

検索結果 318 件

  • Unique Ligand-Binding Property of the Human IgM Fc Receptor

    Kazuhito Honjo, Yoshiki Kubagawa, John F. Kearney, Hiromi Kubagawa The Journal of Immunology 194 (4), 1975-1982, 2015-02-15

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The IgM Fc receptor (FcμR) is the newest FcR, and coligation of FcμR and Fas/CD95 on Jurkat cells with agonistic IgM anti-Fas mAb was shown to inhibit...

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  • CD40 amplifies Fas-mediated apoptosis: a mechanism contributing to emphysema

    Ayako Shigeta, Yuji Tada, Ji-Yang Wang, Shunsuke Ishizaki, Junichi Tsuyusaki, Keita Yamauchi, Yasunori Kasahara, Ken Iesato, Nobuhiro Tanabe, Yuichi Takiguchi, Akemi Sakamoto, Takeshi Tokuhisa, Kazutoshi Shibuya, Kenzo Hiroshima, James West, Koichiro Tatsumi American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 303 (2), L141-L151, 2012-07-15

    ...CD40 stimulation, in combination with anti-Fas Ab, induced significant emphysematous changes and increased alveolar cell apoptosis....

    DOI Web Site 参考文献40件

  • ラット前立腺間質細胞におけるアポトーシスシグナルが時計遺伝子の振動に及ぼす影響

    三澤 いづみ, 河村 円香, CHU Guiyan, 山内 伸彦, 服部 眞彰 日本繁殖生物学会 講演要旨集 104 (0), 1109-1109, 2011



  • Productive Replication of <i>vif</i> -Chimeric HIV-1 in Feline Cells

    Melissa A. Stern, Chunling Hu, Dyana T. Saenz, Hind J. Fadel, Olivia Sims, Mary Peretz, Eric M. Poeschla Journal of Virology 84 (14), 7378-7395, 2010-07-15

    ...In an interesting contrast, simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac Vif had substantial anti-fA3 activities, which were complete against fA3CH and partial against fA3H....

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  • Identity of the elusive IgM Fc receptor (FcμR) in humans

    Hiromi Kubagawa, Satoshi Oka, Yoshiki Kubagawa, Ikuko Torii, Eiji Takayama, Dong-Won Kang, G. Larry Gartland, Luigi F. Bertoli, Hiromi Mori, Hiroyuki Takatsu, Toshio Kitamura, Hiroshi Ohno, Ji-Yang Wang Journal of Experimental Medicine 206 (12), 2779-2793, 2009-10-26

    ...initially designated as Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 3, or TOSO, our results indicate that FcμR per se has no inhibitory activity in Fas-mediated apoptosis and that such inhibition is only achieved when anti-Fas...

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  • 脂肪酸合成酵素阻害剤による, 肺癌治療

    折田 創, Kuhajda Frank, Gabrielson Edward 順天堂医学 54 (1), 10-15, 2008

    脂肪酸合成酵素Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS) は, 食道癌, 胃癌, 大腸癌といった消化器癌や乳癌, 肺癌などの多くの癌に高発現している. 現在までにわれわれは, C75という脂肪酸合成酵素阻害剤を用いたとき, この酵素 (FAS) の活性低下が癌細胞をアポトーシスに誘導し腫瘍縮小効果を認めることから, 新しい抗癌剤としての可能性を報告してきた. 残念ながら, …

    DOI Web Site Web Site ほか1件 参考文献21件

  • Fas-ligandにより誘導されるT-cell line, Jurkatのネクローシスはアポトーシスによって調節されている

    町田 卓郎, 佐藤 勉, 高橋 祥, 荒木 直子, 村瀬 和幸, 井山 諭, 佐藤 康史, 小船 雅義, 瀧本 理修, 松永 卓也, 加藤 淳二, 新津 洋司郎 日本臨床免疫学会総会抄録集 35 (0), 134-134, 2007

    ...これらをagonistic anti-Fas antibodyで刺激し、propidium iodide染色の後、フローサイトメーターおよび蛍光顕微鏡観察で細胞死を判定した。[結果]rho+には典型的なアポトーシスが誘導されたが、rho0の細胞死はネクローシスであった。...


