

検索結果 418 件

  • 下肢静脈超音波検査時に骨盤腔内の巨大腫瘤性病変の質的診断が有用であったTrousseau症候群の1例

    山田 幸子, 鮎川 宏之, 西海 朋子, 森 真奈美, 室井 千香子, 宮川 祐子, 齊城 順子, 中村 由紀子, 大澤 漢宇, 小菅 邦彦, 村上 隆介 超音波検査技術 47 (3), 252-259, 2022-06-01


    DOI Web Site 医中誌

  • Multi-omics analysis defines highly refractory RAS burdened immature subgroup of infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    磯部, 知弥, 髙木, 正稔, 佐藤, 亜以子, 西村, 聡, 永江, 玄太, 山岸, 千佳, 田村, 萌, 田中, 洋介, 浅田, 修平, 竹田, 玲奈, 土屋, 秋穂, Wang, Xiaonan, 吉田, 健一, 南谷, 泰仁, 上野, 浩生, 赤澤, 嶺, 加藤, 格, 三上, 貴司, 渡邉, 健太郎, 関口, 昌央, 関, 正史, 木村, 俊介, 樋渡, 光輝, 加藤, 元博, 福田, 史朗, 辰野, 健二, 堤, 修一, 金井, 昭教, 稲葉, 俊哉, 塩澤, 裕介, 白石, 友一, 千葉, 健一, 田中, 洋子, Kotecha, Rishi S., Cruickshank, Mark N., 石川, 文彦, 森尾, 友宏, 江口, 真理子, 出口, 隆生, 清河, 信敬, 荒川, ゆうき, 康, 勝好, 青木, 由貴, 石原, 卓, 富澤, 大輔, 宮村, 能子, 石井, 榮一, 水谷, 修紀, Wilson, Nicola K., Göttgens, Berthold, 宮野, 悟, 北村, 俊雄, 合山, 進, 横山, 明彦, 油谷, 浩幸, 小川, 誠司, 滝田, 順子 Nature Communications 13 2022

    ...transcription factors, fusion partners and corresponding stages of B-lymphopoietic and early hemato-endothelial development: IRX-type differentiated (IC1), IRX-type undifferentiated (IC2), HOXA-type MLLT1 (IC3...

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  • 腫瘍破裂をきたした横紋筋肉腫様成分を伴った卵巣低分化型Sertoli-Leydig細胞腫の1例

    好沢 克, 高見澤 滋, 畑田 智子, 清水 徹, 大澤 絵都子 Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons 57 (7), 1084-1088, 2021-12-20

    <p>症例は7歳,女児.夜間に誘因なく間欠的腹痛を認め近医を受診,単純CT検査で腹部腫瘤を指摘され当院へ搬送となった.入院時,下腹部に腫瘤を触知し,腹部全体に軽度の圧痛を認めるも,筋性防御は認めず.造影CT検査で右卵巣腫瘍を認め,腫瘍破裂を疑われた.術中所見で右卵巣に10 cm大の腫瘍を認め,腫瘍は背側で破裂していた.腫瘍の卵管・子宮への肉眼的な浸潤,腹膜播種巣は認めず,卵管および卵管采付着部近…

    DOI Web Site 医中誌

  • Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: 2021 update

    Jonathan S. Berek, Malte Renz, Sean Kehoe, Lalit Kumar, Michael Friedlander International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 155 (S1), 61-85, 2021-10

    ...Stage IC is now divided into three categories: IC1 (surgical spill); IC2 (capsule ruptured before surgery or tumor on ovarian or fallopian tube surface); and IC3 (malignant cells in the ascites or peritoneal...

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  • Development of ice 3D printer applying supercooling phenomenon

    TANAKA Anno, KOIKE Ryo Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21 2021.10 (0), 127-142-, 2021

    <p>Undercooling state is metastable and immediately releasable by applying disturbance intentionally. Therefore, a 3D printer with considerably high modeling efficiency expectedly can be realized by …

    DOI Web Site

  • 2019年台風第15号・第19号の影響による地下水位変動

    香川 淳 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 2021 (0), 150-, 2021



  • HTR6 and SSTR3 ciliary targeting relies on both IC3 loops and C-terminal tails

    Pablo Barbeito, Yuki Tachibana, Raquel Martin-Morales, Paula Moreno, Kirk Mykytyn, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Francesc R Garcia-Gonzalo Life Science Alliance 4 (3), e202000746-, 2020-12-28

