

検索結果 1,792 件

  • 近未来的社会課題解決に向けたリーダーシップ研究の必要性

    庄司 直人 人間工学 60 (2), 83-88, 2024-04-15


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  • 研究・実践を位置づけるための多層的共生モデル

    桂 悠介 共生学研究 1 (0), 146-177, 2024-03-31

    「共生」という理念や実践は、社会的課題の克服に寄与すると期待されている 一方で、曖昧に掲げるだけでは、生きづらさを感じる人々に対して加害性を 持ちうる。さらに、共生の対象や主体が多様化し、議論も拡散している。こ のような状況下で、共生概念の問題点を認識した議論や実践を行うためには、 各々のいう共生の意味や特徴を明確にする必要がある。そこで本論文では先 …


  • 日本の理学療法学科初学者の理学療法イメージに及ぼす理学療法コンテンツの影響

    日本公衆衛生理学療法雑誌 10 (2), 1-5, 2024-03-30



  • Reflections on English Literature Curricula in English Workshop 3/4

    Jordan Svien 広島文教大学高等教育研究 (10) 13-29, 2024-03-19

    広島文教大学の一般英語コースの最終学年であるEnglish Workshop 3/4は,文学と文学分析のコースである。文学カリキュラムは,いくつかの異なるカリキュラム試行後,2022年に正式に採用された。学生の能力レベル,興味,要望の違いから,このコースでは6学期間のカリキュラムで7冊の小説を使用し,教材や課題は学期ごとに新しく作成された。本論は,同コースが文学カリキュラムを採用した経緯と,コー…

    DOI 機関リポジトリ

  • 大学生が回想する親の養育行動が子どもの嘘行動に及ぼす影響

    多田 帆花 九州大学総合臨床心理研究 15 87-92, 2024-03-15



  • Aristotle’s Taxonomy of Metaphor in the Poetics: Synecdoche,Synonymity,and Analogy,with References to Greek Literature

    DOWLING Tim 甲南大学全学共通教育センター紀要 2 41-52, 2024-03-13


    DOI 機関リポジトリ

  • 『愚公山を移す』における〈パフォーマンス〉――上海档案館から発見した撮影記録資料に基づいて

    龐 鴻 映像学 111 (0), 157-176, 2024-02-25



  • ChatGPT Summarization: A Deep Dive into In-Context Learning Efficacy

    袁 培傑, 大野 正樹, 橋本 泰一 人工知能学会研究会資料 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 100 (0), 13-19, 2024-02-20

    ...This study comprehensively explains in-context learning's nuances in text summarization, highlighting its merits and demerits for future researchers.</p>...


  • Faulknerʼs “Black” Emily

    Wu You Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences 19 23-29, 2024-02

    ...Uncovering overlooked racial dimensions provides new insights that enrich interpretation and highlight Faulknerʼs nuanced, visionary approach to portraying racial ambiguity....


  • 周術期モニタリングの基礎知識とピットフォール

    讃岐 美智義 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 52 (1), 54-61, 2024-01-15

    <p> <b>【要旨】</b> 本稿では,全身麻酔中の周術期モニタリングの基礎とその落とし穴について詳細に解説した.麻酔科医が患者の状態を正確に評価するためには,モニタリング機器のみに依存せず,複数のパラメータを総合的に解釈することの重要性を強調した.また,個々の患者に合わせた麻酔管理が重要であり,モニタリング機器からの情報を細かく読み取り解釈することが,麻酔科医の技術向上のみならず,患者の安全…

    DOI 医中誌

  • 文学翻訳における三視点対照翻訳法の活用

    グェン タン タム 年報Promis 2 (1), 19-32, 2024

    ...This research adopts a threefold perspective: In the first perspective, it introduces the concept of triangular comparison, a methodology that leverages AI to compare multiple translations, illuminating nuanced...