  • ERK5 Activates NF-κB in Leukemic T Cells and Is Essential for Their Growth In Vivo

    Johan Garaude, Seyma Cherni, Sandra Kaminski, Etienne Delepine, Christine Chable-Bessia, Monsef Benkirane, Joana Borges, Atanasio Pandiella, Miguel Angel Iñiguez, Manuel Fresno, Robert A. Hipskind, Martin Villalba The Journal of Immunology 177 (11), 7607-7617, 2006-12-01

    ...reducing ERK5 levels with a specific small hairpin RNA 5 (shERK5) reduced cell viability, sensitized cells to death receptor-induced apoptosis, and blocked the palliative effects of phorbol ester in anti-Fas...

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  • Alterations of Fas and Fas-Related Molecules in Patients with Silicosis

    Takemi Otsuki, Yoshie Miura, Yasumitsu Nishimura, Fuminori Hyodoh, Akiko Takata, Masayasu Kusaka, Hironobu Katsuyama, Masafumi Tomita, Ayako Ueki, Takumi Kishimoto Experimental Biology and Medicine 231 (5), 522-533, 2006-05

    ...In addition, anti-caspase 8 autoantibody and anti-Fas autoantibody were detected in serum specimens from patients with silicosis, and a functional assay showed that anti-Fas antibody stimulated Fas-mediated...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献12件

  • Mitochondria-independent induction of Fas-mediated apoptosis by MSSP.

    Nomura, Jun, Matsumoto, Ken-Ichi, Iguchi-Ariga, Sanae M M, Ariga, Hiroyoshi Oncology reports 14 (5), 1305-1309, 2005-11

    ...Fas triggers apoptosis after stimulation by its ligand FasL or the Fas ligand agonist anti-Fas antibody through a mitochondria-dependent or -independent pathway, and MSSP has been identified as a transcription...


  • Endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)–2 regulates angiogenesis

    Miao-Tzu Huang, Justin C. Mason, Graeme M. Birdsey, Valerie Amsellem, Nicole Gerwin, Dorian O. Haskard, Anne J. Ridley, Anna M. Randi Blood 106 (5), 1636-1643, 2005-09-01

    ...ICAM-2–deficient cells show defective in vitro migration, as well as increased apoptosis in response to serum deprivation, anti-Fas antibody, or staurosporine....

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  • FTY720 Induces Apoptosis in Multiple Myeloma Cells and Overcomes Drug Resistance

    Hiroshi Yasui, Teru Hideshima, Noopur Raje, Aldo M. Roccaro, Norihiko Shiraishi, Shaji Kumar, Makoto Hamasaki, Kenji Ishitsuka, Yu-Tzu Tai, Klaus Podar, Laurence Catley, Constantine S. Mitsiades, Paul G. Richardson, Rainer Albert, Volker Brinkmann, Dharminder Chauhan, Kenneth C. Anderson Cancer Research 65 (16), 7478-7484, 2005-08-15

    ...In combination treatment studies, both dexamethasone and anti-Fas antibodies augment anti–multiple myeloma activity induced by FTY720....

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  • Induction and Regulation of Fas-Mediated Apoptosis in Human Thyroid Epithelial Cells

    Emese Mezosi, Su He Wang, Saho Utsugi, Laszlo Bajnok, James D. Bretz, Paul G. Gauger, Norman W. Thompson, James R. Baker Molecular Endocrinology 19 (3), 804-811, 2005-03-01

    ...Apoptosis associated with the cleavage of caspases 7, 3, and Bid, and the activation of mitochondria in response to anti-Fas antibody occurred only after cytokine pretreatment....

