

検索結果 12 件

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  • 年長児足関節外側側副靭帯付着部裂離骨折の検討

    平田 哲男, 伊野部 淳吉, 安田 金蔵, 山崎 広一 中国・四国整形外科学会雑誌 8 (2), 207-210, 1996

    Twenty seven patients with acute avulsion fractures of the anterior talofibular ligaments were evaluated clinically. These were selected from 48 patients below 15 years of age who had acute injuries …

    DOI 医中誌 被引用文献2件

  • けい骨か間隆起骨折に対する鏡視下骨接合術の小経験

    安藤 健夫, 西原 建二, 平田 哲男, 岡部 隆行, 甲 康成 中国・四国整形外科学会雑誌 7 (2), 267-270, 1995

    We treated a 53-year-old man with fracture of intercondylar eminence of the tibia. He had non-displaced(Type I) fracture at the first examination and was treated by long leg cast. But 4 weeks later …


  • 脊髄症を呈した胸椎血管腫の1例

    三宅 基夫, 那須 正義, 平田 哲男, 多胡 博之, 三宅 完二 中国・四国整形外科学会雑誌 5 (2), 445-450, 1993

    The vertebral hemangioma is found in about 10% of general autopsy series They are usually asymptomatic. Clinical problems caused by hemangioma are extremely rare. We reported a case who had …

    DOI 医中誌

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