blepharoplast Structure.- f) Life Forms, Life Strategies.- References.- V. Systematics of the Pteridophytes.- 1. Systematics.- 2. Bibliography, Collections, Nomenclature.- 3. Floristics.- 4. Geography and Ecology.- 5. Morphology and Anatomy.- 6. Chemotaxonomy.- 7. Cytotaxonomy, Biosystematics, Hybridization.- 8. Folklore, Uses.- 9. Fern Allies.- References.- E. Geobotany.- I. The History of Flora and Vegetation During the Quaternary.- 1. Paleoclimatology.- 2. History of the Last Glaciation.- 3. The Paleoecology of the Last Glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere.- 4. Vegetation History of the Last Glaciation.- References.- II. Vegetation Science (Sociological Geobotany).- 1. Fundamental Perspectives, Books, Monographic Volumes and Bibliographies.- 2. General Results and Methods.- a) Sampling Methods and Taxon Analysis in Releve Surveys.- b) Global Classification of the World's Vegetation.- c) Diversity, Numbers and Dominance Structure of Species in Vegetation.- d) Population Death in Vegetation.- 3. Examples of Interrelations Between Vegetation and Animals.- a) Interrelations Between Vegetation and Ants.- b) Vegetation and Small Mammals.- 4. Vegetation Science as Basis of Nature Protection and Nature Conservation.- 5. Vegetation of Temperate and Adjacent Regions.- a) Steppe Vegetation of Pontic Regions, Central and Northern Asia.- b) Xeric Grassland of the Alps and of Southern European High Mountains.- c) Syntaxonomy of Plant Communities in Central and Western Europe and in Some Adjacent Areas.- 6. Vegetation of Meridional and Adjacent Regions.- a) Vegetation of Mediterranean Islands: Endemism and Syntaxonomy.- b) Vegetation of Mountains Rising above Meridional Plains.- 7. Tropical Vegetation.- a) Savanna Vegetation in Africa.- b) Dry Woody Vegetation and Grasslands in Tropical South America.- References.- F. Special Topics.- I. Symbiosen: Mykorrhiza.- a) Ektomykorrhiza.- 1. Symbiosepartner.- 2. Anatomie.- 3. Physiologie.- 4. Okologie.- Literatur.- b) Endomycorrhizae.- 1. VA-Mycorrhizae.- a) Taxonomy of Endophytes.- b) Histology.- c) Physiology and Effects on Plants.- d) Ecology.- e) Use in Plant Production.- 2. Ericales - Mycorrhizae.- References.

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    • 3540137319
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  • ページ数/冊数
    xiv, 407 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
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