    ...Although the third intracellular loops (IC3) of HTR6 and SSTR3 suffice to target non-ciliary GPCRs to cilia, these IC3s are dispensable for ciliary targeting of HTR6 and SSTR3 themselves, suggesting these...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件 参考文献53件

  • Molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum by multiplexed amplicon deep sequencing in Senegal

    Tolla Ndiaye, Mouhamad Sy, Amy Gaye, Katherine J. Siddle, Daniel J. Park, Amy K. Bei, Awa B. Deme, Aminata Mbaye, Baba Dieye, Yaye Die Ndiaye, Ibrahima Mbaye Ndiaye, Mamadou Alpha Diallo, Khadim Diongue, Sarah K. Volkman, Aida Sadikh Badiane, Daouda Ndiaye Malaria Journal 19 (1), 403-, 2020-11-10

    ...K1 and IC3D7 allelic families were most predominant in both sites. The local haplotype diversity (Hd) and nucleotide diversity (π) were higher in the South than in the North for both genes....

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  • Amateur Ground-based Support of the first BepiColombo flyby of Venus

    Itziar Garate-Lopez, Ricardo Hueso, Yeon Joo Lee, Valeria Mangano, Kandis Lea Jessup, Javier Peralta, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Joe Zender, Johannes Benkhoff, Go Murakami, Manuel Scherf 2020-10-08


    DOI 被引用文献1件

  • A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

    Darrell Kaufman, Nicholas McKay, Cody Routson, Michael Erb, Basil Davis, Oliver Heiri, Samuel Jaccard, Jessica Tierney, Christoph Dätwyler, Yarrow Axford, Thomas Brussel, Olivier Cartapanis, Brian Chase, Andria Dawson, Anne de Vernal, Stefan Engels, Lukas Jonkers, Jeremiah Marsicek, Paola Moffa-Sánchez, Carrie Morrill, Anais Orsi, Kira Rehfeld, Krystyna Saunders, Philipp S. Sommer, Elizabeth Thomas, Marcela Tonello, Mónika Tóth, Richard Vachula, Andrei Andreev, Sebastien Bertrand, Boris Biskaborn, Manuel Bringué, Stephen Brooks, Magaly Caniupán, Manuel Chevalier, Les Cwynar, Julien Emile-Geay, John Fegyveresi, Angelica Feurdean, Walter Finsinger, Marie-Claude Fortin, Louise Foster, Mathew Fox, Konrad Gajewski, Martin Grosjean, Sonja Hausmann, Markus Heinrichs, Naomi Holmes, Boris Ilyashuk, Elena Ilyashuk, Steve Juggins, Deborah Khider, Karin Koinig, Peter Langdon, Isabelle Larocque-Tobler, Jianyong Li, André Lotter, Tomi Luoto, Anson Mackay, Eniko Magyari, Steven Malevich, Bryan Mark, Julieta Massaferro, Vincent Montade, Larisa Nazarova, Elena Novenko, Petr Pařil, Emma Pearson, Matthew Peros, Reinhard Pienitz, Mateusz Płóciennik, David Porinchu, Aaron Potito, Andrew Rees, Scott Reinemann, Stephen Roberts, Nicolas Rolland, Sakari Salonen, Angela Self, Heikki Seppä, Shyhrete Shala, Jeannine-Marie St-Jacques, Barbara Stenni, Liudmila Syrykh, Pol Tarrats, Karen Taylor, Valerie van den Bos, Gaute Velle, Eugene Wahl, Ian Walker, Janet Wilmshurst, Enlou Zhang, Snezhana Zhilich Scientific Data 7 (1), 2020-04-14

    ...The data derive from lake sediment (51%), marine sediment (31%), peat (11%), glacier ice (3%), and other natural archives....

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  • Complement C5 Contributes to Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    Bart J. van Dijk, Joost C.M. Meijers, Anne T. Kloek, Veronique L. Knaup, Gabriel J.E. Rinkel, B. Paul Morgan, Marije J. van der Kamp, Koji Osuka, Eleonora Aronica, Ynte M. Ruigrok, Diederik van de Beek, Matthijs Brouwer, Marcela Pekna, Elly M. Hol, Mervyn D.I. Vergouwen Translational Stroke Research 11 (4), 678-688, 2019-12-06

    ...Brain sections from aneurysmal SAH patients showed increased presence of complement components C1q and C3/C3b/iC3B compared to controls....

