

検索結果 5,735 件

  • 「戦災写真内を歩行可能なアバター・フレームシステム」の実展示

    小松 尚平, 渡邉 英徳 デジタルアーカイブ学会誌 8 (1), 21-24, 2024-02-01



  • 病院正面玄関から死亡退院することが与える遺族感情への影響

    吉村 真一朗, 山口 健也 Palliative Care Research 19 (2), 109-113, 2024


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  • 機能紙を対象とした画像解析と2D/3D元素分析

    池崎 満里子, 中江 俊喜 紙パ技協誌 78 (2), 151-155, 2024


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  • A Review of Current Flow Diverters

    Yamada Kiyofumi, Imamura Hirotoshi, Ozaki Saya, Niwa Akihiro, Kushi Yuji, Yamada Naoto, Ikedo Taichi, Hamano Eika, Mori Hisae, Iihara Koji, Yoshimura Shinichi, Kataoka Hiroharu 脳神経血管内治療 18 (3), 59-64, 2024

    ...<p>Flow diverter (FD) devices are new-generation stents placed in the parent artery at the aneurysmal neck to obstruct intra-aneurysmal blood flow, thus favoring intra-aneurysmal thrombosis....

    DOI Web Site Web Site 参考文献28件

  • 鼻骨骨折3D-CTにおける鼻中隔軟骨描出の試み

    吉川 哲哉, 萩原 昂 日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 40 (1), 37-41, 2024

    ...Nevertheless, advanced technology machines such as multidetector-row CT and new-generation software have improved the quality of 3D imaging, and this paper describes procedures to achieve visualization...


  • 図書館DXによる,利用者が利便性を感じるサービス:上海図書館東館を事例として

    樊 汝之 情報知識学会誌 33 (4), 373-383, 2023-12-02

    <p> ビッグデータ,IoT,人工知能,クラウドコンピューティング,5G,ブロックチェーンなどの次世代情報技術の推進の下で,中国のデジタルトランスフォーメーションの進展に伴い,ここ十数年来,中国の図書館では,「スマート図書館」の目標へと変革しつつある.</p><p> 「スマート図書館」の核心目的は大衆への「スマートサービス」である.本稿では,上海図書館東館を事例に,図書館の「スマートサービス」の…

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  • 革新的カーボンネガティブコンクリートの研究開発

    坂井 吾郎, 五十嵐 数馬, 小島 正朗 Material Cycles and Waste Management Research 34 (6), 391-400, 2023-11-30

    <p>鹿島建設 (株),デンカ (株),(株) 竹中工務店を幹事会社とし,44企業,11研究機関の全55団体からなるコンソーシアムが提案した,『革新的カーボンネガティブ (CN) コンクリートの材料・施工技術及び品質評価技術の開発』が,(国研) 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 (NEDO) のグリーンイノベーション基金事業に採択された。コンクリート産業に係るすべての分野の会社が連携し,これま…

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  • ネパール新産のムヨウラン(ラン科)

    Samuel A.H. 植物研究雑誌 98 (4), 205-207, 2023-08-20

    <p>ラン科ムヨウラン属<i>Lecanorchis</i>はアジアの熱帯~亜熱帯に分布し,23種8変種が知られている.標高1700 mの広葉樹林下でネパール新産となるムヨウラン<i>L. japonica</i>を採集したが,これは属としても初めての記録となる.</p>


  • Silicon nitride as a biomaterial

    Pezzotti Giuseppe Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 131 (8), 398-428, 2023-08-01

    ...In the biomedical field, it paves the way for a new generation of monolithic, composite, or coated implants for bone healing, including spinal arthrodesis, joint arthroplasty, craniomaxillofacial and dental...

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  • Mechanical Tuning Phase Shifter Based on Adjustable Substrate

    Wang Jiayi, Yan Yuepeng IEICE Electronics Express 20 (13), 20230179-20230179, 2023-07-10

    <p>In this study, a mechanical movable device is used to achieve a mechanical tuning phase shifter with adjustable substrate, which has a huge potentiality of tuning range. The main body of phase …

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  • AI新時代におけるIPランドスケープ~新たな価値の創出に向けたIPランドスケープのあるべき姿~

    佐川 穣, 中村 栄 情報の科学と技術 73 (7), 262-267, 2023-07-01



  • A novel S-band high linear passive mixer with an integrated driver amplifier

    Gao Gong, Zhang Yuying, Liang Quanzhen, Yang Zhe, Yan Yuepeng, Liang Xiaoxin IEICE Electronics Express 20 (12), 20230194-20230194, 2023-06-25

