Digital learning based education : transcending physical barriers


Digital learning based education : transcending physical barriers

Amitava Choudhury, Arindam Biswas, Sadhan Chakraborti, editors

(Advanced technologies and societal change)

Springer Nature Singapore, c2023

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



This book presents the systematic evolution of digitized education: trends, advances, challenges encountered and their solutions toward the use of advanced technologies. The book mainly covers variety of areas such as blended learning in modern education, flipped classroom, ICT-based education, digital transformation of education. Explosion of information and communication technologies has transformed the way we live, learn, work and socialize. This heavy intervention of technologies in the modern world has triggered us to think how we engage and interact with each other and how we make use of these digital tools and communications channels. And consequent upon which societies are transforming into digitized education where datafication, platformization and algorithmic governance are a common vocabulary.


Chapter 1: Digital Transformation in Education Chapter 2: Psychological Necessity for Digital Learning Technology based Education Chapter 3: Pedagogies of Digital Learning in Higher Education Chapter 4: Digital Learning in Educational Contexts Chapter 5: Digital Learning: From Book Culture to the Digital Age Chapter 6: Flipped Classroom Strategies in modern education Chapter 7: Technology Tools to Engage Students Chapter 8: Technology Trends that are Shaping Classroom Education Chapter 9: Socio Economic Relation in Digital Education Chapter 10: K-12 Education in The Post-COVID Era

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