

検索結果 859 件

  • 遺伝子治療を行った脊髄性筋萎縮症I型の症例の呼吸障害への対応

    味岡 祐美, 藪本 保, 藤井 浩史 小児理学療法学 2 (Supplement_1), 74-74, 2024-03-31

    ...</p> <p>【方法および症例報告】</p> <p> 本症例は現在1歳11ヶ月の女児で,在胎39週2日,2790gで出 生した.1ヶ月健診で筋緊張低下を指摘され,検査にてSMA I型(SMN1 0copy, SMN2 2copy)と診断された.生後1ヶ月26日にヌシネルセン,2ヶ月9日にオナセムノゲン アベパルボベクの治療が行われた.CHOP INTENDは治療前21点,治療後25...


  • 遺伝子治療を行った脊髄性筋萎縮症Ⅰ型の一症例報告 -運動機能獲得の経過に着目して-

    塚本 栞, 長谷川 三希子, 齋藤 潤孝, 北島 翼, 井上 建, 大谷 良子, 村上 信行, 作田 亮一, 上條 義一郎 小児理学療法学 2 (Supplement_1), 75-75, 2024-03-31

    ...10ヶ月で筋緊張低下が認められ、1歳0か月に SMAⅠ型( <i>SMN1</i> 0コピー/ <i>SMN2</i> 3コピー)と診断、1歳1か月にオナセムノゲンアベパルボベクが投与された。 遺伝子治療を行った本児に対して、運動機能における姿勢保持 ・姿勢変換・移動に関して経過をまとめた。3年の経過を、治療前を治療前期、治療-1年を1期、1-2年を2期、2-3年を3期とした。...


  • Aberrant Large-Scale Network Interactions Across Psychiatric Disorders Revealed by Large-Sample Multi-Site Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Datasets

    Takuya Ishida, Yuko Nakamura, Saori C Tanaka, Yuki Mitsuyama, Satoshi Yokoyama, Hotaka Shinzato, Eri Itai, Go Okada, Yuko Kobayashi, Takahiko Kawashima, Jun Miyata, Yujiro Yoshihara, Hidehiko Takahashi, Susumu Morita, Shintaro Kawakami, Osamu Abe, Naohiro Okada, Akira Kunimatsu, Ayumu Yamashita, Okito Yamashita, Hiroshi Imamizu, Jun Morimoto, Yasumasa Okamoto, Toshiya Murai, Kiyoto Kasai, Mitsuo Kawato, Shinsuke Koike Schizophrenia Bulletin 49 (4), 933-943, 2023-03-09

    ...Furthermore, increased causal connections from LIN to multiple networks, aberrant self-inhibitory connections of DAN and SMN, and increased self-inhibitory connection of SAN were disorder-specific patterns...

    DOI PDF 参考文献89件

  • Clinical and Molecular Determinants of Clonal Evolution in Aplastic Anemia and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

    Carmelo Gurnari, Simona Pagliuca, Pedro Henrique Prata, Jacques-Emmanuel Galimard, Luiz Fernando B. Catto, Lise Larcher, Marie Sebert, Vincent Allain, Bhumika J. Patel, Arda Durmaz, Andre L. Pinto, Mariana C.B. Inacio, Lucie Hernandez, Nathalie Dhedin, Sophie Caillat-Zucman, Emmanuelle Clappier, Flore Sicre de Fontbrune, Maria Teresa Voso, Valeria Visconte, Régis Peffault de Latour, Jean Soulier, Rodrigo T. Calado, Gérard Socié, Jaroslaw P. Maciejewski Journal of Clinical Oncology 41 (1), 132-142, 2023-01-01

    ...The elapsed time from AA to sMN was 4.5 years. sMN developed in 94 patients. The 5-year overall survival reached 40% and was independently associated with bone marrow blasts at sMN onset....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • 脊髄性筋萎縮症に対する新規治療薬剤の費用対効果を考える

    粟野 宏之 日本臨床薬理学会学術総会抄録集 44 (0), 2-C-S29-2-, 2023



  • RNAスプラシング制御薬による先天性難治疾患に対する精密先制医療の実現

    萩原 正敏 日本毒性学会学術年会 50.1 (0), AWL1-, 2023

    <p> 人類は7,000以上の遺伝病に罹患し約35%が異常なRNAスプライシングを伴う。そこで我々は、薬剤で遺伝子発現パターンを変化させることにより先天性の難病を治すことは可能ではないかと考え、遺伝子発現パターンの変化を生体内で可視化する技術を開発し(<i>Nat Methods</i> 2006, <i>Nat …


  • PCR-Based Screening of Spinal Muscular Atrophy for Newborn Infants in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

    Noguchi, Yoriko, 坊, 亮輔, 西尾, 久英, Matsumoto, Hisayuki, Matsui, Keiji, 矢野, 嘉彦, Sugawara, Masami, Ueda, Go, Wijaya, Yogik O., Niba, Emma T., 篠原, 正和, Bouike, Yoshihiro, Takeuchi, Atsuko, Okamoto, Kentaro, Saito, Toshio, Shimomura, Hideki, Lee, Tomoko, Takeshima, Yasuhiro, 飯島, 一誠, 野津, 寛大, 粟野, 宏之 Genes 13 (11), 2110-, 2022-11

    ...Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a common devastating neuromuscular disorder, usually involving homozygous deletion of the SMN1 gene....

    DOI HANDLE Web Site 参考文献45件

  • Onasemnogene abeparvovec for presymptomatic infants with three copies of SMN2 at risk for spinal muscular atrophy: the Phase III SPR1NT trial

    Kevin A. Strauss, Michelle A. Farrar, Francesco Muntoni, Kayoko Saito, Jerry R. Mendell, Laurent Servais, Hugh J. McMillan, Richard S. Finkel, Kathryn J. Swoboda, Jennifer M. Kwon, Craig M. Zaidman, Claudia A. Chiriboga, Susan T. Iannaccone, Jena M. Krueger, Julie A. Parsons, Perry B. Shieh, Sarah Kavanagh, Melissa Wigderson, Sitra Tauscher-Wisniewski, Bryan E. McGill, Thomas A. Macek Nature Medicine 28 (7), 1390-1397, 2022-06-17

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Most children with biallelic<jats:italic>SMN1</jats:italic>deletions and three<jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic>copies develop spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 2...

