

検索結果 519 件

  • 全方位二軸変形試験法から導かれたひずみエネルギー密度関数を用いた衣服圧のCAE シミュレーション

    山下 義裕, 石川 覚志 デサントスポーツ科学 45 (0), 73-83, 2024-02-22

    <p>着衣の衣服圧を予測する方法の一つとして,糸の特性から織構造をモデル化することで織物の二軸変形挙動を予測することは重要である.糸の力学特性は非線形である.糸のポアッソン比を0.5と仮定すれば超弾性体モデルを用いて大変形挙動をシミュレーションが可能である.本研究では紡績糸の力学特性を均質なモノフィラメントの等価モデルで置き換えて近似し,平織物の二軸引張挙動を …


  • Zig-zag型結合力モデルを用いたFEMによるCFRP積層板の準静的押し込み試験解析

    王 晨宇, 長嶋 利夫 日本計算工学会論文集 2020 (0), 20200009-20200009, 2020-06-05

    ...</p><p>Zig-zag CZMによる陰解法をCZMによる陽解法と比較するために,内製FEMコードNLFEA3Dを使用した.一方,内製コードの解析結果は,実務で用いられる汎用コードによる結果と,どの程度近いのかを参照として示すために,Abaqus/Explicitを用いた....


  • Implement the particle finite element method in ABAQUS

    Li Haichao, Zhang Sheng Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 8 (3), 70-75, 2020-03-14

    ...<p>We implement the particle finite element method (PFEM) in the general numerical simulation framework ABAQUS to investigate the quasi-static collapse of two-dimensional granular columns and landslides...

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  • An experimental and simulation study on static tire enveloping stiffness

    QIU Chao-Zhi, SUN Peng-Fei, ZHOU Shui-Ting, HUANG Hong-Wu, DU Meng Mechanical Engineering Journal 7 (3), 20-00075-20-00075, 2020

    ...Abaqus finite element software simulations showed that the stress distribution in the tread is H-shaped and the deformation distribution in the tread is oval; By analyzing the force distribution of the...

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  • Optimum Temperature for HIP Bonding Invar Alloy and Stainless Steel

    Wakui Takashi, Ishii Hideaki, Naoe Takashi, Kogawa Hiroyuki, Haga Katsuhiro, Wakai Eiichi, Takada Hiroshi, Futakawa Masatoshi MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 60 (6), 1026-1033, 2019-06-01

    ...From the residual stress analysis using the ABAQUS code, the tensile stress near the bonding region of the specimen bonded at 700°C was found to be 84 MPa; this stress increased with the bonding temperature...

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  • 4D Printing Self-Morphing Structures

    Mahdi Bodaghi, Reza Noroozi, Ali Zolfagharian, Mohamad Fotouhi, Saeed Norouzi Materials 12 (8), 1353-, 2019-04-25

    ...Thermo-mechanical behaviors of the 4D-printed structures are simulated by introducing a straightforward method into the commercial finite element (FE) software package of Abaqus that is much simpler than...

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  • アクリル系接着剤のCohesive law の同定と重ね合わせ接着継手強度推定への適用

    今中 誠, 大宮 正毅, 田口 敬章 Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan 55 (4), 130-142, 2019-04-01

    ...次に,この接着剤により接着された単純重ね合せ接着継手の引張せん断試験を行い,実験的に求められたcohesive law を台形に単純化し,それを用いて有限要素法ソフトABAQUS,ANSYS による継手強度を推定した。その結果,実験よる得られた継手強度は,推定値とよく一致した。</p>...

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    Han LIU, Bin ZHENG, Samuel JULES, Hai XIE, Jiesheng MIN, Furui XIONG Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Book of abstracts : ICONE 2019.27 (0), 1804-, 2019

    With the life extension of NPPs world-wide, new challenges have emerged in engineering calculations. These challenges often stem from the difficulty to demonstrate an adequate margin for some key …

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  • Water Jetting for Sheet Piling

    GILLOW Marla, HAIGH Stuart, ISHIHARA Yukihiro, OGAWA Nanase, OKADA Koichi Proceedings of the International Conference on Press-in Engineering 1 (0), 335-342, 2018-09-19

    ...The experimental work was followed by analysis of the data collected, and the data analysis was complimented by a finite element model made using ABAQUS....


  • Consolidation-Driven Defect Generation in Thick Composite Parts

    J. P.-H. Belnoue, O. J. Nixon-Pearson, A. J. Thompson, D. S. Ivanov, K. D. Potter, S. R. Hallett Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (7), 2018-04-06

    ...The novel predictive model, built on extensive characterization of prepregs in small-scale compaction tests, was implemented in the finite element software abaqus as a bespoke user-defined material....