  • 生成AI (ChatGPT-3.5) を用いた多言語頭痛問診票作成の発案

    東 壮太郎, 岡田 由恵, 山下 優子, 瀬戸 亜矢, 中西 理子 日本頭痛学会誌 50 (3), 617-624, 2024

    <p>  近年,頭痛診療において外国人受診者の増加,多国籍化・多言語化が認められ,実臨床での対応に困難を伴うことが多い.ウェブ上には多言語に対応した頭痛問診票が公開されているが,汎用性を重視しているため,その内容は十分とはいえない.われわれは,生成AIの翻訳機能を用いた多言語頭痛問診票の作成を発案し,考えられる特徴について検討した.本アプローチは,従来の問診票と比較して,多言語対応性,独自性,継…


  • 都市再開発エリアにおける滞在人口の社会経済的多様性に関する一考察

    上杉 昌也 都市計画報告集 22 (3), 505-508, 2023-12-11


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  • 老年行動科学における研究者と実践家の コラボレーションの創出に向けて

    堀口 康太, 小柳 達也, 福馬 健一 高齢者のケアと行動科学 28 (0), 37-54, 2023-12-01

    本学会の研究委員会では,「研究活動促進事業」を創出し,「ケアと研究の出会い」のさらなる促進を目的に活 動を行っており,その一環として,現場と研究の連携に関するニーズ調査を実施した。調査期間は2022 年1 月から5 月初旬までであった。送付数311 通のうち,41 通の回答があった(回収率13.2%)。41 通の内訳は研 究機関向けの質問紙が26 通,現場向けの質問紙が15 …

    DOI Web Site 医中誌

  • 境界線をめぐる政治と辺境統治性

    楠 和樹 アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究 2023 (106), 19-66, 2023-09-30

    ...By examining how the government territorialized a specific sub-clan of Somalis and how the latter engaged with such territorialization, this study provides a nuanced understanding of colonial rule in the...


  • 「厚み」ある研究広報のすすめ 効果的に学術情報を発信する重層的手法

    今羽右左 デイヴィッド 甫, 清水 智樹 情報の科学と技術 73 (6), 225-229, 2023-06-01


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  • 小政体の文化人類学的意義

    栗本 英世 文化人類学 87 (4), 553-572, 2023-03-31

    <p>現代世界の構成単位である国民国家内部の政治空間は均一ではない。国家という大きな政体(polity)の内部に、統治と法の支配が十分には及んでいない空間が存在することがある。こうした空間の住民がある程度の独自の統治と法の支配を実践している場合、それを小政体(small polity)と呼ぶ。犯罪者集団や武装集団に支配されている地域はその例である。人類学が伝統的に研究対象としてきた王国と首長国も…


  • Differences in fabric hand perceptions among Japanese and Chinese individuals

    Tomoharu Ishikawa, Junki Tsunetou, Yoshiko Yanagida, Mutsumi Yanaka, Minoru Mitsui, Kazuya Sasaki, Miyoshi Ayama International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 35 (3), 334-349, 2023-03-20

    ...Japanese people evaluate fabric hand in a more nuanced manner than Chinese individuals, including discerning different fabric attributes, such as fiber and yarn thickness and density....

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  • A climate-conditioned catastrophe risk model for UK flooding

    Paul D. Bates, James Savage, Oliver Wing, Niall Quinn, Christopher Sampson, Jeffrey Neal, Andrew Smith Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (2), 891-908, 2023-03-07

    ...The analysis contains a greater level of detail and nuance compared to previous work, and represents our current best understanding of the UK's changing flood risk landscape....

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  • 日本の高等教育の神話を再考する : 日本の大学からは何も学べないのか?

    ラプリー ジェルミー, 小松 光 名古屋高等教育研究 23 279-315, 2023-03


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  • Evolution in Value Relevance of Accounting Information

    Mary E. Barth, Ken Li, Charles G. McClure The Accounting Review 98 (1), 1-28, 2023-01-01

    ...Taken together, our findings reveal an evolution to a more nuanced, but not declining, relation between accounting information and share price....