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  • 名古屋大学タンデトロンAMS 14Cシステムの現状と利用(2018)

    中村 俊夫, 南 雅代, 増田 公明, 小田 寛貴, 三宅 芙紗, 池田 晃子, 栗田 直幸, 山根 雅子, 西田 真砂美, 佐藤 里名, 酢屋 徳啓, 北川 浩之, Nakamura Toshio, Minami Masayo, Masuda Kimiaki, Oda Hirotaka, Miyake Fusa, Ikeda Akiko, Kurita Naoyuki, Yamane Masako, Nishida Masami, Sato Rina, Suya Tokunori, Kitagawa Hiroyuki 名古屋大学年代測定研究 3 73-81, 2019-03

    名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所では,1997年3月に完置されたHigh Voltage Engineering(HVE)社製Tandetron (Model4130-AMS)が放射性炭素(14C)測定に運用されている.イオン入射部にリコンビネーターを備えて,炭素の3種の同位体が同時に測定でき,導入された当時は14C測定において高性能を誇っていた.しかし,今になるとる14Cしか測定できない事が利用拡…

    DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE

  • Adsorption Properties of Grape Phenolics to Grape Insoluble Cell Wall Materials

    Inoue Eri, Kobayashi Haruka, Hoshino Riku, Hisamoto Masashi, Watanabe-Saito Fumie, Okuda Tohru Food Science and Technology Research 25 (6), 863-869, 2019

    ...In MBA, skin IC had the potential to adsorb 20% of skin total anthocyanins, pulp IC, 5%, and seed IC, 3%. In both CS and MBA, skin IC also had the potential to adsorb 30% of skin tannins....

    DOI Web Site 参考文献21件

  • 第9章 乳幼児期の特殊性とその対応

    福田 啓伸, 吉原 重美 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 33 (2), 221-229, 2019

    <p> 「小児気管支喘息・治療管理ガイドライン2017」 (JPGL2017) の第9章は, 「乳幼児期の特殊性とその対応」 とされ, JPGL2012の第9章 「乳児喘息の急性発作と長期管理」 から変更となった. </p><p> おもな変更点は, ①JPGL2017では5歳以下を乳幼児喘息とした. ②JPGL2017では, 「乳幼児喘息」 を, 5歳以下の反復性喘鳴のうち, …

    DOI Web Site 医中誌 参考文献22件

  • Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum

    Jonathan S. Berek, Sean T. Kehoe, Lalit Kumar, Michael Friedlander International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 143 (S2), 59-78, 2018-10

    ...Stage IC is now divided into three categories: IC1 (surgical spill); IC2 (capsule ruptured before surgery or tumor on ovarian or fallopian tube surface); and IC3 (malignant cells in the ascites or peritoneal...

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • Complement Factor D protects mice from ethanol-induced inflammation and liver injury

    Rebecca L. McCullough, Megan R. McMullen, Megan M. Sheehan, Kyle L. Poulsen, Sanjoy Roychowdhury, Dian J. Chiang, Michele T. Pritchard, Juan Caballeria, Laura E. Nagy American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 315 (1), G66-G79, 2018-07-01

    ...Complement activation, assessed by hepatic accumulation of C1q and complement protein 3 (C3) cleavage products (C3b/iC3b/C3c), was evident in livers of WT mice in response to both short-term and chronic...

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  • Teechain

    Joshua Lind, Oded Naor, Ittay Eyal, Florian Kelbert, Peter Pietzuch, Emin Gün Sirer Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference 2018-06-04

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  • 卵巣悪性腫瘍合併妊娠の1例

    田中 サキ, 藤原 聡枝, 田中 良道, 田中 智人, 恒遠 啓示, 佐々木 浩, 寺井 義人, 大道 正英 産婦人科の進歩 70 (2), 89-96, 2018


    DOI Web Site 医中誌

  • 卵巣癌に対する傍大動脈リンパ節郭清後の遅発性腰動脈出血

    大須賀 拓真, 松原 慕慶, 金本 巨万, 三木 通保, 野口 峻二郎, 上村 尚文, 谷口 尚範, 藤原 潔 産婦人科の進歩 70 (3), 284-290, 2018


    DOI Web Site 医中誌

  • String constraints with concatenation and transducers solved efficiently

    Lukáš Holík, Petr Janků, Anthony W. Lin, Philipp Rümmer, Tomáš Vojnar Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 2 (POPL), 1-32, 2017-12-27

    ...IC3). We have implemented our algorithm and demonstrated its efficacy on benchmarks that are derived from cross-site scripting analysis and other examples in the literature.</jats:p>...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • TSV検査のためのTDC組込み型バウンダリスキャン制御回路の設計

    河口, 巧, 四柳, 浩之, 橋爪, 正樹 DAシンポジウム2017論文集 2017 15-20, 2017-08-23

    ...3 次元積層 IC (3DIC) のダイ間配線に使用される TSV (Through Silicon Via) は製造工程が複雑であり従来の論理値検査では検査不可能な微小遅延故障を引き起こすことがある.そこで,バウンダリスキャンに TDC (Time - to - Digial converter) を組込んだ TDC 組込み型バウンダリスキャン (TDCBS) を 3DIC に適用し,TSV の微小遅延故障検査...