    <p>This paper presents a high-linearity passive double-balanced mixer with an integrated driver amplifier using the 0.25um GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) process. We …

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  • 「やまぐち未来デザインプロジェクト」の授業設計

    池田, 史子, 水津, 久美子, 小橋, 圭介, 岩野, 雅子, 人見, 英里, 椙村, 知美 山口県立大学学術情報:基盤教育紀要 16 39-52, 2023-03-31

    本稿の目的は、2022年度から開始した基盤教育のカリキュラム設計や総括的なアセスメント科目として置いた「やまぐち未来デザインプロジェクト」の授業設計の考え方を示すことである。 本学では、従来、いわゆる「テーマ型」でカリキュラムを設計してきた。しかしながら、予測不可能な時代の到来に伴い、社会や設置者が大学教育に求める資質・能力の内容や性質が変化している。そのため、求められる資質・能力を人材育成目標…


  • Moderne DaF-Lehrwerke mit digitaler Medienintegration

    BOGAD Manu ドイツ語教育 27 (0), 106-117, 2023-03-20

    Im Zuge eines persönlichen Forschungsprojektes beschäftige ich mich derzeit mit DaF-Lehrwerken, um sie anhand bestimmter Kriterien zu vergleichen und zu analysieren. Der Anlass zu dieser Studie war, …

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  • Deep neural generation of neuronal spikes

    Ryota Nakajima, Arata Shirakami, Hayato Tsumura, Kouki Matsuda, Eita Nakamura, Masanori Shimono 2023-03-06

    ...To assess the association or similarity between brain regions with a newgenerating” approach, this study evaluated the similarity of activities of neurons at the cellular level within each region after...

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  • 共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器の新世代技術

    鈴木 左文 J106-C (3), 105-111, 2023-03-01



  • Automorphism Shuffles for Graphs and Hypergraphs and Its Applications

    SHINAGAWA Kazumasa, MIYAMOTO Kengo IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E106.A (3), 306-314, 2023-03-01

    ...The authors proposed a new class of shuffles called graph shuffles, which randomly permutes a card-sequence by an automorphism of a directed graph (New Generation Computing 2022)....

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  • A Review of FXIa Inhibition as a Novel Target for Anticoagulation

    Ioannis Koulas, Alex C. Spyropoulos Hämostaseologie 43 (01), 028-036, 2023-02

    ...However, an increased risk of bleeding remains even with these new-generation oral anticoagulants in fragile patient populations, in patients requiring dual or triple antithrombotic therapy, or high bleed...

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  • Therapeutic targeting of TRAIL death receptors

    Francesca Di Cristofano, Andrew George, Vida Tajiknia, Maryam Ghandali, Laura Wu, Yiqun Zhang, Praveen Srinivasan, Jillian Strandberg, Marina Hahn, Ashley Sanchez Sevilla Uruchurtu, Attila A. Seyhan, Benedito A. Carneiro, Lanlan Zhou, Kelsey E. Huntington, Wafik S. El-Deiry Biochemical Society Transactions 51 (1), 57-70, 2023-01-11

    ...generation of TRAIL pathway-based approaches....

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  • Stimuli-responsive flexible organic crystals

    Wenbo Wu, Kui Chen, Ting Wang, Na Wang, Xin Huang, Lina Zhou, Zhao Wang, Hongxun Hao Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (6), 2026-2052, 2023

    ...<jats:p>Stimuli-responsive flexible organic crystals are a new generation of smart flexible devices aimed towards functionalization, integration, and intelligence.</jats:p>...

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  • A next generation therapy to treat obesity through thebrain

    Sebastian Zagmutt, Garcia-Chica Jesús, Kristian D. West, Anna Fosch Paraiso, Reguera Ana Cristina, Alzina Sara, Sánchez-García Laura, Fukushima Shigeto, Toh Kazuko, Casals Núria, Serra Dolors, Herrero Laura, Garcia Jordi, Kataoka Kazunori, Ariza Xavier, Quader Sabina, Rodríguez-Rodríguez Rosalía 日本薬理学会年会要旨集 97 (0), 2-B-P-064-, 2023

    ...Altogether, this study mightcontribute to the development of a new generation of nanomedicine-basedapproaches targeting brain to prevent obesity.</p>...