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  • Devices and Techniques

    Kaneko Naoki, Sakuta Kenichi, Imahori Taichiro, Gedion Hannah, Ghovvati Mahsa, Tateshima Satoshi 脳神経血管内治療 17 (11), 257-262, 2023

    ...We emphasize the need for future investigations to elucidate these nuances further, aiming to refine procedural strategies and individualize patient care for optimal outcomes.</p>...

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  • 内頚動脈瘤のクリッピング術における穿通枝虚血回避の対策と手術成績 ─術後急性期のMRによる評価─

    河本 俊介, 池田 剛, 阿久津 善光, 深谷 春介, 安部 欣博, 奥貫 かなえ, 阿久津 博義 脳卒中の外科 51 (6), 490-496, 2023


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  • 国際移住者の宗教活動に関する地理学的研究の展開

    川添 航 地理空間 16 (1), 1-19, 2023



  • 河川の不法投棄物検知におけるマルチモーダルモデルの適用検証

    岡野 将大, 吉田 龍人, 高橋 悠太, 藤井 純一郎, 天方 匡純 人工知能学会全国大会論文集 JSAI2023 (0), 2N6GS1004-2N6GS1004, 2023



  • Likelihood Based Inference

    GyunSeop Bae 日本臨床薬理学会学術総会抄録集 44 (0), 2-C-KJS-2-, 2023

    ...The ongoing discourse surroundingthese methodologies reflects the dynamic evolution of statistical thinking andthe nuanced choices statisticians face in navigating the ever-expanding terrainof data analysis...


  • 歴史資料の保存から考える「利他」

    多久和 理実 コモンズ 2023 (2), 211-227, 2023



  • まちの未来をつくる賃貸住宅業

    𠮷原 勝己, 箱田 あき 日本不動産学会誌 36 (3), 72-78, 2022-12-27

    ...That is, by fostering connections between residents and the townspeople in a vintage-nuanced “Retro Building”, the building becomes into “self-propelled”....

    DOI Web Site

  • Overlaps in collaboration adjustments

    Lala U. Takeda Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 33 (2), 285-312, 2022-11-14

    ...These results suggest the importance of teaching students how to use overlaps in both American English and Japanese interactions to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the cultural nuances...

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  • Detecting Thresholds of Ecological Change in the Anthropocene

    Rebecca Spake, Martha Paola Barajas-Barbosa, Shane A. Blowes, Diana E. Bowler, Corey T. Callaghan, Magda Garbowski, Stephanie D. Jurburg, Roel van Klink, Lotte Korell, Emma Ladouceur, Roberto Rozzi, Duarte S. Viana, Wu-Bing Xu, Jonathan M. Chase Annual Review of Environment and Resources 47 (1), 797-821, 2022-10-17

    ...We highlight a need for nuance in synthetic studies of thresholds, which could improve our predictive understanding of thresholds....

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  • Artificial intelligence adoption in a monopoly market

    Joshua S. Gans Managerial and Decision Economics 44 (2), 1098-1106, 2022-10-04

    ...While AI has positive benefits for firms in terms of profitability, its impact on average price and quantity, as well as consumer welfare, is more nuanced and critically dependent on environmental characteristics...

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Role of Japanese schools for the blind in the era of inclusion

    Hisae Miyauchi, Erika Matsuda British Journal of Visual Impairment 42 (2), 299-311, 2022-10-04

    ...The findings highlight the complexity of the debate surrounding segregated schools in this era of inclusion and calls on policy makers and school administrators to adopt a more nuanced understanding of...

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  • Regulation of Digital Platforms and the Digital Economy in Japan

    Tsukasa Aso, Christoph Rademacher GRUR International 71 (10), 980-995, 2022-09-09

    ...In this paper, we outline how Japan regulates issues related to digital platforms and the digital economy, and highlight some nuances of the Japanese law by comparing it with corresponding European systems...