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • AIとゲノム情報を駆使した個別化先制医療の実現

    萩原 正敏 日本毒性学会学術年会 49.1 (0), S41-2-, 2022



  • 成人脊髄性筋萎縮症診断と治療

    橋口 昭大 神経治療学 39 (3), 298-301, 2022

    ...Instead, the <i>SMN2</i> gene produces SMN protein, but when transcribed into mRNA, exon7 is skipped by about 90%, and full–length functional SMN protein is produced by only about 10%....


  • エブリスディ<sup>®</sup>ドライシロップ60mg

    川田 洋充 ファルマシア 58 (3), 246-247, 2022

    ...<br>SMAは,Survival Motor Neuron 1(以下<i>SMN</i>遺伝子の両対立遺伝子の機能喪失変異による常染色体劣性(潜性)遺伝疾患である.ヒトの<i>SMN</i>遺伝子には機能性SMNタンパク質が産生される<i>SMN1</i>遺伝子と,産生されるSMNタンパク質の約90%が不完全長で分解されやすい<i>SMN2</i>遺伝子がある....


  • <i>NUDT15</i> variants confer high incidence of second malignancies in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Masanori Yoshida, Kazuhiko Nakabayashi, Wentao Yang, Aiko Sato-Otsubo, Shin-ichi Tsujimoto, Hiroko Ogata-Kawata, Tomoko Kawai, Keisuke Ishiwata, Mika Sakamoto, Kohji Okamura, Kaoru Yoshida, Ryota Shirai, Tomoo Osumi, Takaya Moriyama, Rina Nishii, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Chikako Kiyotani, Yoko Shioda, Keita Terashima, Sae Ishimaru, Yuki Yuza, Masatoshi Takagi, Yuki Arakawa, Akitoshi Kinoshita, Moeko Hino, Toshihiko Imamura, Daisuke Hasegawa, Yozo Nakazawa, Mayuko Okuya, Harumi Kakuda, Nao Takasugi, Akiko Inoue, Kentaro Ohki, Takako Yoshioka, Shuichi Ito, Daisuke Tomizawa, Katsuyoshi Koh, Kimikazu Matsumoto, Masashi Sanada, Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Akira Ohara, Seishi Ogawa, Atsushi Manabe, Akira Niwa, Kenichiro Hata, Jun J. Yang, Motohiro Kato Blood Advances 5 (23), 5420-5428, 2021-12-13

    ...The 6-MP–related mutational signature was observed in SMN specimens after 6-MP exposure....

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  • KMT2A Rearrangements Are Associated with Lineage Switch Following CD19 Targeting CAR T-Cell Therapy

    Adam J. Lamble, Regina M. Myers, Agne Taraseviciute, Samuel John, Bonnie Yates, Seth M. Steinberg, Jennifer Sheppard, Alexandra E. Kovach, Brent L. Wood, Michael Borowitz, Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson, Constance M. Yuan, Vinodh Pillai, Toni Foley, Perry Chung, Lee Chen, Daniel W. Lee, Colleen Annesley, Amanda M. DiNofia, Stephan A. Grupp, Michael R Verneris, Lia Gore, Theodore W. Laetsch, Deepa Bhojwani, Patrick A. Brown, Michael A. Pulsipher, Susan R. Rheingold, Rebecca A Gardner, Nirali N. Shah Blood 138 (Supplement 1), 256-256, 2021-11-05

    ...Notably, 4/6 (67%) patients that developed a SMN had received an allogeneic HSCT prior to development of SMN....

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  • Detection of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients Using Dried Saliva Spots

    Yogik Onky Silvana Wijaya, Hisahide Nishio, Emma Tabe Eko Niba, Kentaro Okamoto, Haruo Shintaku, Yasuhiro Takeshima, Toshio Saito, Masakazu Shinohara, Hiroyuki Awano Genes 12 (10), 1621-, 2021-10-14

    ...Emerging treatments, such as splicing modulation of SMN2 and SMN gene replacement therapy, have improved the prognoses and motor functions of patients....

    DOI Web Site 参考文献44件

  • Three years pilot of spinal muscular atrophy newborn screening turned into official program in Southern Belgium

    François Boemer, Jean-Hubert Caberg, Pablo Beckers, Vinciane Dideberg, Samantha di Fiore, Vincent Bours, Sandrine Marie, Joseph Dewulf, Lionel Marcelis, Nicolas Deconinck, Aurore Daron, Laura Blasco-Perez, Eduardo Tizzano, Mickaël Hiligsmann, Jacques Lombet, Tatiana Pereira, Lucia Lopez-Granados, Sarvnaz Shalchian-Tehran, Véronique van Assche, Arabelle Willems, Sofie Huybrechts, Bénédicte Mast, Rudolf van Olden, Tamara Dangouloff, Laurent Servais Scientific Reports 11 (1), 19922-, 2021-10-07

    ...During the pilot program, 136,339 neonates were tested for deletion of exon 7 of <jats:italic>SMN1</jats:italic>, the most common cause of SMA....

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • Detection of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients Using Dried Saliva Spots

    Wijaya, Yogik Onky Silvana, 西尾, 久英, Niba, Emma Tabe Eko, Okamoto, Kentaro, Shintaku, Haruo, Takeshima, Yasuhiro, Saito, Toshio, 篠原, 正和, 粟野, 宏之 Genes 12 (10), 1621-, 2021-10

    ...Emerging treatments, such as splicing modulation of SMN2 and SMN gene replacement therapy, have improved the prognoses and motor functions of patients....