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  • シェーグレン症候群における唾液腺組織障害の分子機構

    小川 法良, 下山 久美子, 河南 崇典 日本臨床免疫学会会誌 28 (1), 10-20, 2005

      シェーグレン症候群(SS)唾液腺において産生されるサイトカインでは浸潤リンパ球由来のIFNγが重要であると考えられ,class II MHC, Fas, CD40など様々な機能分子を上皮細胞に発現誘導する.一部の患者ではIFNγの過剰産生の理由として上皮細胞から産生されるTGFβの産生減少が関与していることが示唆された.またSS唾液腺において産生される主なT細胞遊走性ケモカインはIFNγによ…

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  • 耳下腺における性ホルモンとアポトーシスの関係

    渡邉 寛康 耳鼻と臨床 51 (3), 170-182, 2005

    加齢により唾液分泌量が減少することは多くの研究者により報告されており、特に女性において、性ホルモンとの関係が示唆されているが、詳細は不明である。卵巣ホルモンはアポトーシスにより唾液腺細胞数を調節すると仮説をたて、まずラット耳下腺においてアポトーシスの変化を検討した。さらに唾液腺由来の培養細胞を性ホルモン存在下にアポトーシスを誘導しその変化を検討した。造腫瘍性ヒト唾液腺介在部導管上皮細胞 …


  • 珪肺症症例に検出されるFasとその関連分子の異常

    高田 晶子, 三浦 由恵, 兵藤 文則, 勝山 博信, 植木 絢子, 大槻 剛巳 日本衛生学雑誌 60 (1), 30-37, 2005

    ...In addition, anti-caspase 8 autoantibody and anti-Fas autoantibody were also detected in the serum from silicosis patients, and a functional assay showed that anti-Fas antibody stimulated Fas-mediated...

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  • ヒト顎下腺由来腺癌細胞株(HSG)における抗Fas抗体誘導アポトーシスシグナルへのHSP90の関与

    鬼頭 典子, 客本 斉子, 帖佐 直幸 Journal of Oral Biosciences 46 (3), 229-242, 2004

    本研究では, HSP90の特異的阻害剤であるゲルダナマイシン(GDM)を用いて, ヒト顎下腺由来腺癌細胞株(HSG)へのアポトーシス誘導能を調べるとともに, 抗Fas抗体誘導アポトーシスシグナル伝達経路へのHSP90の関与について検索した。 また, Fasシグナル経路上でのHSP90のターゲットタンパクの同定を試みた。 HSG細胞をGDMで処理すると経時的に細胞死が誘導された。 形態学的所見, …

    DOI 医中誌 参考文献78件

  • Irod/Ian5: An Inhibitor of γ-Radiation- and Okadaic Acid-induced Apoptosis

    Tone Sandal, Linda Aumo, Lars Hedin, Bjørn T. Gjertsen, Stein O. Døskeland Molecular Biology of the Cell 14 (8), 3292-3304, 2003-08

    ...Unlike previously described antiapoptotic proteins Irod/Ian5 did not protect against anti-Fas, tumor necrosis factor-α, staurosporine, UV-light, or a number of chemotherapeutic drugs....

    DOI 被引用文献3件

  • Regulation of leukemic cell adhesion, proliferation, and survival by β-catenin

    Eun Joo Chung, Sang-Gu Hwang, PhuongMai Nguyen, Sunmin Lee, Jung-Sik Kim, Jin Woo Kim, Pierre A. Henkart, Donald P. Bottaro, Lilian Soon, Paolo Bonvini, Su-Jae Lee, Judith E. Karp, Ho Jung Oh, Jeffrey S. Rubin, Jane B. Trepel Blood 100 (3), 982-990, 2002-08-01

    ...Incubation of Jurkat cells with anti-Fas induced caspase-dependent limited proteolysis of β-catenin N- and C-terminal regions and rapid redistribution of β-catenin to the detergent-insoluble cytoskeleton...

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  • TGF-β1 as an Enhancer of Fas-Mediated Apoptosis of Lung Epithelial Cells

    Naoki Hagimoto, Kazuyoshi Kuwano, Ichiro Inoshima, Michihiro Yoshimi, Norio Nakamura, Masaki Fujita, Takashige Maeyama, Nobuyuki Hara The Journal of Immunology 168 (12), 6470-6478, 2002-06-15

    ...Concentrations of TGF-β1 that were not sufficient to induce apoptosis alone could enhance agonistic anti-Fas Ab or rFas ligand-mediated apoptosis of cultured bronchiolar epithelial cells....