  • Novel pathophysiological insights in autoimmune myasthenia gravis

    Gianvito Masi, Kevin C. O’Connor Current Opinion in Neurology 35 (5), 586-596, 2022-08-04

    ...Diverse mechanisms of immunopathology between the two subtypes, as well as qualitative nuances in the autoantibody repertoire of each patient, likely underpin the variability in therapeutic outcomes....

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  • Spatio-Temporal Properties of Amused, Embarrassed, and Pained Smiles

    Shushi Namba, Wataru Sato, Hiroshi Matsui Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 46 (4), 467-483, 2022-07-01

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Smiles are universal but nuanced facial expressions that are most frequently used in face-to-face communications, typically indicating amusement but sometimes conveying...

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  • Enhancing long-term forecasting: Learning from COVID-19 models

    Hazhir Rahmandad, Ran Xu, Navid Ghaffarzadegan PLOS Computational Biology 18 (5), e1010100-, 2022-05-19

    ...Second, we introduce a very simple model, SEIRb, that incorporates these features, and few other nuances, offers informative predictions for as far as 20-weeks ahead, with accuracy comparable with the...

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  • 小規模家族経営における女性の働き方と家族生活――その構造的特徴の検討――

    宮下 さおり 家族社会学研究 34 (1), 58-65, 2022-04-30


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  • Diminishing Dreams

    Ian Rogers, Dave Carter, Benjamin Morgan, Anna Edgington M/C Journal 25 (2), 2022-04-25

    ...As NFTs have developed, this discourse has become more nuanced, arguing that creators are now able to exploit both ownership and abundance....

    DOI 被引用文献1件

  • 人称表現における複数性と不定性

    牧 彩花 日本語教育 181 (0), 111-125, 2022-04-25

    <p> 「人々」という言葉は,「人」の複数と単純に捉えられていることが多いが,単なる複数を意味するわけではない。本稿では,日本語学習者が「人々」という語を,多用・誤用していることに着目し,コーパスの分析をもとに,以下の諸点を指摘する。「人々」には「個性を有した複数性,不定性」や「他者性」といった複数性以上の意味が含まれる。また,この語を学習者が多用・誤用する原因として,学習者の母語での人間複数を…


  • Listeria monocytogenes requires cellular respiration for NAD+ regeneration and pathogenesis

    Rafael Rivera-Lugo, David Deng, Andrea Anaya-Sanchez, Sara Tejedor-Sanz, Eugene Tang, Valeria M Reyes Ruiz, Hans B Smith, Denis V Titov, John-Demian Sauer, Eric P Skaar, Caroline M Ajo-Franklin, Daniel A Portnoy, Samuel H Light eLife 11 2022-04-05

    ...These studies show that NAD<jats:sup>+</jats:sup> regeneration represents a major role of <jats:italic>L. monocytogenes</jats:italic> respiration and highlight the nuanced relationship between bacterial...

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  • Uncertainty estimation with deep learning for rainfall–runoff modeling

    Daniel Klotz, Frederik Kratzert, Martin Gauch, Alden Keefe Sampson, Johannes Brandstetter, Günter Klambauer, Sepp Hochreiter, Grey Nearing Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (6), 1673-1693, 2022-03-31

    ...The analysis extends the notion of performance and shows that the model learns nuanced behaviors to account for different situations. </jats:p>...

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  • Resonance Couplings in Si@MoS<sub>2</sub> Core–Shell Architectures

    Tatsuki Hinamoto, Yea‐Shine Lee, Sina Abedini Dereshgi, Jennifer G. DiStefano, Roberto dos Reis, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Koray Aydin, Minoru Fujii, Vinayak P. Dravid Small 18 (17), 2022-03-19

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides and optical cavities that can couple to each other are rising candidates for advanced quantum optics and …

    DOI Web Site Web Site 参考文献52件

  • SpaceX—Sailing Close to the Space Weather?