  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Diagnosis, Incidence, and Newborn Screening in Japan

    Kimizu, Tomokazu, Ida, Shinobu, Okamoto, Kentaro, 粟野, 宏之, Niba, Emma Tabe Eko, Wijaya, Yogik Onky Silvana, Okazaki, Shin, Shimomura, Hideki, Lee, Tomoko, Tominaga, Koji, Nabatame, Shin, Saito, Toshio, Hamazaki, Takashi, Sakai, Norio, Saito, Kayoko, Shintaku, Haruo, 野津, 寛大, Takeshima, Yasuhiro, 飯島, 一誠, 西尾, 久英, 篠原, 正和 International Journal of Neonatal Screening 7 (3), 45-, 2021-09

    ...Among these patients, 228 were diagnosed as having SMA with survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) deletion....


  • Disrupted intrinsic functional brain topology in patients with major depressive disorder

    Hong Yang, Xiao Chen, Zuo-Bing Chen, Le Li, Xue-Ying Li, Francisco Xavier Castellanos, Tong-Jian Bai, Qi-Jing Bo, Jun Cao, Zhi-Kai Chang, Guan-Mao Chen, Ning-Xuan Chen, Wei Chen, Chang Cheng, Yu-Qi Cheng, Xi-Long Cui, Jia Duan, Yiru Fang, Qi-Yong Gong, Wen-Bin Guo, Zheng-Hua Hou, Lan Hu, Li Kuang, Feng Li, Hui-Xian Li, Kai-Ming Li, Tao Li, Yan-Song Liu, Zhe-Ning Liu, Yi-Cheng Long, Bin Lu, Qing-Hua Luo, Hua-Qing Meng, Daihui Peng, Hai-Tang Qiu, Jiang Qiu, Yue-Di Shen, Yu-Shu Shi, Tian-Mei Si, Yan-Qing Tang, Chuan-Yue Wang, Fei Wang, Kai Wang, Li Wang, Xiang Wang, Ying Wang, Yu-Wei Wang, Xiao-Ping Wu, Xin-Ran Wu, Chun-Ming Xie, Guang-Rong Xie, Hai-Yan Xie, Peng Xie, Xiu-Feng Xu, Jian Yang, Jia-Shu Yao, Shu-Qiao Yao, Ying-Ying Yin, Yong-Gui Yuan, Yu-Feng Zang, Ai-Xia Zhang, Hong Zhang, Ke-Rang Zhang, Lei Zhang, Zhi-Jun Zhang, Jing-Ping Zhao, Rubai Zhou, Yi-Ting Zhou, Jun-Juan Zhu, Zhi-Chen Zhu, Chao-Jie Zou, Xi-Nian Zuo, Chao-Gan Yan Molecular Psychiatry 26 (12), 7363-7371, 2021-08-12

    ...in the default mode network (DMN), SMN, DAN, and VN....

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • Phenotypes of SMA patients retaining SMN1 with intragenic mutation

    Yogik Onky Silvana Wijaya, Mawaddah Ar Rohmah, Emma Tabe Eko Niba, Naoya Morisada, Yoriko Noguchi, Yasufumi Hidaka, Shiro Ozasa, Takeshi Inoue, Tomoyuki Shimazu, Yuya Takahashi, Takenori Tozawa, Tomohiro Chiyonobu, Takushi Inoue, Tomoyoshi Shiroshita, Atsushi Yokoyama, Kentaro Okamoto, Hiroyuki Awano, Yasuhiro Takeshima, Toshio Saito, Kayoko Saito, Hisahide Nishio, Masakazu Shinohara Brain and Development 43 (7), 745-758, 2021-08

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献3件 参考文献37件

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Diagnosis, Incidence, and Newborn Screening in Japan

    Tomokazu Kimizu, Shinobu Ida, Kentaro Okamoto, Hiroyuki Awano, Emma Tabe Eko Niba, Yogik Onky Silvana Wijaya, Shin Okazaki, Hideki Shimomura, Tomoko Lee, Koji Tominaga, Shin Nabatame, Toshio Saito, Takashi Hamazaki, Norio Sakai, Kayoko Saito, Haruo Shintaku, Kandai Nozu, Yasuhiro Takeshima, Kazumoto Iijima, Hisahide Nishio, Masakazu Shinohara International Journal of Neonatal Screening 7 (3), 45-, 2021-07-20

    ...Among these patients, 228 were diagnosed as having SMA with survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) deletion....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献5件 参考文献47件

  • Massachusetts’ Findings from Statewide Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

    Jaime E. Hale, Basil T. Darras, Kathryn J. Swoboda, Elicia Estrella, Jin Yun Helen Chen, Mary-Alice Abbott, Beverly N. Hay, Binod Kumar, Anne M. Counihan, Jacalyn Gerstel-Thompson, Inderneel Sahai, Roger B. Eaton, Anne Marie Comeau International Journal of Neonatal Screening 7 (2), 26-, 2021-05-23

    ...Another ten SMN1 hybrids were observed but never referred. The nine referred infants who were confirmed to have SMA were entered into treatment protocols....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Loss of function mutations in GEMIN5 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder