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  • Association of Galectin-9 with Eosinophil Apoptosis

    Naoki Saita, Eisuke Goto, Taro Yamamoto, Isamu Cho, Kaori Tsumori, Hirotsugu Kohrogi, Keishi Maruo, Tomomichi Ono, Motohiro Takeya, Yumiko Kashio, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Mitsuomi Hirashima International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 128 (1), 42-50, 2002

    ...In contrast, apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody in both N-Eos (p = 0.0431) and E-Eos (p = 0.0431) was enhanced by galectin-9....

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  • 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide誘発ラット舌癌由来細胞株におけるFas抗原の発現

    青柳 信好, 植野 茂, 浦 栄吾, 丹羽 慎弥 歯科医学 65 (3_4), 241-247, 2002

    4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide(4NQO)の化学的刺激による,舌癌誘発過程における粘膜上皮のFasおよびFas ligand(FasL)の発現の変化を,免疫組織化学的に検索した.さらにこの癌組織からクローニングを行い,得られた培養細胞のFasおよびFasLをWestern blottingで調べた.またこれらの培養細胞に抗Fas抗体を作用させ,apoptosisの発現をDNA断…

    DOI 医中誌 参考文献15件

  • Humanization of the Mouse Anti-Fas Antibody HFE7A and Crystal Structure of the Humanized HFE7A Fab Fragment.

    Haruyama Hideyuki, Ito Shuichiro, Miyadai Kenji, Takahashi Tohru, Kawaida Reimi, Takayama Tomoko, Hanzawa Hiroyuki, Hata Tadashi, Yamaguchi Junko, Yoshida-Kato Hiroko, Ichikawa Kimihisa, Ohsumi Jun, Yonehara Shin, Serizawa Nobufusa Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 25 (12), 1537-1545, 2002

    ...We have previously obtained the mouse anti-Fas antibody HFE7A (m-HFE7A), which specifically induces apoptosis in inflammatory cells....

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  • Delayed apoptosis of circulating neutrophils in Kawasaki disease

    H Tsujimoto, S Takeshita, K Nakatani, Y Kawamura, T Tokutomi, I Sekine Clinical and Experimental Immunology 126 (2), 355-364, 2001-11

    ...Furthermore, the agonistic anti-Fas MoAb (CH-11) induced a significant increase in the proportion of apoptotic PMNs in the patients with a viral infection and healthy children, but not in either the patients...

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  • Caspase 8 Activity in Membrane Blebs After Anti-Fas Ligation

    Beverly Z. Packard, Akira Komoriya, Tilmann M. Brotz, Pierre A. Henkart The Journal of Immunology 167 (9), 5061-5066, 2001-11-01

    ...In contrast to anti-Fas, induction of apoptosis in these CTL by IL-2 withdrawal resulted in early IETDase activity in the cytoplasm, with no plasma membrane vesiculation....

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  • Glucose Induces β-Cell Apoptosis Via Upregulation of the Fas Receptor in Human Islets

    Kathrin Maedler, Giatgen A. Spinas, Roger Lehmann, Pavel Sergeev, Markus Weber, Adriano Fontana, Nurit Kaiser, Marc Y. Donath Diabetes 50 (8), 1683-1690, 2001-08-01

    ...The effect of glucose was blocked by an antagonistic anti-Fas antibody, indicating that glucose-induced apoptosis is due to interaction between the constitutively expressed FasL and the upregulated Fas...

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  • FAS Ligand Triggers Pulmonary Silicosis

    Valéria M. Borges, Haroldo Falcão, José H. Leite-Júnior, Luciana Alvim, Gerlinde P. Teixeira, Momtchilo Russo, Alberto F. Nóbrega, Marcela F. Lopes, Patricia M. Rocco, Wendy F. Davidson, Rafael Linden, Hideo Yagita, Walter A. Zin, George A. DosReis The Journal of Experimental Medicine 194 (2), 155-164, 2001-07-16

    ...Administration of neutralizing anti-Fas ligand antibody in vivo blocked induction of silicosis. Thus, Fas ligand plays a central role in induction of pulmonary silicosis.</jats:p>...