    Mike Hapgood, Huixin Liu, Noé Lugaz Space Weather 20 (3), e2022SW003074-, 2022-03

    ...Lessons to be learned by the space industry and the space weather community are discussed, including a better dialog, nuanced understanding of space weather risks associated with modest events, but also...

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  • なぜ消費者は消費を隠すのか

    六嶋 俊太 マーケティングレビュー 3 (1), 46-52, 2022-02-28


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  • Epistemic stance in L2 English discourse

    Mika Kizu, Eiko Gyogi, Patrick Dougherty Applied Pragmatics 4 (1), 33-62, 2022-02-09

    ...Furthermore, our qualitative analysis of two learners demonstrates their pragmatic development through a more nuanced hedged assertion, as well as the non-linear and complex nature of their development...

    DOI PDF 参考文献48件

  • Classical mathematical models for prediction of response to chemotherapy and immunotherapy

    Narmin Ghaffari Laleh, Chiara Maria Lavinia Loeffler, Julia Grajek, Kateřina Staňková, Alexander T. Pearson, Hannah Sophie Muti, Christian Trautwein, Heiko Enderling, Jan Poleszczuk, Jakob Nikolas Kather PLOS Computational Biology 18 (2), e1009822-, 2022-02-04

    ...We show that the early treatment response shows only moderate correlation with the final treatment response, demonstrating the need for nuanced models....

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  • Defining Training and Performance Caliber: A Participant Classification Framework

    Alannah K.A. McKay, Trent Stellingwerff, Ella S. Smith, David T. Martin, Iñigo Mujika, Vicky L. Goosey-Tolfrey, Jeremy Sheppard, Louise M. Burke International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 17 (2), 317-331, 2022-02-01

    ...Additional nuances such as depth of sport participation, nationality differences, and gender parity within a sport are all discussed....

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  • 自閉症者の不確実性理解と意思決定:

    本田 秀仁, 熊崎 博一, 植田 一博 日本認知心理学会発表論文集 2021 (0), 5-5, 2022



  • 単語ベクトルの類似度を用いた英米文学の通時的含意分析

    金子 淳, 大槻 恭士, 坂口 隆之 人工知能学会全国大会論文集 JSAI2022 (0), 1K1GS605-1K1GS605, 2022



  • 生殖における男性の当事者性・再考

    齋藤 圭介 社会学評論 72 (4), 467-486, 2022


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  • ホモソーシャル概念の多義性を使い尽くす

    森山 至貴 社会学評論 73 (1), 2-18, 2022

    <p>2021年現在,男性中心社会における男同士の内輪のルールや雰囲気などに批判的に言及するために,アカデミズムの内外において「ホモソーシャル」という概念が多く用いられている.しかしその用法は,しばしばこの概念の出自として言及されるE. K. セジウィックの用法とは異なるようにもみえる.このような状況をさしてホモソーシャル概念の「乱用」と言われたりもする.</p> …

    DOI Web Site 参考文献10件

  • A Nickelate Renaissance

    J. F. Mitchell Frontiers in Physics 9 2021-12-23

    ...These crystalline specimens are opening windows that shed new light on the cuprate-nickelate analogy and reveal nuances that leave the relationship between cuprates and nickelates very much an area open...

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  • Worries and Benefit Finding in Cancer Survivors and Parents: A Longitudinal Study

    Sofie Prikken, Koen Raymaekers, Jurgen Lemiere, Trui Vercruysse, Anne Uyttebroeck, Koen Luyckx Journal of Pediatric Psychology 47 (6), 641-651, 2021-12-16

    ...Clinicians should be encouraged to attend to positive illness experiences along with more negative ones to obtain a more nuanced view on the illness experiences of survivors and their families....