    Sukhleen Kour, Deepa S. Rajan, Tyler R. Fortuna, Eric N. Anderson, Caroline Ward, Youngha Lee, Sangmoon Lee, Yong Beom Shin, Jong-Hee Chae, Murim Choi, Karine Siquier, Vincent Cantagrel, Jeanne Amiel, Elliot S. Stolerman, Sarah S. Barnett, Margot A. Cousin, Diana Castro, Kimberly McDonald, Brian Kirmse, Andrea H. Nemeth, Dhivyaa Rajasundaram, A. Micheil Innes, Danielle Lynch, Patrick Frosk, Abigail Collins, Melissa Gibbons, Michele Yang, Isabelle Desguerre, Nathalie Boddaert, Cyril Gitiaux, Siri Lynne Rydning, Kaja K. Selmer, Roser Urreizti, Alberto Garcia-Oguiza, Andrés Nascimento Osorio, Edgard Verdura, Aurora Pujol, Hannah R. McCurry, John E. Landers, Sameer Agnihotri, E. Corina Andriescu, Shade B. Moody, Chanika Phornphutkul, Maria J. Guillen Sacoto, Amber Begtrup, Henry Houlden, Janbernd Kirschner, David Schorling, Sabine Rudnik-Schöneborn, Tim M. Strom, Steffen Leiz, Kali Juliette, Randal Richardson, Ying Yang, Yuehua Zhang, Minghui Wang, Jia Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Konrad Platzer, Sandra Donkervoort, Carsten G. Bönnemann, Matias Wagner, Mahmoud Y. Issa, Hasnaa M. Elbendary, Valentina Stanley, Reza Maroofian, Joseph G. Gleeson, Maha S. Zaki, Jan Senderek, Udai Bhan Pandey Nature Communications 12 (1), 2558-, 2021-05-07

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>GEMIN5, an RNA-binding protein is essential for assembly of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein complex and facilitates the formation of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins...

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • Newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy in Germany: clinical results after 2 years

    Katharina Vill, Oliver Schwartz, Astrid Blaschek, Dieter Gläser, Uta Nennstiel, Brunhilde Wirth, Siegfried Burggraf, Wulf Röschinger, Marc Becker, Ludwig Czibere, Jürgen Durner, Katja Eggermann, Bernhard Olgemöller, Erik Harms, Ulrike Schara, Heike Kölbel, Wolfgang Müller-Felber Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 16 (1), 153-, 2021-03-31

    ...Birth prevalence was 1:6910; 39.5% had 2 <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> copies, 23% had 3 <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> copies, 32.5% had 4 copies, and 4.5% had 5 copies of the <jats:italic>SMN2</jats...

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献4件

  • A Voluntary Statewide Newborn Screening Pilot for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Results from Early Check

    Katerina Kucera, Jennifer Taylor, Veronica Robles, Kristin Clinard, Brooke Migliore, Beth Boyea, Katherine Okoniewski, Martin Duparc, Catherine Rehder, Scott Shone, Zheng Fan, Melissa Raspa, Holly Peay, Anne Wheeler, Cynthia Powell, Donald Bailey, Lisa Gehtland International Journal of Neonatal Screening 7 (1), 20-, 2021-03-21

    ...We enrolled a total of 12,065 newborns and identified one newborn with 0 copies of SMN1 and two copies of SMN2, consistent with severe early onset of SMA....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献4件

  • RNAを標的とした低分子創薬の展望

    日下 真一 MEDCHEM NEWS 31 (1), 25-29, 2021-02-01


    DOI 医中誌

  • 当院における治療関連二次がんの特徴と転帰

    馬場 みのり, 阿部 咲子, 渡辺 輝浩, 小川 淳 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 58 (3), 269-274, 2021


    DOI 医中誌

  • 安全に遺伝子治療の臨床試験を実施するためのチームによる医療体制整備

    本橋 裕子 日本臨床薬理学会学術総会抄録集 42 (0), 1-S13-4-, 2021

    ...SMAはSMN1遺伝子変異が原因で,脊髄前角細胞の変性・脱落により,進行性の筋力低下を認める疾患である.その他,Duchenne型筋ジストロフィー(DMD)とX連鎖性ミオチュブラーミオパチー(XLMTM)でも臨床試験が国内外で進められている.DMDは筋線維の変性・壊死を主病変とし, 乳幼児期以降に進行性の筋力低下をみる.原因はDMD遺伝子で,複数の遺伝子治療薬の臨床試験が行われている.XLMTMは生後間...


  • 運動ニューロン疾患に対するdisease-modifying therapy:革新と課題

    勝野 雅央 日本臨床薬理学会学術総会抄録集 42 (0), 1-S09-2-, 2021

    ...脊髄性筋萎縮症 (SMA)はSMN1欠失もしくは変異を原因とする常染色体潜性(劣性)遺伝疾患であり、一般に6ヶ月までに発症する重症型(1型)から1歳半以降に発症する軽症型(3型)に分類される。1型では2歳までに人工呼吸器装着もしくは呼吸不全による死亡を余儀なくされる。...


  • 生後10週からnusinersenを投与開始した脊髄性筋萎縮症0型の1例

    木水 友一, 鈴木 保宏, 五嶋 嶺, 水谷 聡志, 中島 健, 池田 妙, 最上 友紀子, 柳原 恵子, 沖永 剛志, 西尾 久英 脳と発達 53 (2), 142-145, 2021

    <p> 近年, 脊髄性筋萎縮症 (SMA) の新しい治療薬として<i>survival motor neuron</i> (<i>SMN</i>) <i>2</i>をターゲットとするアンチセンスヌクレオチドであるnusinersenが市販された. 乳児型SMAでは早期治療が推奨されているが, 胎児期発症の最重症型であるSMA0型の治療報告は少ない. 今回, …

    DOI 医中誌

  • Clinical and radiological profile of patients with spinal muscular atrophy type 4

    P. V. S. Souza, W. B. V. R. Pinto, A. Ricarte, B. M. L. Badia, D. D. Seneor, D. T. Teixeira, L. Caetano, E. A. Gonçalves, M. A. T. Chieia, I. B. Farias, E. Bertini, A. S. B. Oliveira European Journal of Neurology 28 (2), 609-619, 2020-11-12

    ...Sixteen patients (80%) had the homozygous deletion of exon 7 in the <jats:italic>SMN1</jats:italic> gene, with 12 patients (60%) showing four copies of the <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> gene....