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  • 被験者固有の三次元有限要素モデルを用いた歩行動作下での大腿骨頚部骨接合術後の再骨折リスク評価

    中村 祐貴子, 魏 綾那, 安達 和彦, 野田 光昭 バイオメカニズム 24 (0), 149-157, 2018

    <p>高齢女性被験者CT画像から, 寛骨・軟骨・大腿骨近位部・インプラントから成る左股関節に対する骨接合術後の有限要素モデルを新たに作成した. 筋骨格モデルで推定した歩行時の股関節反力および関節回りの筋力 (中殿筋, 大殿筋, 内転筋, 大腿筋膜張筋) の時刻歴波形を動荷重条件とし, 歩行時の大腿骨近位部の屈曲・伸展運動を変位境界条件とした. これら条件下で被験者固有モデルの応力を解析し, …

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  • Effect of Creases on the Stiffness of Spinning Circular Membrane


    ...., Abaqus), and the fundamental modal frequencies were obtained and compared with the experimental results. The fundamental frequencies without gravity were also numerically analyzed....

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  • Micromorphic constitutive equations with damage applied to metal forming

    Evangelia Diamantopoulou, Weijie Liu, Carl Labergere, Houssem Badreddine, Khemais Saanouni, Ping Hu International Journal of Damage Mechanics 26 (2), 314-339, 2017-01-05

    ...The associated numerical aspects are investigated and implemented into ABAQUS®/Explicit solver by developing two subroutines VUMAT to implement the micromorphic model and VUEL to implement an assumed strain-based...

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  • 板状デバイスの非線形マルチスケール解析に対する数値平板試験

    佐藤 維美, 村松 眞由, 松原 成志朗, 西 紳之介, 寺田 賢二郎, 八代 圭司, 川田 達也 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) 73 (2), I_283-I_294, 2017


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  • 頸椎後縦靭帯骨化症の脊髄内応力解析静的圧迫と動的圧迫の検討

    西田 周泰 山口医学 66 (1), 11-16, 2017

    ...【方法】有限要素解析ソフトAbaqus /CAE を使用し,3次元脊髄モデルを作成した.脊髄前方に頚椎OPLLモデル,後方に頚椎椎弓モデルを設置,OPLLで脊髄に前後径10%,20%及び30%の圧迫を加えた.また,圧迫レベルでOPLLに不安定性があると想定し,OPLLを10%の圧迫を加えている状態で5°,10°及び15°屈曲方向に回旋変位を加えた....

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  • A Validated Open-Source Multisolver Fourth-Generation Composite Femur Model

    Alisdair R. MacLeod, Hannah Rose, Harinderjit S. Gill Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 138 (12), 2016-11-03

    ...Commercial and freely available FE packages are widely used with three FE packages in particular gaining popularity: abaqus (Dassault Systèmes, Johnston, RI), ansys (ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA), and febio...

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  • 疲労強度向上を目的としたレーザーピーニング技術に関する数値解析的検討

    堤 成一郎, 植田 一史, 佐野 智一, 崎野 良比呂 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) 72 (2), I_379-I_386, 2016


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  • Finite Element Simulations for CFRP Press Forming Process

    Young Suk Kim, Duy Tung Do, Dae Cheol Ahn, Dong Woo Shin Key Engineering Materials 651-653 415-422, 2015-07-10

    ...<jats:p>The macro-scale and meso/macro-scale simulations for press forming of CFRP sheet using ABAQUS S/W were both implemented to study the influence fiber orientation on the formability of CFRP sheet...

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  • Design buckling curves for glass columns and beams

    Chiara Bedon, Claudio Amadio Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings 168 (7), 514-526, 2015-07

    ...Based on experimental and numerical results from the literature, as well as on further simulations performed in Abaqus and earlier literature contributions, calibrated buckling curves are proposed for...

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  • Experiment and Finite Analysis on Resonant Bending Fatigue of Marine Risers

    Fang Xiaoming, Yan Zhichao, Wang Liquan, Huang Yuxuan The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal 9 (1), 205-212, 2015-04-17

    ...In this paper, the principle of resonant bending fatigue test and test procedures are presented firstly, and then a finite element model using ABAQUS is created to simulate the resonant bending fatigue...

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  • 軽量化に向けたアルミニウム床版橋の可能性

    山尾 敏孝, 井上 天 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) 71 (2), I_449-I_462, 2015


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