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  • Syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria in methanogenic systems

    Maria Westerholm, Magdalena Calusinska, Jan Dolfing FEMS Microbiology Reviews 46 (2), fuab057-, 2021-12-07

    ...exhibit broad metabolic capabilities in addition to syntrophy (e.g. fermentative, sulfidogenic and acetogenic metabolism) and demonstrate variations in interplay with cooperating partners, indicating nuances...

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  • Active mechanisorption driven by pumping cassettes

    Liang Feng, Yunyan Qiu, Qing-Hui Guo, Zhijie Chen, James S. W. Seale, Kun He, Huang Wu, Yuanning Feng, Omar K. Farha, R. Dean Astumian, J. Fraser Stoddart Science 374 (6572), 1215-1221, 2021-12-03

    <jats:title>Pumping macrocycles onto surfaces</jats:title> <jats:p> Numerous chemical processes, ranging from water purification to catalysis, involve sorption of small …

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  • Crystallographic and chemical signatures in coral skeletal aragonite

    Gabriela A. Farfan, Amy Apprill, Anne Cohen, Thomas M. DeCarlo, Jeffrey E. Post, Rhian G. Waller, Colleen M. Hansel Coral Reefs 41 (1), 19-34, 2021-11-29

    ...Nuances in coral aragonite structures relate most closely to trace element chemistry and aragonite saturation state, suggesting the primary controls on aragonite structure are ionic strength and trace...

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  • Gastrin: From Physiology to Gastrointestinal Malignancies

    Suzann Duan, Karen Rico, Juanita L Merchant Function 3 (1), 2021-11-26

    ...levels are intricately linked to hyperplasia of enterochromaffin-like cells leading to carcinoid development, the signaling effects exerted by gastrin on distinct cell types of the gastric mucosa are more nuanced...

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  • Youth Political Talk in the Changing Media Environment: A Cross-National Typology

    Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Pablo J. Boczkowski, Kaori Hayashi, Eugenia Mitchelstein, Mikko Villi The International Journal of Press/Politics 27 (3), 589-608, 2021-11-24

    ...Our typology thus contributes to a more comprehensive and nuanced picture of various approaches towards political talk employed by young people across different countries and in relation to different digital...

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  • Multivariable association discovery in population-scale meta-omics studies

    Himel Mallick, Ali Rahnavard, Lauren J. McIver, Siyuan Ma, Yancong Zhang, Long H. Nguyen, Timothy L. Tickle, George Weingart, Boyu Ren, Emma H. Schwager, Suvo Chatterjee, Kelsey N. Thompson, Jeremy E. Wilkinson, Ayshwarya Subramanian, Yiren Lu, Levi Waldron, Joseph N. Paulson, Eric A. Franzosa, Hector Corrada Bravo, Curtis Huttenhower PLOS Computational Biology 17 (11), e1009442-, 2021-11-16

    ...These simulation studies reveal that MaAsLin 2’s linear model preserves statistical power in the presence of repeated measures and multiple covariates, while accounting for the nuances of meta-omics features...

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  • Dynamic Ligand Screening by Magnetic Nanoassembly Modulates Stem Cell Differentiation

    Hyunsik Hong, Sunhong Min, Sagang Koo, Yunjung Lee, Jinho Yoon, Woo Young Jang, Nayeon Kang, Ramar Thangam, Hyojun Choi, Hee Joon Jung, Seong‐Beom Han, Qiang Wei, Seung‐Ho Yu, Dong‐Hwee Kim, Ramasamy Paulmurugan, Woong Kyo Jeong, Ki‐Bum Lee, Taeghwan Hyeon, Dokyoon Kim, Heemin Kang Advanced Materials 34 (2), 2021-11-14

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In native microenvironment, diverse physical barriers exist to dynamically modulate stem cell recruitment and differentiation for tissue repair. In this …

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  • Individual variations in ‘brain age’ relate to early-life factors more than to longitudinal brain change