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  • 扇生産自動化研究

    ルイス ディアゴ, 篠田 淳一, 山崎 桂子, 安達 悠子, 萩原 一郎 計算力学講演会講演論文集 2023.36 (0), OS-1209-, 2023

    ...With the aging of the population, these skills have been lost due to the lack of continuity of the new generations....

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  • 循環器領域の抗血栓療法の研究

    後藤 信哉 日本血栓止血学会誌 34 (4), 457-467, 2023

    ...New generation of antithrombotic therapy become novel standard of care only when it showed better efficacy and safety as compared to the previously established standard of care in the clinical trial....

    DOI Web Site 医中誌 参考文献56件

  • A Performance Prediction Method of Open Channel Type Regenerative Blower

    Lee Chan, Ma Jae Hyun, Chung Kyung Ho International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems 16 (1), 140-147, 2023

    ...The present work propose a momentum exchange theory with new generalized pressure and leakage flow loss models for designing and predicting performance of open channel type regenerative blower....


  • 反出生主義をめぐる今日的状況に対して教育(学)は何ができるのか

    樋口 大夢 教育学研究 90 (2), 262-272, 2023

    <p> 本稿では、「人間は生まれてこないほうが良い」と主張する反出生主義に関するいくつかの議論の観点から教育(学)について検討を行った。反出生主義を前提とするとき、新たに生まれてくる存在に対する教育(学)からの応答は極めて重要となる。反出生主義に応答する教育(学)は、教育(学)のすべてが肯定あるいは否定される訳ではないということに自覚的でありつつ、思考することが求められるのである。こうした教育(…


  • 陶磁器産業地域の特性を活かしたまちづくり施策の実態に関する研究

    永野 聡, 岡本 肇, 臼井 直之 都市計画報告集 21 (3), 271-277, 2022-12-08


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  • Bounded Approximate Payoff Division for MC-nets Games

    HIRAYAMA Katsutoshi, OKIMOTO Tenda IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E105.D (12), 2085-2091, 2022-12-01

    ...The underlying idea behind this algorithm is basically the same as the previous one, but one key contribution is to give a clearer view on the pricing problem leading to the development of our new general...

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  • Sequencing Illumina libraries at high accuracy on the ONT MinION using R2C2

    Alexander Zee, Dori Z.Q. Deng, Matthew Adams, Kayla D. Schimke, Russell Corbett-Detig, Shelbi L. Russell, Xuan Zhang, Robert J. Schmitz, Christopher Vollmers Genome Research 32 (11-12), 2092-2106, 2022-11

    ...Among a new generation of sequencing technologies, Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) holds a unique position because the ONT MinION, an error-prone long-read sequencer, is associated with little to no...

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  • STEPS 4.0: Fast and memory-efficient molecular simulations of neurons at the nanoscale

    Weiliang, Chen, Tristan, Carel, Omar, Awile, Nicola, Cantarutti, Giacomo, Castiglioni, Alessandro, Cattabiani, Baudouin, Del Marmol, Iain, Hepburn, James G., King, Christos, Kotsalos, Pramod, Kumbhar, Jules, Lallouette, Samuel, Melchior, Felix, Schürmann, Erik, De Schutter Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 16 883742-, 2022-10-26

    ...This paper introduces a new generation of the STochastic Engine for Pathway Simulation (STEPS) project (http://steps.sourceforge.net/), denominated STEPS 4.0, and its core components which have been designed...


  • Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs): From the laboratory point of view

    Sandra Margetić, Sandra Šupraha Goreta, Ivana Ćelap, Marija Razum Acta Pharmaceutica 72 (4), 459-482, 2022-10-18

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) represent a new generation of drugs that have been increasingly used in the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic...

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  • E-models of inflation and primordial black holes

    Daniel Frolovsky, Sergei V. Ketov, Sultan Saburov Frontiers in Physics 10 1005333-, 2022-10-04

    ...<jats:p>We propose and study the new (generalized) E-type <jats:italic>α</jats:italic>-attractor models of inflation, in order to include formation of primordial black holes (PBHs)....

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  • Pseudo Entropy in U(1) gauge theory

    Jyotirmoy Mukherjee Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (10), 2022-10-04

    ...<jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>We study the properties of pseudo entropy, a new generalization of entanglement entropy, in free Maxwell field theory in...