  • Phase II Trial of Atezolizumab As First-Line or Subsequent Therapy for Patients With Programmed Death-Ligand 1–Selected Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer (BIRCH)

    Solange Peters, Scott Gettinger, Melissa L. Johnson, Pasi A. Jänne, Marina C. Garassino, Daniel Christoph, Chee Keong Toh, Naiyer A. Rizvi, Jamie E. Chaft, Enric Carcereny Costa, Jyoti D. Patel, Laura Q.M. Chow, Marianna Koczywas, Cheryl Ho, Martin Früh, Michel van den Heuvel, Jeffrey Rothenstein, Martin Reck, Luis Paz-Ares, Frances A. Shepherd, Takayasu Kurata, Zhengrong Li, Jiaheng Qiu, Marcin Kowanetz, Simonetta Mocci, Geetha Shankar, Alan Sandler, Enriqueta Felip Journal of Clinical Oncology 35 (24), 2781-2789, 2017-08-20

    ...With a minimum of 12 months of follow-up, the independent review facility–assessed ORR was 18% to 22% for the three cohorts, and 26% to 31% for the TC3 or IC3 subgroup; most responses are ongoing....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • The attachment of α-synuclein to a fiber: A coarse-grain approach

    Ioana M. Ilie, Wouter K. den Otter, Wim J. Briels The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (11), 2017-03-20

    <jats:p>We present simulations of the amyloidogenic core of α-synuclein, the protein causing Parkinson’s disease, as a short chain of coarse-grain patchy particles. Each particle represents a …

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  • PNHの分子遺伝学,生化学と生物学

    木下 タロウ 臨床血液 58 (4), 353-362, 2017


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  • Advancing Polar Prediction Capabilities on Daily to Seasonal Time Scales

    Thomas Jung, Neil D. Gordon, Peter Bauer, David H. Bromwich, Matthieu Chevallier, Jonathan J. Day, Jackie Dawson, Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Christopher Fairall, Helge F. Goessling, Marika Holland, Jun Inoue, Trond Iversen, Stefanie Klebe, Peter Lemke, Martin Losch, Alexander Makshtas, Brian Mills, Pertti Nurmi, Donald Perovich, Philip Reid, Ian A. Renfrew, Gregory Smith, Gunilla Svensson, Mikhail Tolstykh, Qinghua Yang Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (9), 1631-1647, 2016-09-01

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The polar regions have been attracting more and more attention in recent years, fueled by the perceptible impacts of anthropogenic climate …

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    M. Honda, T. Kudo, S. Takatsuki, A. K. Inoue, T. Nakamoto, M. Fukagawa, M. Tamura, H. Terada, N. Takato The Astrophysical Journal 821 (1), 2-, 2016-03-31

    ...K (2.2 <jats:italic>μ</jats:italic>m), H<jats:sub>2</jats:sub>O ice (3.06 <jats:italic>μ</jats:italic>m), and L′ (3.8 <jats:italic>μ</jats:italic>m) disk images were obtained and we found a 3.1 <jats:italic...

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  • Polar Lower-Latitude Linkages and Their Role in Weather and Climate Prediction

    Thomas Jung, Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Helge Goessling, Virginie Guemas, Cecilia Bitz, Carlo Buontempo, Rodrigo Caballero, Erko Jakobson, Johann Jungclaus, Michael Karcher, Torben Koenigk, Daniela Matei, James Overland, Thomas Spengler, Shuting Yang Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (11), ES197-ES200, 2015-11-01

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  • von Willebrand factor is a cofactor in complement regulation

    Shuju Feng, Xiaowen Liang, Michael H. Kroll, Dominic W. Chung, Vahid Afshar-Kharghan Blood 125 (6), 1034-1037, 2015-02-05

    ...<jats:title>Key Points</jats:title><jats:p>Normal plasma VWF multimers act as a cofactor in the factor I–mediated cleavage of C3b to iC3b and inhibit complement activation....

