
The Harrison sisters (Beatrice, Margaret & May) : an English musical heritage

GSE Claremont, c1992


大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



For violoncello (1st work) ; for piano, violin and violoncello (2nd) ; for piano and violin (3rd-4th) ; for piano and violoncello (5th-8th, 10th) ; for violoncello, harp and orchestra (9th)

H.R.H. Princess Victoria (2nd, 10th works), Arnold Bax (3rd), Reginald Paul (4th), Harold Craxton (5th), Margaret Harrison (6th, 7th), Gerald Moore (8th), pianos ; Margaret Harrison (2nd, 4th), May Harrison (3rd), violins ; Beatrice Harrison, violoncello (1st-2nd, 5th-10th) ; Carlos Salzédo, harp (9th) ; orchestra (9th)

1st work, solo violoncello with nightingales sound, recorded in the Garden at Foyle Riding, Oxted, 1927; remainder works recorded in 1915-1929

Compact disc

Leaflet contains program notes in English

GSE Claremont: CD GSE 78-50-47


  • Songs my mother taugt me / Dvorak
  • Salut d'amour / Elgar
  • 1st violin sonata / Delius
  • Songs of my home / Smetana
  • Cello sonata / Delius
  • Broken melody / van Biene
  • Harlequinade / Popper
  • Cello sonata in E minor / Brahms
  • Die Meistersinger. Prize song / Wagner
  • Cello concerto. Adagio / Elgar