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  • Fas/FasL mediated apoptosis of thyrocytes in Graves' disease

    N Sera, A Kawakami, T Nakashima, H Nakamura, M Imaizumi, T Koji, Y Abe, T Usa, T Tominaga, E Ejima, K Ashizawa, N Yokoyama, N Ishikawa, K Ito, K Eguchi Clinical and Experimental Immunology 124 (2), 197-207, 2001-05

    ...IL-1β-stimulated thyrocytes became sensitive to apoptosis by anti-Fas IgM monoclonal antibody (mAb)....

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  • In vivo Effects of Apoptosis in Asthma Examined by a Murine Model

    Ken Ohta, Naomi Yamashita, Makoto Tajima, Takashi Miyasaka, Ryuji Kawashima, Junichi Nakano, Hitoshi Arioka, Akira Ishii, Tadashi Horiuchi, Terumasa Miyamoto International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 124 (1-3), 259-261, 2001

    ...Administration of anti-Fas antibody induced apoptosis in the infiltrated eosinophils and abolished augmentation of airway hyperresponsiveness caused by OA inhalation....

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  • 放射線生物学研究に頬する薪しい蛍光顕微鏡システムの応用

    黒田 昌宏, 王 雅棣, 小松 めぐみ, 浅海 淳一, 渋谷 光一, 川崎 祥二, 奥村 能啓, 赤木 史郎, 金澤 右, 本田 理, 平木 祥夫 日本放射線腫瘍学会誌 13 (2), 119-124, 2001

    ...<BR>Time-lapse observation of individual Jurkat cells using this system confirmed that anti-Fas antibody-mediated apoptotic cells occurred at first budding and were stained with AV-EGFP alone, and thereafter...

    DOI 医中誌

  • Apoptosis Regulates Human Vascular Calcification In Vitro

    Diane Proudfoot, Jeremy N. Skepper, Laszlo Hegyi, Martin R. Bennett, Catherine M. Shanahan, Peter L. Weissberg Circulation Research 87 (11), 1055-1062, 2000-11-24

    ...In addition, when apoptosis was stimulated in nodular cultures with anti-Fas IgM, there was a 10-fold increase in calcification....

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  • Fas/Fas Ligand Interactions Promote Activation-Induced Cell Death of NK T Lymphocytes

    Maria C. Leite-de-Moraes, André Herbelin, Christine Gouarin, Yasuhiko Koezuka, Elke Schneider, Michel Dy The Journal of Immunology 165 (8), 4367-4371, 2000-10-15

    ...This process was preceded by up-regulation of Fas (CD95) and Fas ligand expression in response to IL-12 plus IL-18 and was blocked by zVAD, a large spectrum caspase inhibitor, as well as by anti-Fas ligand...

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  • Theophylline induces neutrophil apoptosis through adenosine A2A receptor antagonism

    Kozo Yasui, Kazunaga Agematsu, Koji Shinozaki, Sho Hokibara, Haruo Nagumo, Takayuki Nakazawa, Atsushi Komiyama Journal of Leukocyte Biology 67 (4), 529-535, 2000-04-01

    ...Theophylline demonstrated an additive effect to that of anti-Fas antibody (CH11, 1 μg/mL) in inducing neutrophil apoptosis, but not to that of adenosine deaminase or KF-17837 (a selective A2 receptor antagonist...

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  • The Cardiac Fas (APO-1/CD95) Receptor/Fas Ligand System

    Kai C. Wollert, Jörg Heineke, Jürgen Westermann, Mark Lüdde, Beate Fiedler, Wolfgang Zierhut, Didier Laurent, Manuel K. A. Bauer, Klaus Schulze-Osthoff, Helmut Drexler Circulation 101 (10), 1172-1178, 2000-03-14

    ...Moreover, injection of mice with an agonistic anti-Fas antibody promoted hepatocyte but not cardiomyocyte apoptosis in vivo....