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Ontario Testing and Follow-up Recommendations

    Hugh J. McMillan, Kristin D. Kernohan, Ed Yeh, Kim Amburgey, Jennifer Boyd, Craig Campbell, James J. Dowling, Hernan Gonorazky, Janet Marcadier, Mark A. Tarnopolsky, Jiri Vajsar, Alex MacKenzie, Pranesh Chakraborty Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences / Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques 48 (4), 504-511, 2020-10-16

    ...However, the range of disease-modifying <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> gene copy numbers encountered in survival motor neuron 1 (<jats:italic>SMN1</jats:italic>)-null individuals means that neither screen-positive...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • Reduced Morbidity and Mortality in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study

    Stephanie B. Dixon, Yan Chen, Yutaka Yasui, Ching-Hon Pui, Stephen P. Hunger, Lewis B. Silverman, Kirsten K. Ness, Daniel M. Green, Rebecca M. Howell, Wendy M. Leisenring, Nina S. Kadan-Lottick, Kevin R. Krull, Kevin C. Oeffinger, Joseph P. Neglia, Ann C. Mertens, Melissa M. Hudson, Leslie L. Robison, Gregory T. Armstrong, Paul C. Nathan Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (29), 3418-3429, 2020-10-10

    ...Health-related late mortality and SMN risks among 5-year survivors of contemporary, standard-risk childhood ALL are comparable to the general population. </jats:p></jats:sec>...

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  • Seeing Effects on Ground-Based Images of Mercury's Sodium Exosphere

    Rosemary Killen 2020-10-08


    DOI 被引用文献1件

  • Clinical phenotypes of spinal muscular atrophy patients with hybrid SMN gene

    Tabe, Emma, Niba, Eko, 西尾, 久英, Onky Silvana Wijaya, Yogik, San Lai, Poh, Tozawa, Takenori, Chiyonobu, Tomohiro, Yamadera, Misaki, Okamoto, Kentaro, 粟野, 宏之, Takeshima, Yasuhiro, Saito, Toshio, 篠原, 正和 Brain and Development 43 (2), 294-302, 2020-10-06

    ...However, exon 8 is retained in some cases, where SMN2 exon 7 recombines with SMN1 exon 8, forming a hybrid SMN gene. It remains unknown how the hybrid SMN gene contribute to the SMA phenotype....


  • Intragenic variants in the <i>SMN1</i> gene determine the clinical phenotype in 5q spinal muscular atrophy

    Rodrigo de Holanda Mendonça, Ciro Matsui, Graziela Jorge Polido, André Macedo Serafim Silva, Leslie Kulikowski, Alexandre Torchio Dias, Evelin Aline Zanardo, Davi Jorge Fontoura Solla, Juliana Gurgel-Giannetti, Ana Carolina Monteiro Lessa de Moura, Gabriela Palhares Campolina Sampaio, Acary Souza Bulle Oliveira, Paulo Victor Sgobbi de Souza, Wladimir Bocca Vieira de Rezende Pinto, Eduardo Augusto Gonçalves, Igor Braga Farias, Flávia Nardes, Alexandra Prufer de Queiroz Campos Araújo, Wilson Marques, Pedro José Tomaselli, Mara Dell Ospedale Ribeiro, João Paulo Kitajima, Fabíola Paoli Monteiro, Jonas Alex Morales Saute, Michele Michelin Becker, Maria Luiza Saraiva-Pereira, Ana Carolina Brusius-Facchin, Vanessa van der Linden, Rodrigo Neves Florêncio, André Vinícius Soares Barbosa, Marcela Camara Machado-Costa, André Luiz Santos Pessoa, Leticia Silva Souza, Marcondes Cavalcante Franca, Fernando Kok, Umbertina Conti Reed, Edmar Zanoteli Neurology Genetics 6 (5), e505-, 2020-10-05

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • Gene Therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Safety and Early Outcomes

    Megan A. Waldrop, Cassandra Karingada, Mike A. Storey, Brenna Powers, Megan A. Iammarino, Natalie F. Miller, Lindsay N. Alfano, Garey Noritz, Ian Rossman, Matthew Ginsberg, Kathryn A. Mosher, Eileen Broomall, Jessica Goldstein, Nancy Bass, Linda P. Lowes, Chang-Yong Tsao, Jerry R. Mendell, Anne M. Connolly Pediatrics 146 (3), 2020-09-01

    ...SMA is caused by the absence of the SMN1 gene, and SMN1 gene replacement therapy, onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi, was Food and Drug Administration approved in May 2019....

    DOI PDF 被引用文献1件

  • Recognising the spectrum of scleromyositis: HEp-2 ANA patterns allow identification of a novel clinical subset with anti-SMN autoantibodies

    Océane Landon-Cardinal, Alexandra Baril-Dionne, Sabrina Hoa, Alain Meyer, Valérie Leclair, Josiane Bourré-Tessier, Anne-Marie Mansour, Farah Zarka, Jean-Paul Makhzoum, Jessica Nehme, Eric Rich, Jean-Richard Goulet, Tamara Grodzicky, Martial Koenig, France Joyal, Isabelle Richard, Marie Hudson, Ira Targoff, Minoru Satoh, Marvin J Fritzler, Yves Troyanov, Jean-Luc Senécal RMD Open 6 (2), e001357-, 2020-09

    ...Third, the nuclear dots pattern was associated with aAbs to survival of motor neuron (SMN) complex and a novel scleromyositis subset characteriszed by calcinosis but infrequent ILD and renal crisis....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件 参考文献40件

  • Outcome and Late Complications of Hepatoblastomas Treated Using the Japanese Study Group for Pediatric Liver Tumor 2 Protocol

    Eiso Hiyama, Tomoro Hishiki, Kenichiro Watanabe, Kohmei Ida, Yuka Ueda, Sho Kurihara, Michihiro Yano, Ken Hoshino, Akiko Yokoi, Yuichi Takama, Yuki Nogami, Tomoaki Taguchi, Makiko Mori, Kentaro Kihira, Osamu Miyazaki, Hiroshi Fuji, Shohei Honda, Tomoko Iehara, Takuro Kazama, Junya Fujimura, Yukichi Tanaka, Takeshi Inoue, Tatsuro Tajiri, Satoshi Kondo, Takaharu Oue, Kenichi Yoshimura Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (22), 2488-2498, 2020-08-01

    ...JPLT-2 had a relatively low incidence of cardiotoxicity but high rates of SMNs.</jats:p></jats:sec>...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献9件 参考文献31件

  • CRISPR artificial splicing factors

    Menghan Du, Nathaniel Jillette, Jacqueline Jufen Zhu, Sheng Li, Albert Wu Cheng Nature Communications 11 (1), 2020-06-12

    ...Finally, we demonstrate the activation of <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> exon 7 splicing in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) patient fibroblasts, suggesting a potential application of the CASFx system....

