

検索結果 71 件

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  • A metasedimentary source of gold in Archean orogenic gold deposits

    Iain K. Pitcairn, Nikolaos Leventis, Georges Beaudoin, Stephane Faure, Carl Guilmette, Benoît Dubé Geology 49 (7), 862-866, 2021-04-08

    ...We report ultralow-detection-limit gold and trace-element concentrations from a suite of metamorphosed sedimentary rocks from the Abitibi belt and Pontiac subprovince, Superior Province, Canada....

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  • Consensus Recommendations for the Diagnosis of Vitreoretinal Lymphoma

    Denise Carbonell, Sarakshi Mahajan, Soon-Phaik Chee, Bianka Sobolewska, Rupesh Agrawal, Tanja Bülow, Vishali Gupta, Nicholas P. Jones, Massimo Accorinti, Mamta Agarwal, Tracy Batchelor, Jyotirmay Biswas, Luca Cimino, Ninette H. tenDam-van Loon, Alejandra de-la-Torre, Shahar Frenkel, Jacob Pe’er, Michal Kramer, Elisabetta Miserocchi, Manabu Mochizuki, Thomas Ness, James T. Rosenbaum, H. Nida Sen, Michael Simion, Helmut Sitter, Daniel V. Vasconcelos-Santos, Zohar Habot-Wilner, Sarah E. Coupland, José S. Pulido, Justine Smith, Jennifer E. Thorne, Manfred Zierhut Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 29 (3), 507-520, 2021-04-03

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  • Improved clutch slip control for automated transmissions

    Fengyu Liu, Li Chen, Dongxu Li, Chengliang Yin Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 232 (18), 3181-3199, 2017-10-04

    <jats:p> Clutch slip control of the inertia phase during the clutch-to-clutch shift process is the key to ensure good drive quality in automated transmissions. Addressing the problem of unpleasant …

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Occipital neuralgia: Anatomic considerations

    Alper Cesmebasi, Mitchel A. Muhleman, Paul Hulsberg, Jerzy Gielecki, Petru Matusz, R. Shane Tubbs, Marios Loukas Clinical Anatomy 28 (1), 101-108, 2014-09-22

    <jats:p>Occipital neuralgia is a debilitating disorder first described in 1821 as recurrent headaches localized in the occipital region. Other symptoms that have been associated with this condition …

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  • Survey of<i>Legionella</i>Species Found in Thai Soil

    Tatiana C. Travis, Ellen W. Brown, Leonard F. Peruski, Duangkamon Siludjai, Possawat Jorakate, Prasert Salika, Genyan Yang, Natalia A. Kozak, Maja Kodani, Agnes K. Warner, Claressa E. Lucas, Kathleen A. Thurman, Jonas M. Winchell, Somsak Thamthitiwat, Barry S. Fields International Journal of Microbiology 2012 1-4, 2012

    ...When contaminated aerosols are inhaled, legionellosis may result, typically as either the more serious pneumonia Legionnaires’ disease or the less severe flu-like illness Pontiac fever....

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  • Risk of Venous Thromboembolism With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Tarek Saleh, Fadi Matta, Abdo Y. Yaekoub, Septimiu Danescu, Paul D. Stein Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 17 (3), 254-258, 2010-03-08

    <jats:p> The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with ulcerative colitis and patients with Crohn disease. The number of patients …

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  • Long-term survival of an infant with gliomatosis cerebelli

    Lucy B. Rorke-Adams, Harold Portnoy Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 2 (5), 346-350, 2008-11

    <jats:p>Gliomatosis cerebri is an uncommon but well-established central nervous system neoplasm that occurs primarily in adults. Although the neoplastic process typically arises in the cerebrum, it …

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  • Multiattribute Preference Analysis with Performance Targets

    Robert F. Bordley, Craig W. Kirkwood Operations Research 52 (6), 823-835, 2004-12

    <jats:p> This paper develops an approach based on performance targets to assess a preference function for a multiobjective decision under uncertainty. This approach yields preference functions that …

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献4件

  • A small outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in a cargo ship under repair

    J.A. Caylà, R. Maldonado, J. González, T. Pellicer, D. Ferrer, C. Pelaz, J. Gracia, B. Baladrón, A. Plaséncia European Respiratory Journal 17 (6), 1322-1327, 2001-06

    ...However, organism of serogroup 1, subgroup Pontiac (Knoxville) were identified with identical deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) patterns in the lung tissue of one patient and in the cooling water circuit valve...