    Didac Vidal-Pineiro, Yunpeng Wang, Stine K Krogsrud, Inge K Amlien, William FC Baaré, David Bartres-Faz, Lars Bertram, Andreas M Brandmaier, Christian A Drevon, Sandra Düzel, Klaus Ebmeier, Richard N Henson, Carme Junqué, Rogier Andrew Kievit, Simone Kühn, Esten Leonardsen, Ulman Lindenberger, Kathrine S Madsen, Fredrik Magnussen, Athanasia Monika Mowinckel, Lars Nyberg, James M Roe, Barbara Segura, Stephen M Smith, Øystein Sørensen, Sana Suri, Rene Westerhausen, Andrew Zalesky, Enikő Zsoldos, Kristine Beate Walhovd, Anders Fjell eLife 10 2021-11-10

    ...The results call for nuanced interpretations of cross-sectional indices of the aging brain and question their validity as markers of ongoing within-person changes of the aging brain....

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  • COMPERA 2.0: a refined four-stratum risk assessment model for pulmonary arterial hypertension

    Marius M. Hoeper, Christine Pausch, Karen M. Olsson, Doerte Huscher, David Pittrow, Ekkehard Grünig, Gerd Staehler, Carmine Dario Vizza, Henning Gall, Oliver Distler, Christian Opitz, J. Simon R. Gibbs, Marion Delcroix, H. Ardeschir Ghofrani, Da-Hee Park, Ralf Ewert, Harald Kaemmerer, Hans-Joachim Kabitz, Dirk Skowasch, Juergen Behr, Katrin Milger, Michael Halank, Heinrike Wilkens, Hans-Jürgen Seyfarth, Matthias Held, Daniel Dumitrescu, Iraklis Tsangaris, Anton Vonk-Noordegraaf, Silvia Ulrich, Hans Klose, Martin Claussen, Tobias J. Lange, Stephan Rosenkranz European Respiratory Journal 60 (1), 2102311-, 2021-11-04

    ...The refined four-stratum risk model yielded a more nuanced separation and predicted long-term survival, especially at follow-up assessment....

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  • External validation of a refined four-stratum risk assessment score from the French pulmonary hypertension registry

    Athénaïs Boucly, Jason Weatherald, Laurent Savale, Pascal de Groote, Vincent Cottin, Grégoire Prévot, Ari Chaouat, François Picard, Delphine Horeau-Langlard, Arnaud Bourdin, Etienne-Marie Jutant, Antoine Beurnier, Mitja Jevnikar, Xavier Jaïs, Gérald Simonneau, David Montani, Olivier Sitbon, Marc Humbert European Respiratory Journal 59 (6), 2102419-, 2021-11-04

    ...Those who achieved or maintained a low risk status had the best survival, whereas there were more nuanced differences in survival for patients who were intermediate-low and intermediate-high risk....

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  • Roma Minority Youth Across Cultural Contexts


    ...book draws on core theoretical models of PYD and theories of normative development from the perspective of developmental science to highlight the applicability of these frameworks to Roma groups and nuanced...

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  • Genistein: Dual Role in Women’s Health

    Linda Yu, Eddy Rios, Lysandra Castro, Jingli Liu, Yitang Yan, Darlene Dixon Nutrients 13 (9), 3048-, 2021-08-30

    ...However, consumption and exposure levels are nuanced because adverse effects have been observed at lower concentrations in in vitro models....

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  • “Blissfully Happy” or “Ready toFight”: Varying Interpretations of Emoji

    Hannah Miller, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Shuo Chang, Isaac Johnson, Loren Terveen, Brent Hecht Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 10 (1), 259-268, 2021-08-04

    ...However, as graphics with nuanced details, emoji may be open to interpretation. Emoji also render differently on different viewing platforms (e.g., Apple’s iPhone vs....

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  • テクストとしての映画衣裳――『憎いあンちくしょう』を事例に

    辰已 知広 映像学 106 (0), 98-119, 2021-07-25


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