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  • Evaluation of Genotypes and Epidemiology of Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Greece: A Nationwide Study Spanning 24 Years

    Kyriaki Kekou, Maria Svingou, Christalena Sofocleous, Niki Mourtzi, Evangelia Nitsa, George Konstantinidis, Sotiris Youroukos, Konstantinos Skiadas, Marina Katsalouli, Roser Pons, Antigoni Papavasiliou, Charalabos Kotsalis, Evangelos Pavlou, Athanasios Evangeliou, Efstathia Katsarou, Konstantinos Voudris, Argirios Dinopoulos, Pelagia Vorgia, George Niotakis, Nikolaos Diamantopoulos, Iliada Nakou, Vasiliki Koute, George Vartzelis, George-Konstantinos Papadimas, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Georgios Tsivgoulis, Joanne Traeger-Synodinos Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 7 (3), 247-256, 2020-06-02

    ...For prognosis a minimal model pertaining disease onset before 18 months was proposed to include copy numbers of NAIP (OR = 9.9;95% CI, 4.7 to 21) and SMN2 (OR = 6.2;95% CI, 2.5–15.2) genes as well as gender...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • Assessment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Carrier Status by Determining SMN1 Copy Number Using Dried Blood Spots

    Onky Silvana Wijaya, Yogik, Purevsuren, Jamiyan, Imma Fatimah Harahap, Nur, Tabe Eko Niba, Emma, Bouike, Yoshihiro, Kesumapramudya Nurputra, Dian, Rochmah, Ar Mawaddah, Thursina, Cempaka, Hapsara, Sunartini, Yamaguchi, Seiji, 西尾, 久英, 篠原, 正和 International Journal of Neonatal Screening 6 (2), 43-, 2020-05-29

    ...Our system clearly separated the DBS samples with one SMN1 copy (carrier status with a heterozygous deletion of SMN1) from the DBS samples with two SMN1 copies (non-carrier status with no deletion of SMN1...

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  • Infants Diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and 4 SMN2 Copies through Newborn Screening – Opportunity or Burden?1

    Wolfgang Müller-Felber, Katharina Vill, Oliver Schwartz, Dieter Gläser, Uta Nennstiel, Brunhilde Wirth, Siegfried Burggraf, Wulf Röschinger, Marc Becker, Jürgen Durner, Katja Eggermann, Christine Müller, Iris Hannibal, Bernd Olgemöller, Ulrike Schara, Astrid Blaschek, Heike Kölbel Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 7 (2), 109-117, 2020-03-20

    ...Of the 15 SMA children with 4 SMN2 copies, one child developed physical signs of SMA by the age of 8 months. Reanalysis of the SMN2 copy number by a different test method revealed 3 copies....

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • 人工知能を活用した偽エクソン型スプライス異常の包括的解析と創薬標的としての評価

    萩原 正敏 日本毒性学会学術年会 47.1 (0), S21-1-, 2020



  • 電動車いすで移動の自立を得た4歳の脊髄性筋萎縮症の2症例

    須貝 みさき, 大府 正治, 當山 潤 脳と発達 52 (5), 323-326, 2020

    <p> 電動車いす (電動) 支給が幼児期に決定した, 脊髄性筋萎縮症 (spinal muscular atrophy ; SMA) Ⅱ型の4歳7か月とⅢ型の4歳1か月の女児2症例を報告する. 両症例共に筋力低下, 腱反射消失, 手指の線維束れん縮を認め, <i>SMN1</i>遺伝子exon7-8領域欠失よりSMAと診断した. 自力歩行が不能で, 身体障害者手帳1級を所持しており, …


  • 二次がんの遺伝的背景

    吉田 仁典, 加藤 元博 臨床血液 61 (9), 1174-1178, 2020

    <p>二次がんは,造血器腫瘍を含むがん患者における最も重篤な晩期合併症の一つであり,がん治療後の長期サバイバーの10%以上が二次がんを発症するとされている。これまでもがんの発症の背景にある生殖細胞系列のバリアントの関与が報告されてきたが,二次がんについても生殖細胞系列のcancer predisposition …

    DOI Web Site PubMed ほか1件

  • Muscleblind acts as a modifier of FUS toxicity by modulating stress granule dynamics and SMN localization

    Ian Casci, Karthik Krishnamurthy, Sukhleen Kour, Vadreenath Tripathy, Nandini Ramesh, Eric N. Anderson, Lara Marrone, Rogan A. Grant, Stacie Oliver, Lauren Gochenaur, Krishani Patel, Jared Sterneckert, Amanda M. Gleixner, Christopher J. Donnelly, Marc-David Ruepp, Antonella M. Sini, Emanuela Zuccaro, Maria Pennuto, Piera Pasinelli, Udai Bhan Pandey Nature Communications 10 (1), 5583-, 2019-12-06

    ...Upregulation of SMN suppressed FUS toxicity in <jats:italic>Drosophila</jats:italic> and primary cortical neurons, indicating a link between FUS and SMN....