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  • Apoptosis in Giant Cell Tumors of Bone.

    KAKIZOE MITSUO The Kurume Medical Journal 47 (2), 125-134, 2000

    ...These data suggested that the sensitizing activity of cyclohexamide on anti-Fas mediated cytotoxicity could happen in vitro....

    DOI PubMed

  • Cloning and Expression of a Novel Murine Anti-human Fas Antibody.

    YOSHIDA-KATO Hiroko, ICHIKAWA Kimihisa, YAMAGUCHI Junko, WATANABE Kenji, OHSUMI Jun, YONEHARA Shin, SERIZAWA Nobufusa Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 64 (9), 1903-1908, 2000

    ...However, some anti-Fas antibodies show toxicity, and it is difficult to investigate their therapeutic and toxicological effect using animals because of their species specificity....

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  • Soluble Fas Ligand Induces Epithelial Cell Apoptosis in Humans with Acute Lung Injury (ARDS)

    Gustavo Matute-Bello, W. Conrad Liles, Kenneth P. Steinberg, Peter A. Kiener, Stephen Mongovin, Emil Y. Chi, Mechthild Jonas, Thomas R. Martin The Journal of Immunology 163 (4), 2217-2225, 1999-08-15

    ...patients with ARDS induced apoptosis of distal lung epithelial cells, which express Fas, and this effect was inhibited by blocking the Fas/FasL system using three different strategies: anti-FasL mAb, anti-Fas...

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  • Fas Gene Mutation in the Progression of Adult T Cell Leukemia

    Takahiro Maeda, Yasuaki Yamada, Ryozou Moriuchi, Kazuyuki Sugahara, Kazuto Tsuruda, Tatsurou Joh, Sunao Atogami, Kunihiro Tsukasaki, Masao Tomonaga, Shimeru Kamihira The Journal of Experimental Medicine 189 (7), 1063-1071, 1999-04-05

    ...Adult T cell leukemia (ATL) cells express Fas antigen and show apoptosis after treatment with an anti-Fas monoclonal antibody....

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  • Glycyrrhizin Inhibits TNF-Induced, but Not Fas-Mediated, Apoptosis in the Human Hepatoblastoma Line HepG2.

    YOSHIKAWA Masahide, TOYOHARA Masahisa, UEDA Sigehiko, SHIROI Akira, TAKEUCHI Hiroshi, NISHIYAMA Toshimasa, YAMADA Takatsugu, FUKUI Hiroshi, ISHIZAKA Shigeaki Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 22 (9), 951-955, 1999

    ...The HepG2 cells were resistant to TNF-α and anti-Fas antibody, but were rendered susceptible to TNF-α and anti-Fas antibody in the presence of antinomycin D (Act D), an inhibitor of RNA synthesis....

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  • The Fas/Fas Ligand System Is Involved in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Myocarditis in Rats

    Shigeru Ishiyama, Michiaki Hiroe, Toshio Nishikawa, Takashi Shimojo, Shinji Abe, Hiroyuki Fujisaki, Hiroshi Ito, Katsutoshi Yamakawa, Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Takeshi Kasajima, Fumiaki Marumo The Journal of Immunology 161 (9), 4695-4701, 1998-11-01

    ...Some rats were injected with anti-Fas Ab (0.1 mg/kg) or anti-FasL Ab (0.1 mg/kg), and subsequently, inflammatory lesions exhibited less severe than did untreated rats with myocarditis....

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  • Cutting Edge: Chemotactic Activity of Soluble Fas Ligand Against Phagocytes

    Ken-ichiro Seino, Kazuhisa Iwabuchi, Nobuhiko Kayagaki, Ryukou Miyata, Isao Nagaoka, Akio Matsuzawa, Katashi Fukao, Hideo Yagita, Ko Okumura The Journal of Immunology 161 (9), 4484-4488, 1998-11-01

    ...Ligation of Fas by either IgM- or IgG-type anti-Fas mAb also induced PMN migration. PMN derived from lpr mice that express few Fas molecules did not respond to sFasL....

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