


検索結果 17 件

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  • Optimization and stabilization of a kilohertz laser-plasma accelerator

    L. Rovige, J. Huijts, I. A. Andriyash, A. Vernier, M. Ouillé, Z. Cheng, T. Asai, Y. Fukuda, V. Tomkus, V. Girdauskas, G. Raciukaitis, J. Dudutis, V. Stankevic, P. Gecys, R. Lopez-Martens, J. Faure Physics of Plasmas 28 (3), 2021-03-01

    <jats:p>Laser–plasma acceleration at kilohertz repetition rates has recently been shown to work in two different regimes with pulse lengths of either 30 fs or 3.5 fs. We now report on a systematic …

    DOI PDF 参考文献41件

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With Left Ventricular Assist Device

    Toufik Mahfood Haddad, Alok Saurav, Aiman Smer, Muhammad S. Azzouz, Abhilash Akinapelli, Mark A. Williams, Venkata M. Alla Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 37 (6), 390-396, 2017-11

    ...</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Results:</jats:title> <jats:p>Six trials with a total of 183 patients (EBCR: 125; ST: 58) were identified....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • Esophageal cancer—the five year survivors

    Tad Kim, Stephen R Grobmyer, Reshelle Smith, Kfir Ben‐David, Darwin Ang, Stephen B Vogel, Steven N Hochwald Journal of Surgical Oncology 103 (2), 179-183, 2010-12-22

    ...(58% vs. 62%, respectively, <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> = 0.36)....

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • 過重力によるニシツメガエル脳下垂体-甲状腺系の機能低下に対する甲状腺ホルモン投与の効果

    新海, 正, 柏木, 昭彦, 柏木, 啓子, 古野, 伸明, 花田, 秀樹, 久保, 英夫, 吉留, 賢, 渡部, 稔, 藤井, 博匡, 坂井, 雅夫, Shinkai, Tadashi, Kashiwagi, Akihiko, Kashiwagi, Keiko, Furuno, Nobuaki, Hanada, Hideki, Kubo, Hideo, Yoshitome, Ken, Watanabe, Minoru, Fujii, Hirotada, Sakai, Masao 宇宙利用シンポジウム 第24回 平成19年度 = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Space Utilization Symposium 242-245, 2008-03

    ...investigate the relationship between gravity and the thyroid hormone on the pituitary-thyroid axis of amphibians, we raised frogs, Xenopus tropicana under hypergravity (5G) environment and gave thyroxin from St58...


  • Distinct gene expression profiles in the femora of rats exposed to speceflight, tail-suspension and denervation

    Furochi Harumi, Nikawa Takeshi, Hirasaka Katsuya, Suzue Naoto, Ishidoh Kazumi, Onishi Yuko, Ogawa Takayuki, Yamada Chiharu, Suzuki Hiromi, Higashibata Akira, Oarada Motoko, Kishi Kyoichi, Yasui Natsuo Biological Sciences in Space 20 (3), 80-91, 2006

    ...In this study, we examined comprehensive gene expression in the femur of rats exposed to spaceflight (STS-58), tail-suspension and denervation (sciatic neurectomy), to characterize unloading-induced changes...

    DOI 参考文献23件

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