

検索結果 19 件

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  • 遺伝子銃を用いた一過的発現系によるRNAサイレンシングサプレッサーの機能解析

    林原 千恵子, 武田 智子, 小倉 里江子, 松尾 直子, 平塚 和之 日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集 2008 (0), 0757-0757, 2008



  • 身体的セルフ・エフィカシー尺度

    松尾 直子, 竹中 晃二, 岡 浩一朗 健康心理学研究 12 (1), 48-58, 1999

    The first purpose of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the Physical Self-Efficacy Scale (PSE) which was developed by Ryckman et al. (1982). In Study 1,751 subjects were asked to answer …

    DOI Web Site 参考文献1件

  • 口唇口蓋裂を伴った第7染色体異常の1例

    松尾 直子, 阿部 厚, 松尾 隆昌, 高石 誠, 山田 鉄郎, 吉田 憲司 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 44 (2), 220-222, 1998

    The case of a female infant with an unusual chromosome 7 associated with cleft lip and palate is reported. The patient was the first child of nonconsanguineous healthy parents and was born when her …

    DOI 医中誌 被引用文献1件 参考文献17件

  • 下顎前突症患者に伴う身体症状

    吉田 憲司, 松尾 直子, 金子 道生, 深谷 昌彦 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 4 (1), 42-44, 1994

    We developed the convenient measuring device of spine curvature from a lateral aspect to evaluate general symptoms of mandibular prognathism patients who apparently need surgical correction.<BR>The …


  • 口腔心身症に対する漢方薬の臨床効果

    木村 泰子, 松尾 直子, 深谷 昌彦 日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 8 (1), 76-80, 1993

    In recent years, the number of patients with psychosomatic disorders in our hospital has increased. Generally, we use minor tranquilizers, but some patients complain of sleepiness, in stability and …

    DOI 医中誌 被引用文献1件

  • 下顎前突症患者に伴う身体症状

    松尾 直子, 山下 敏康, 加藤 正美, 磯部 誠, 吉田 憲司, 高井 克悪, 深谷 昌彦, 稲本 浩 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 2 (1), 25-31, 1992

    The relation between Ricketts' facial patterns and the spine condition in preoperative mandibular prognathism patients was examined in this report.<BR>1. Anomaly of the rib hump angles was found …


  • 乳幼児上唇にみられた血管腫の2症例

    松尾 直子, 今井 隆生, 山下 敏康, 伊藤 暖果, 神谷 祐二, 水野 和生, 高井 克憙 小児口腔外科 1 (2), 133-139, 1991

    Two cases of hemangioma occured on the upper lip of baby were reported. The tumors were successfully reduced using Nd: YAG laser that has the advantage of coagulation of the tissue and hemostatic …


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