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  • PD-1-cis IL-2R agonism yields better effectors from stem-like CD8+ T cells

    Laura Codarri Deak, Valeria Nicolini, Masao Hashimoto, Maria Karagianni, Petra C. Schwalie, Laura Lauener, Eleni Maria Varypataki, Marine Richard, Esther Bommer, Johannes Sam, Stefanie Joller, Mario Perro, Floriana Cremasco, Leo Kunz, Emilio Yanguez, Tamara Hüsser, Ramona Schlenker, Marisa Mariani, Vinko Tosevski, Sylvia Herter, Marina Bacac, Inja Waldhauer, Sara Colombetti, Xavier Gueripel, Stephan Wullschleger, Melanie Tichet, Douglas Hanahan, Haydn T. Kissick, Stephane Leclair, Anne Freimoser-Grundschober, Stefan Seeber, Volker Teichgräber, Rafi Ahmed, Christian Klein, Pablo Umaña Nature 610 (7930), 161-172, 2022-09-28

    ...These findings provide the basis for the development of a new generation of PD-1 <jats:italic>cis</jats:italic>-targeted IL-2R agonists with enhanced therapeutic potential for the treatment of cancer and...

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  • Biological Evaluation of the Effect of Root Canal Sealers Using a Rat Model

    Motoki Okamoto, Sayako Matsumoto, Kiichi Moriyama, Hailing Huang, Masakatsu Watanabe, Jiro Miura, Keita Sugiyama, Yujiro Hirose, Manabu Mizuhira, Nanako Kuriki, Julian G. Leprince, Yusuke Takahashi, Shigetada Kawabata, Mikako Hayashi Pharmaceutics 14 (10), 2038-, 2022-09-24

    ...These results may help to understand the biological impacts of root canal sealers on surrounding biological tissues, guiding future research and comparisons with new generations of materials.</jats:p>...

    DOI Web Site 参考文献34件

  • Bioelectronic multifunctional bone implants: recent trends

    Marco P. Soares dos Santos, Rodrigo M. C. Bernardo Bioelectronic Medicine 8 (1), 2022-09-21

    ...One can conclude that many challenges must be overcome to successfully develop them as revision-free implants, but their many strengths highlight a huge potential to effectively establish a new generation...

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  • Percutaneous coronary intervention using new-generation drug-eluting stents versus coronary arterial bypass grafting in stable patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease: From the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry Cohort-3

    Watanabe, Hiroki, 山本, 航, 塩見, 紘樹, Morimoto, Takeshi, 加藤, 恵理, Matsumura, Yukiko, Nakatsuma, Kenji, 竹治, 泰明, 夜久, 英憲, 山本, 絵里香, 山下, 侑吾, 芳川, 裕亮, 布木, 誠之, 山地, 杏平, Ehara, Natsuhiko, Sakamoto, Hiroki, Imada, Kazuaki, Tada, Takeshi, Taniguchi, Ryoji, Nishikawa, Ryusuke, Tada, Tomohisa, Uegaito, Takashi, Ogawa, Tatsuya, Yamada, Miho, Takeda, Teruki, Eizawa, Hiroshi, Tamura, Nobushige, Tambara, Keiichi, Suwa, Satoru, Shirotani, Manabu, Tamura, Toshihiro, Inoko, Moriaki, Nishizawa, Junichiro, Natsuaki, Masahiro, Sakai, Hiroshi, Yamamoto, Takashi, Kanemitsu, Naoki, Ohno, Nobuhisa, Ishii, Katsuhisa, Marui, Akira, Tsuneyoshi, Hiroshi, Terai, Yasuhiko, Nakayama, Shogo, 山﨑, 和裕, Takahashi, Mamoru, Tamura, Takashi, Esaki, Jiro, Miki, Shinji, Onodera, Tomoya, Mabuchi, Hiroshi, Furukawa, Yutaka, Tanaka, Masaru, Komiya, Tatsuhiko, Soga, Yoshiharu, Hanyu, Michiya, Ando, Kenji, Kadota, Kazushige, 湊谷, 謙司, Nakagawa, Yoshihisa, 木村, 剛 PLOS ONE 17 (9), 2022-09

    ...AIMS: There is a scarcity of studies comparing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using new-generation drug-eluting stents (DES) with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with multi-vessel...


  • The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). I. Dry Cases—The Fellowship of the GCMs

    Martin Turbet, Thomas J. Fauchez, Denis E. Sergeev, Ian A. Boutle, Kostas Tsigaridis, Michael J. Way, Eric T. Wolf, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, François Forget, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Ravi K. Kopparapu, F. Hugo Lambert, James Manners, Nathan J. Mayne, Linda Sohl The Planetary Science Journal 3 (9), 211-, 2022-09-01

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>With the commissioning of powerful, new-generation telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the ground-based Extremely Large...

