音聲学世界論文集 : 大西雅雄博士喜寿記念
音聲学世界論文集 : 大西雅雄博士喜寿記念
記念論文集刊行委員会(日本音聲學會内), 1974.12
- タイトル別名
World papers in phonetics : festschrift for Dr. Onishi's Kiju
- タイトル読み
オンセイガク セカイ ロンブンシュウ : オオニシ マサオ ハクシ キジュ キネン
大学図書館所蔵 全74件
内容: 海外学者 An auditory theory of speech production(D.E.Fry) Mark and feature(Roman Jakobeson) Primitive pre-phonemic and phonemic structures(Bertil Malmberg) A world roman script on the basis of the international phonetic association writing(Suniti Kumar Chatterji) Concept and precept:two infinitive constructions and their vicissitudes(Dwight L.Bolinger) Some remarks on the visual perception of speech signals(Józef Wierzchowski) Therapeutic results of laryngeal asymmetric
postures in dysphonic patients(Antti Sovijärvi) Articues:phonetic analysis by binary articulatiory criteria(M.Kloster-Jensen) Pausometry:measurement of low levels of human acoustic energy(Oscar Tosi) The small computer in the phonetics laboratory(Claes-Christian Elert) Identification of syllables consisting of initial stop consonants+the vowels i,a OR u played at double and half speed(Eli Fisher-Jørgensen) Speech production and perception(Jana Ondrácková) Phoneme and prosodeme-problems
of analysing tone languages(E.Richter) Some thoughts on the phonetic syllable(W.R.Brain Anan) /ei/Monosyllables(James W.Abel) Method of structure-functional study of speech intonation(V.A.Artemov) Intonation in speech synthesis(Milan Romportl) Modalite imperative et intonation(R.R.Léon) Son-type,phoneme et grapheme(A.Rosetti) ほか