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  • A Novel System for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Screening in Newborns: Japanese Pilot Study

    篠原, 正和, Niba, Emma Tabe Eko, Wijaya, Yogik Onky Silvana, Takayama, Izumi, Mitsuishi, Chisako, Kumasaka, Sakae, Kondo, Yoichi, Takatera, Akihiro, Hokuto, Isamu, 森岡, 一朗, Ogiwara, Kazutaka, Tobita, Kimimasa, Takeuchi, Atsuko, 西尾, 久英, the SMA-NBS PILOT STUDY GROUP International Journal of Neonatal Screening 5 (4), 41-41, 2019-12

    ...The drug nusinersen modifies SMN2 mRNA splicing, increasing the production of the full-length SMN protein....


  • A Novel System for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Screening in Newborns: Japanese Pilot Study

    Masakazu Shinohara, Emma Tabe Eko Niba, Yogik Onky Silvana Wijaya, Izumi Takayama, Chisako Mitsuishi, Sakae Kumasaka, Yoichi Kondo, Akihiro Takatera, Isamu Hokuto, Ichiro Morioka, Kazutaka Ogiwara, Kimimasa Tobita, Atsuko Takeuchi, Hisahide Nishio International Journal of Neonatal Screening 5 (4), 41-, 2019-11-12

    ...The drug nusinersen modifies SMN2 mRNA splicing, increasing the production of the full-length SMN protein....

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  • Development of a Multiplex real-time PCR Assay for the Newborn Screening of SCID, SMA, and XLA

    Cristina Gutierrez-Mateo, Anne Timonen, Katja Vaahtera, Markku Jaakkola, David M Hougaard, Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm, Marie Baekvad-Hansen, Dea Adamsen, Galina Filippov, Stephanie Dallaire, David Goldfarb, Daniel Schoener, Rongcong Wu International Journal of Neonatal Screening 5 (4), 39-, 2019-11-02

    ...The PCR assay identifies the absence of exon 7 in the SMN1 gene, while simultaneously evaluating the copy number of T-cell receptor excision circles (TREC) and Kappa-deleting recombination excision circles...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Age-dependent SMN expression in disease-relevant tissue and implications for SMA treatment

    Daniel M. Ramos, Constantin d’Ydewalle, Vijayalakshmi Gabbeta, Amal Dakka, Stephanie K. Klein, Daniel A. Norris, John Matson, Shannon J. Taylor, Phillip G. Zaworski, Thomas W. Prior, Pamela J. Snyder, David Valdivia, Christine L. Hatem, Ian Waters, Nikhil Gupte, Kathryn J. Swoboda, Frank Rigo, C. Frank Bennett, Nikolai Naryshkin, Sergey Paushkin, Thomas O. Crawford, Charlotte J. Sumner Journal of Clinical Investigation 129 (11), 4817-4831, 2019-10-07

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献3件

  • Severe brain involvement in 5q spinal muscular atrophy type 0

    Rodrigo H. Mendonça, Antônio J. Rocha, Andres Lozano‐Arango, Astry B. Diaz, Claudia Castiglioni, André M. S. Silva, Umbertina C. Reed, Leslie Kulikowski, Ida Paramonov, Ivon Cuscó, Eduardo F. Tizzano, Edmar Zanoteli Annals of Neurology 86 (3), 458-462, 2019-07-24

    ...<jats:p>Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 0 is the most severe form of SMA, associated with the <jats:italic>SMN1</jats:italic> gene and manifesting at birth....

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • Colon cancer as a subsequent malignant neoplasm in young adults

    Annabelle Teng, Daniel W. Nelson, Ahmed Dehal, Shu‐Ching Chang, Trevan Fischer, Scott R. Steele, Melanie Goldfarb Cancer 125 (21), 3749-3754, 2019-07-10

    ...The impact of SMN status on overall survival (OS) was evaluated.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Results</jats:title><jats:p>Of 41,915 patients, 2852 (6.8%) had colon SMNs....

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • AAV9-mediated delivery of miR-23a reduces disease severity in Smn2B/−SMA model mice

    Kevin A Kaifer, Eric Villalón, Benjamin S O'Brien, Samantha L Sison, Caley E Smith, Madeline E Simon, Jose Marquez, Siri O'Day, Abigail E Hopkins, Rachel Neff, Hansjörg Rindt, Allison D Ebert, Christian L Lorson Human Molecular Genetics 28 (19), 3199-3210, 2019-05-20

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disease caused by deletions or mutations in survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1)....

    DOI PDF PDF 被引用文献1件

  • Brain Functional Connectivity in Patients With Somatic Symptom Disorder

    Sun Mi Kim, Ji Sun Hong, Kyoung Joon Min, Doug Hyun Han Psychosomatic Medicine 81 (3), 313-318, 2019-04

    ...Patients with SSD also had increased FC between the SMN and DMN, SMN and salience network, SMN and DAN, and salience network and DAN (<jats:italic toggle="yes">t</jats:italic> = 5.10–7.47, all false discovery...

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Notch Signaling Mediates Astrocyte Abnormality in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Model Systems

    Kazuki Ohuchi, Michinori Funato, Yuta Yoshino, Shiori Ando, Satoshi Inagaki, Arisu Sato, Chizuru Kawase, Junko Seki, Toshio Saito, Hisahide Nishio, Shinsuke Nakamura, Masamitsu Shimazawa, Hideo Kaneko, Hideaki Hara Scientific Reports 9 (1), 2019-03-06

    ...The disease is mainly caused by low level of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein, which is coded by two genes, namely <jats:italic>SMN1</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic>, but leads...