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  • ワクチニアベクターワクチン開発と野生動物への適用の可能性

    大石 和恵, 丸山 正 日本野生動物医学会誌 27 (2), 111-118, 2022-09-01

    <p>パンデミックをもたらした新型コロナウイルス感染症COVID-19に対して,これまでに使用実績のない新型ワクチンが使われている。これには、抗原を発現する系として,核酸を用いるタイプとベクターウイルスを用いるタイプがあり,どちらも大きな効果を挙げているが,熱安定性が低く,保存や輸送に超低温を含む厳格な温度管理を必要とするのが課題である。ワクチニアウイルス(<i>Vaccinia …

    DOI Web Site Web Site ほか1件 参考文献27件

  • Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks with scu Topology

    Saikat Das, Taishu Sekine, Haruna Mabuchi, Tsukasa Irie, Jin Sakai, Yuichi Negishi 2022-08-12

    ...<jats:p>Three-dimensional (3D) covalent organic frameworks (COFs) exemplify a new generation of crystalline extended solids with intriguing structures and unprecedented porosity....

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    Gillespie Eric, Javadian David, Tang J. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flexible Automation 2022 (0), 339-345, 2022-07-03

    ...<p><i>The combination of additive manufacturing techniques such as cold spray coating and a controlled robot arm can yield a new generation of robotic repairing systems....


  • Helmholtz: A Verifier for Tezos Smart Contracts Based on Refinement Types

    西田, 雄気, 齋藤, 大聖, 陳, 然, 河田, 旺, Furuse, Jun, 末永, 幸平, 五十嵐, 淳 New Generation Computing 40 (2), 507-540, 2022-07

    A smart contract is a program executed on a blockchain, based on which many cryptocurrencies are implemented, and is being used for automating transactions. Due to the large amount of money that …

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  • 中国国内のAI倫理研究の現状について

    侯 乃禎 応用倫理 13 58-70, 2022-06-30



  • 極低温静電型イオン蓄積リングの開発と冷却分子イオンの物理

    中野 祐司, 榎本 嘉範, 東 俊行 日本物理学会誌 77 (6), 346-354, 2022-06-05



  • 2022 roadmap on neuromorphic computing and engineering

    Dennis V Christensen, Regina Dittmann, Bernabe Linares-Barranco, Abu Sebastian, Manuel Le Gallo, Andrea Redaelli, Stefan Slesazeck, Thomas Mikolajick, Sabina Spiga, Stephan Menzel, Ilia Valov, Gianluca Milano, Carlo Ricciardi, Shi-Jun Liang, Feng Miao, Mario Lanza, Tyler J Quill, Scott T Keene, Alberto Salleo, Julie Grollier, Danijela Marković, Alice Mizrahi, Peng Yao, J Joshua Yang, Giacomo Indiveri, John Paul Strachan, Suman Datta, Elisa Vianello, Alexandre Valentian, Johannes Feldmann, Xuan Li, Wolfram H P Pernice, Harish Bhaskaran, Steve Furber, Emre Neftci, Franz Scherr, Wolfgang Maass, Srikanth Ramaswamy, Jonathan Tapson, Priyadarshini Panda, Youngeun Kim, Gouhei Tanaka, Simon Thorpe, Chiara Bartolozzi, Thomas A Cleland, Christoph Posch, ShihChii Liu, Gabriella Panuccio, Mufti Mahmud, Arnab Neelim Mazumder, Morteza Hosseini, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Elisa Donati, Silvia Tolu, Roberto Galeazzi, Martin Ejsing Christensen, Sune Holm, Daniele Ielmini, N Pryds Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2 (2), 022501-, 2022-05-20

    ...This new generation of computers has the potential to be used for the storage and processing of large amounts of digital information with much lower power consumption than conventional processors....

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  • Transmission electron microscopy at the quantum limit

    Stewart A. Koppell, Yonatan Israel, Adam J. Bowman, Brannon B. Klopfer, M. A. Kasevich Applied Physics Letters 120 (19), 190502-, 2022-05-09

    ...<jats:p>A number of visions for a new generation of dose-efficient electron microscopes have been advanced....

