Transformational change for people and the Planet : evaluating environment and development



Transformational change for people and the Planet : evaluating environment and development

Juha I. Uitto, Geeta Batra, editors

(Sustainable Development Goals series / series editors, R.B. Singh, Suraj Mal, Michael E. Meadows, 17 . Partnerships for the goals)

Springer, c2022

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Open access"--Cover

Includes bibliographical references



This Open Access book deals with the pressing question of how to achieve transformational change that reconciles development with environmental sustainability. It particularly focuses on the role of evaluation in finding sustainable solutions. Environment and development are closely interlinked, as are human health and ecosystem health. The pandemic that began in 2020 demonstrated in no uncertain terms how destruction of habitats has allowed hitherto unknown pathogens spill over to humans wreaking havoc on people's lives and livelihoods. We are already seeing the impacts of global climate change in terms of heatwaves, forest fires and increased storms. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explicitly recognize the equal importance of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. In these turbulent times, when humankind faces multiple complex challenges it is essential to know that our responses are effective and that they make a positive difference. Evaluation can provide invaluable lessons to how we design policies, strategies and programs and how we allocate limited resources between competing priorities. This book brings together key thinkers and practitioners from the public and private sectors, from major multilateral organizations and from bilateral donor agencies, to present the latest knowledge and experience on how to evaluate interventions in the nexus of environment and development. The book does not promote any particular approach or methodology, but rather emphasizes the need for mixed methods to address the question at hand in the best and most suitable manner. It covers cases from a variety of fields, from climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency and renewable energy, natural resources management, biodiversity conservation and more. This book is not a conference proceedings although it has its roots in the Third International Conference on Evaluating Environment and Development organized by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office in October 2019. The conference brought together a larger number of established and upcoming evaluators, researchers and evaluation users from the Global North and South, representing a wide variety of organizations, to discuss the frontiers of environment and development evaluation. Following the conference, the editors identified and contacted the participants who made key contributions at the conference and asked them to develop their ideas and papers into book chapters according to a coherent plan.


1. Introduction - Juha I. Uitto Section I: Transformational Change 2. Evaluation for Transformational Change: Learning From Practice - Indran A. Naidoo 3. Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery - Geeta Batra, Jeneen R. Garcia, & Kseniya Temnenko Section II: Drivers of Sustainability - Introduction by Neeraj Kumar Negi 4. Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF - Neeraj Kumar Negi & Molly Watts Sohn 5. From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of GEF IEO's Strategic Country Cluster Evaluations - Carlo Carugi & Anna Viggh 6. Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States- Geeta Batra & Trond Norheim 7. Assessing Sustainable Development Interventions - Ellen Fitzpatrick 8. Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results - Jindra Cekan & Susan Legro Section III: Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Introduction by Anna Viggh 9. Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon Finance - Callum Murdoch, Lisa Keppler, Tillem Burlace, & Christine Woerlen 10. Evaluation's Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy-Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad - Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam 11. Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL - Robbie Gregorowski & Dennis Bours 12. Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund - Ronnie MacPherson, Amy Jersild, Dennis Bours, & Caroline Holo 13. Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights From an Evidence Review, by Laura Silici, Jerry Knox, Andy Rowe, and Suppiramaniam Nanthikesan Section IV: Evaluation Approaches - Introduction by Carlo Carugi 14. Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion and Institutional Capture - Andy Rowe 15. Importance and Utilization of Theory-based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development and Social-Ecological Systems - Takaaki Miyaguchi 16. Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland's Sustainable Development Policy - Mari Rakkoelainen & Anu Saxen 17. Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities - Prashanth Kotturi 18. Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help Save the Forests - Katherine Shea 19. Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related Socioeconomic Benefits - Anupam Anand & Geeta Batra

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