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  • IC3D Classification of Corneal Dystrophies—Edition 2

    Jayne S. Weiss, Hans Ulrik Møller, Anthony J. Aldave, Berthold Seitz, Cecilie Bredrup, Tero Kivelä, Francis L. Munier, Christopher J. Rapuano, Kanwal K. Nischal, Eung Kweon Kim, John Sutphin, Massimo Busin, Antoine Labbé, Kenneth R. Kenyon, Shigeru Kinoshita, Walter Lisch Cornea 34 (2), 117-159, 2015-02

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  • Preliminary study of MAGAT polymer gel dosimetry for boron-neutron capture therapy

    櫻井, 良憲, 鈴木, 実, Uchida, Ryohei, Suzuki, Minoru, Usui, Shuji, Tominaga, Takahiro Journal of Physics: Conference Series 573 012074-, 2015-01-01

    MAGAT gel dosimeter with boron is irradiated in Heavy Water Neutron Irradiation Facility (HWNIF) of Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR). The cylindrical gel phantoms are exposed to neutron beams …

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  • わが国で分離された<i>Pseudomonas syringae</i> pv. <i>actinidiae</i> biovar 3の特徴

    澤田 宏之, 清水 伸一, 三好 孝典, 篠崎 毅, 楠元 智子, 野口 真弓, 成富 毅誌, 菊原 賢次, 間佐古 将則, 藤川 貴史, 中畝 良二 日本植物病理学会報 81 (2), 111-126, 2015

    2014年4月以降,わが国の複数の産地において,キウイフルーツ(<i>Actinidia chinensis</i>および<i>A. deliciosa</i>)の幹,枝,新梢,葉,花蕾に,かいよう病様の激しい症状が新たに発生して問題となっている.枝幹部からの樹液の漏出や新梢の枯れ込み等の症状が,これまでわが国で確認されてきたかいよう病の場合より激しい事例も観察されている.愛媛,福岡,佐賀,和歌…

    DOI 日本農学文献記事索引 Web Site 被引用文献3件 参考文献17件

  • Understanding Recent Eastern Horn of Africa Rainfall Variability and Change

    Brant Liebmann, Martin P. Hoerling, Chris Funk, Ileana Bladé, Randall M. Dole, Dave Allured, Xiaowei Quan, Philip Pegion, Jon K. Eischeid Journal of Climate 27 (23), 8630-8645, 2014-12-01

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Observations and sea surface temperature (SST)-forced ECHAM5 simulations are examined to study the seasonal cycle of eastern Africa rainfall …

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  • Pre-applied Inter Chip Fill for 3D-IC Joining

    Y. Kawase, M. Ikemoto, M. Sugiyama, H. Kiritani, F. Mizutani, K. Matsumoto, H. Mori, Y. Orii International Symposium on Microelectronics 2014 (1), 000242-000246, 2014-10-01

    ...But for the purpose of low power and high performance of IC, three dimensional IC (3D-IC) have been proposed in recent years....

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  • Impact of Surgical Staging in Stage I Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Ovary

    Kayo Suzuki, Satoshi Takakura, Motoaki Saito, Asuka Morikawa, Jiro Suzuki, Kazuaki Takahashi, Chie Nagata, Nozomu Yanaihara, Hiroshi Tanabe, Aikou Okamoto International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer 24 (7), 1181-1189, 2014-09

    ...Subsequently, we investigated the impact of surgical staging, respectively, in stages IA/IC1 and stages IC2/IC3....

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  • A review on Arctic sea‐ice predictability and prediction on seasonal to decadal time‐scales

    Virginie Guemas, Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth, Matthieu Chevallier, Jonathan J. Day, Michel Déqué, Francisco J. Doblas‐Reyes, Neven S. Fučkar, Agathe Germe, Ed Hawkins, Sarah Keeley, Torben Koenigk, David Salas y Mélia, Steffen Tietsche Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (695), 546-561, 2014-07-30

    <jats:p>Sea ice plays a crucial role in the Earth's energy and water budget and has a substantial impact on local and remote atmospheric and oceanic circulations. Predictions of Arctic sea‐ice …

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献5件

  • Low Back Pain in a Natural Disaster

    Chiara Angeletti, Cristiana Guetti, Maria L. Ursini, Robert Taylor, Roberta Papola, Emiliano Petrucci, Alessandra Ciccozzi, Antonella Paladini, Franco Marinangeli, Joseph Pergolizzi, Giustino Varrassi Pain Practice 14 (2), E8-, 2013-06-14

    ...</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Results</jats:title><jats:p>The prevalence of acute LBP was 4.9% (95%, IC 3.7 to 6.4), among 958 first accesses to AMP, representing 14.1% (95%, IC 10.8 to 18.3...