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  • First Sporadic Cases of Non-pneumonic Legionellosis, Pontiac Fever in Japan.

    SAKAI Tetsuo, KOBAYASHI Yasutaka, MISAWA Toshihiro, TAKABATAKE Manabu, SHIMADA Masanori, TOTANI Yoshitaka, ISHIZAKI Takeshi, MIYAMORI Isamu, SAITO Atsushi Internal Medicine 37 (12), 1068-1071, 1998

    ...Pontiac fever has rarely been found in sporadic cases. Here, we report the first sporadic cases of non-pneumonic legionellosis, Pontiac fever in Japan. Case 1....

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  • レジオネラ感染症の基礎と対策

    藤井 潤, 有馬 恵子, 宮本 比呂志, 吉田 真一 Journal of UOEH 18 (1), 61-76, 1996

    空調設備は快適な職場環境の整備と確保になくてはならないものであるが, 一方では空調冷却塔水中に生息するレジオネラ属菌による感染症(レジオネラ症)が問題となってきた.レジオネラ属菌はヒトに肺炎(在郷軍人病)やインフルエンザ様症状(ポンティアック熱)を引き起こす病原性を持っており, building-related illnessの原因の一つでもある.しかし, …

    DOI Web Site 医中誌 被引用文献1件

  • <I>Legionella pneumophila</I> serogroup 7によるPontiac feverの集団発生例

    森 正道, 星野 啓一, 園田 久子, 吉田 広海, 藪内 英子, 山城 祐子, 小出 道夫, 斎藤 厚, 岸本 寿男, 古畑 勝則, 相原 雅典, 嶋田 昌司 感染症学雑誌 69 (6), 646-653, 1995

    <I>Legiomlla pmumophila</I> serogroup7によるPontiac feverの集団発生例を経1験したので, その臨床所見を報告する.<BR>東京都渋谷区内の某企業の教育センターに宿泊研修中であった研修生43名とセンターの職員2名の計45名が発熱, 咽頭痛, 関節痛, 頭痛, …

    DOI PubMed

  • <I>Legionella pneumophila</I> serogroup 7によるPontiac feverの集団発生例

    藪内 英子, 森 正道, 斎藤 厚, 岸本 寿男, 吉澤 晋, 荒川 迫生, 木ノ内 良治, 王 笠, 古畑 勝則, 小出 道夫, 山城 祐子, 相原 雅典, 嶋田 昌司, 権平 文夫, 杉山 純一, 縣 邦雄, 矢野 郁也 感染症学雑誌 69 (6), 654-665, 1995

    1994年8月20日から23日までの4日間に, 東京都内の企業の研修センタービルで研修生43人と職員2人の計45人が急性熱性疾患に罹患したが, 2~3日で概ね軽快した.屋上冷却塔から採取した冷却水から<I>Legionella sp</I>.を検出し, DNA-DNA hybridizationで<I>Legionella pneumophila</I>と同定した.分離菌株はCenters …

    DOI PubMed 被引用文献1件

  • Age Differences in Functional Performance

    Anne E. Dickerson, Anne G. Fisher The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 47 (8), 686-692, 1993-08-01

    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>We compared the functional performance of 20 young adult women and 20 older adult women on two types of tasks. One type of task was normal …

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  • Legionnaires' disease and the sick-building syndrome

    M. O'Mahony, A. Lakhani, A. Stephens, J. G. Wallace, E. R. Youngs, D. Harper Epidemiology and Infection 103 (2), 285-292, 1989-10

    ...<jats:italic>Legionella pneumophila</jats:italic>serogroup 1 subgroup pontiac was isolated from water and sludge in the cooling tower pond....

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