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  • Microvascular stabilization via blood-brain barrier regulation prevents seizure activity

    Chris Greene, Nicole Hanley, Cristina R. Reschke, Avril Reddy, Maarja A. Mäe, Ruairi Connolly, Claire Behan, Eoin O’Keeffe, Isobel Bolger, Natalie Hudson, Conor Delaney, Michael A. Farrell, Donncha F. O’Brien, Jane Cryan, Francesca M. Brett, Alan Beausang, Christer Betsholtz, David C. Henshall, Colin P. Doherty, Matthew Campbell Nature Communications 13 (1), 2003-, 2022-04-14

    ...Altogether, we propose that BBB stabilizing drugs could represent a new generation of agents to prevent seizure activity in epilepsy patients.</jats:p>...

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  • Development of a new generation of ion beams

    Masashi Nojima Impact 2022 (3), 46-47, 2022-04-01

    ...Junior Associate Professor Masahi Nojima, Research Institute of Science and Technology at the Tokyo University of Science, Japan, is working to create a new generation of ion beams....

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  • General parameter-shift rules for quantum gradients

    David Wierichs, Josh Izaac, Cody Wang, Cedric Yen-Yu Lin Quantum 6 677-, 2022-03-30

    ...In this work, we use this fact to derive new, general parameter-shift rules for single-parameter gates, and provide closed-form expressions to apply them....

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  • Efficient Card-Based Majority Voting Protocols

    Yoshiki Abe, Takeshi Nakai, Yoshihisa Kuroki, Shinnosuke Suzuki, Yuta Koga, Yohei Watanabe, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Ohta New Generation Computing 40 (1), 173-198, 2022-03-23

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Card-based cryptography is a variety of secure multiparty computation (MPC). Recently, a new technique called private operations was introduced because the …

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  • Bayesian Bivariate Cure Rate Models Using Copula Functions

    Jie Huang, Haiming Zhou, Nader Ebrahimi International Journal of Statistics and Probability 11 (3), 9-, 2022-03-09

    ...In this paper, we propose a Bayesian bivariate cure rate mode where a correlation coefficient is used for the association between bivariate cure rate fractions and a new generalized Farlie Gumbel Morgenstern...

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  • Organic Molecules in Interstellar Space: Latest Advances

    Michel Guélin, Jose Cernicharo Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9 787567-, 2022-03-02

    ...Equipped with new generation receivers, those instruments have provided the orders of magnitude leap in sensitivity required to detect the vanishingly weak rotational lines that allowed the molecule identifications...

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  • Design Strategies for High‐Energy‐Density Aqueous Zinc Batteries

    Pengchao Ruan, Shuquan Liang, Bingan Lu, Hong Jin Fan, Jiang Zhou Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (17), 202200598-, 2022-03

    ...Finally, the challenges and perspectives for the further development of high‐energy‐density zinc batteries are outlined to guide research towards newgeneration batteries for household appliances, low‐speed...

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  • Probability Distribution on Full Rooted Trees

    Yuta Nakahara, Shota Saito, Akira Kamatsuka, Toshiyasu Matsushima Entropy 24 (3), 328-, 2022-02-24

    ...Therefore, we extract their mathematically essential components and derive new generalized methods to calculate the expectation, posterior distribution, etc.</jats:p>...

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  • Central airway obstruction: is it time to move forward?

    Fernando Guedes, Mariana V. Branquinho, Ana C. Sousa, Rui D. Alvites, António Bugalho, Ana Colette Maurício BMC Pulmonary Medicine 22 (1), 2022-02-19

    ...A new generation of costume-tailored airway stents, associated with stem cell-based therapy, could be an option in specific clinical situations.</jats:p></jats:sec>...

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  • Private Function Evaluation with Cards

    Alexander Koch, Stefan Walzer New Generation Computing 40 (1), 115-147, 2022-02-12

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Card-based protocols allow to evaluate an arbitrary fixed Boolean function <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$f$$</jats:tex-math><mml:ma…

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  • Target and non-target vessel related events at 10 years post percutaneous coronary intervention

    J. J. Coughlan, Alp Aytekin, Erion Xhepa, Salvatore Cassese, Michael Joner, Tobias Koch, Jens Wiebe, Tobias Lenz, Tobias Rheude, Constanza Pellegrini, Senta Gewalt, Tareq Ibrahim, Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz, Heribert Schunkert, Adnan Kastrati, Sebastian Kufner Clinical Research in Cardiology 111 (7), 787-794, 2022-02-11

    ...</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Conclusion</jats:title> <jats:p>At 10-year post-PCI with new generation drug eluting stents, events related to...

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