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献10件

  • Kawasaki disease and ENSO‐driven wind circulation

    Joan Ballester, Jane C. Burns, Dan Cayan, Yosikazu Nakamura, Ritei Uehara, Xavier Rodó Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), 2284-2289, 2013-05-28

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Kawasaki disease (KD) is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children worldwide. Recently, a climatological study suggested that KD may be …

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  • ドライバICのスイッチング条件における放射ノイズの評価

    金子 俊之, 山田 耕三, 関谷 雅士, 高梨 哲行 エレクトロニクス実装学術講演大会講演論文集 27 (0), 232-235, 2013



  • Hyperglycemic conditions inhibit C3-mediated immunologic control of Staphylococcus aureus

    Pamela S Hair, Charlene G Echague, Reuben D Rohn, Neel K Krishna, Julius O Nyalwidhe, Kenji M Cunnion Journal of Translational Medicine 10 (1), 2012-03-05

    ...</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Results</jats:title><jats:p>Elevated glucose inhibited<jats:italic>S. aureus</jats:italic>activation of C3 and deposition of C3b and iC3b on the bacterial surface...

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  • Understanding IC3

    Aaron R. Bradley Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2012 1-14, 2012

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  • The Second Phase of the Global Land–Atmosphere Coupling Experiment: Soil Moisture Contributions to Subseasonal Forecast Skill

    R. D. Koster, S. P. P. Mahanama, T. J. Yamada, Gianpaolo Balsamo, A. A. Berg, M. Boisserie, P. A. Dirmeyer, F. J. Doblas-Reyes, G. Drewitt, C. T. Gordon, Z. Guo, J.-H. Jeong, W.-S. Lee, Z. Li, L. Luo, S. Malyshev, W. J. Merryfield, S. I. Seneviratne, T. Stanelle, B. J. J. M. van den Hurk, F. Vitart, E. F. Wood Journal of Hydrometeorology 12 (5), 805-822, 2011-10-01

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The second phase of the Global Land–Atmosphere Coupling Experiment (GLACE-2) is a multi-institutional numerical modeling experiment focused on quantifying, …

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  • Hyperfunctional C3 convertase leads to complement deposition on endothelial cells and contributes to atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome

    Lubka T. Roumenina, Mathieu Jablonski, Christophe Hue, Jacques Blouin, Jordan D. Dimitrov, Marie-Agnes Dragon-Durey, Mathieu Cayla, Wolf H. Fridman, Marie-Alice Macher, David Ribes, Luc Moulonguet, Lionel Rostaing, Simon C. Satchell, Peter W. Mathieson, Catherine Sautes-Fridman, Chantal Loirat, Catherine H. Regnier, Lise Halbwachs-Mecarelli, Veronique Fremeaux-Bacchi Blood 114 (13), 2837-2845, 2009-09-24

    ...In contrast to native factor B, the 2 mutants bound to inactivated C3 and induced formation of functional C3-convertase on iC3b-coated surface....

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  • Complement 3 deficiency impairs early pregnancy in mice

    Wang‐Ngai Chow, Yin‐Lau Lee, Po‐Chau Wong, Man‐Kin Chung, Kai‐Fai Lee, William Shu‐Biu Yeung Molecular Reproduction and Development 76 (7), 647-655, 2009-05-12

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Human oviductal cells produce complement‐3 (C3) and its derivative, iC3b. These molecules are important in immune responses....

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  • プロテオーム解析による食品機能性評価

    榊原 陽一, 中原 幸太, 岩田 喬子, 竹中 聡, 西山 和夫, 水光 正仁 日本プロテオーム学会大会要旨集 2009 (0), 135-135, 2009



  • Complement Receptor 3 Promotes Severe Ross River Virus-Induced Disease

    Thomas E. Morrison, Jason D. Simmons, Mark T. Heise Journal of Virology 82 (22), 11263-11272, 2008-11-15

    ...Here, we demonstrate that mice deficient in complement receptor 3 (CR3) (CD11b<jats:sup>−/−</jats:sup>), a signaling receptor activated by multiple ligands including the C3 cleavage fragment iC3b, develop...

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