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献1件 参考文献47件

  • Collective action of water molecules in zeolite dealumination

    Malte Nielsen, Anders Hafreager, Rasmus Yding Brogaard, Kristof De Wispelaere, Hanne Falsig, Pablo Beato, Veronique Van Speybroeck, Stian Svelle Catalysis Science & Technology 9 (14), 3721-3725, 2019

    <p>Water molecules cooperate to facilitate Al–O bond hydrolysis during zeolite dealumination at real steaming conditions.</p>

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  • 5か月齢よりヌシネルセンによる治療を受けているSMAⅠ型の児への発達支援的理学療法と発達経過

    鎌塚 香央里, 佐藤 優衣, 笹川 古都音, 福村 忍, 山本 晃代, 川村 健太郎, 小塚 直樹 理学療法学Supplement 46S1 (0), J-54_1-J-54_1, 2019

    ...</p><p>【症例】1歳5か月,女児.在胎40週0日,出生体重3,174g,仮死無く出生.妊娠・分娩経過に異常は無かったが,1か月検診時に両下肢の筋緊張低下を指摘され,3か月齢で近医を受診した.舌の線維束性攣縮を認め,精査加療目的に当院入院となった.4か月齢時,遺伝子検査によりSMN1 0コピー,SMN2 2コピーと判明し,SMAⅠ型の確定診断に至った....


  • 核酸が標的でも通常の低分子創薬は可能?

    戸谷 博希 ファルマシア 55 (7), 699-699, 2019


    DOI 医中誌

  • VI.遺伝性神経筋疾患に対する核酸医薬

    齋藤 加代子 日本内科学会雑誌 107 (8), 1494-1500, 2018-08-10

    <p>2016年9月,FDA(Food and Drug Administration)がDuchenne型筋ジストロフィーに対し,エクソンスキップを機序とする核酸医薬品EXONDYS 51<sup>TM</sup>(eteplirsen)を迅速承認した.脊髄性筋萎縮症(spinal muscular …

    DOI Web Site Web Site ほか1件 参考文献7件

  • A complex of C9ORF72 and p62 uses arginine methylation to eliminate stress granules by autophagy

    Maneka Chitiprolu, Chantal Jagow, Veronique Tremblay, Emma Bondy-Chorney, Geneviève Paris, Alexandre Savard, Gareth Palidwor, Francesca A. Barry, Lorne Zinman, Julia Keith, Ekaterina Rogaeva, Janice Robertson, Mathieu Lavallée-Adam, John Woulfe, Jean-François Couture, Jocelyn Côté, Derrick Gibbings Nature Communications 9 (1), 2794-, 2018-07-18

    ...This requires p62 to associate via the Tudor protein SMN with proteins, including FUS, that are symmetrically methylated on arginines....

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献5件

  • Nusinersen: A Treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

    Melanie K. Claborn, Debra L. Stevens, Cheri K. Walker, Brooke L. Gildon Annals of Pharmacotherapy 53 (1), 61-69, 2018-07-16

    ...Data Sources: An English-language literature search of PubMed and MEDLINE (1946 to June 2018) was performed using the terms nusinersen, ISIS-SMN (Rx), and spinal muscular atrophy....

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Targeting RNA structure in SMN2 reverses spinal muscular atrophy molecular phenotypes

    Amparo Garcia-Lopez, Francesca Tessaro, Hendrik R. A. Jonker, Anna Wacker, Christian Richter, Arnaud Comte, Nikolaos Berntenis, Roland Schmucki, Klas Hatje, Olivier Petermann, Gianpaolo Chiriano, Remo Perozzo, Daniel Sciarra, Piotr Konieczny, Ignacio Faustino, Guy Fournet, Modesto Orozco, Ruben Artero, Friedrich Metzger, Martin Ebeling, Peter Goekjian, Benoît Joseph, Harald Schwalbe, Leonardo Scapozza Nature Communications 9 (1), 2018-05-23

    ...<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Modification of <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> exon 7 (E7) splicing is a validated therapeutic strategy against spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)....

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • Real-time imaging of adatom-promoted graphene growth on nickel

    Laerte L. Patera, Federico Bianchini, Cristina Africh, Carlo Dri, German Soldano, Marcelo M. Mariscal, Maria Peressi, Giovanni Comelli Science 359 (6381), 1243-1246, 2018-03-16

    <jats:title>Watching graphene grow</jats:title> <jats:p> The growth of graphene on metal surfaces can be catalyzed by mobile surface metal atoms. Patera …

    DOI Web Site Web Site 被引用文献1件

  • The multiple lives of DEAD-box RNA helicase DP103/DDX20/Gemin3

    Frank Curmi, Ruben J. Cauchi Biochemical Society Transactions 46 (2), 329-341, 2018-03-09

    ...This review article focuses on the known roles of Gemin3, first as a core member of the survival motor neuron (SMN) complex, in small nuclear ribonucleoprotein biogenesis....

    DOI PDF 被引用文献2件

  • Cu-CHA – a model system for applied selective redox catalysis

    Elisa Borfecchia, Pablo Beato, Stian Svelle, Unni Olsbye, Carlo Lamberti, Silvia Bordiga Chemical Society Reviews 47 (22), 8097-8133, 2018

    <p>We review the structural chemistry and reactivity of copper-exchanged molecular sieves with chabazite (CHA) topology, as an industrially applied catalyst in ammonia mediated reduction of harmful …

    DOI Web Site 被引用文献11件

  • 治療可能な疾患としての脊髄性筋萎縮症

    埜中 征哉 日本重症心身障害学会誌 43 (1), 79-82, 2018


    DOI Web Site 医中誌

  • 脊髄性筋萎縮症(SMA)治療薬ヌシネルセン(スピンラザ<sup>®</sup>)の薬理学的特徴と臨床試験成績

    大村 剛史, 佐伯 誠治, 荻原 一隆, 飛田 公理, Yan Ling, 鳥居 慎一 日本薬理学雑誌 152 (3), 147-159, 2018

    ...である.2017年7月3日に乳児型のSMAへの承認取得後,2017年9月22日に乳児型以外のSMAの効能追加が承認された.ヌシネルセンは,エクソン7を含有する<i>SMN2</i> mRNA産生により完全長の機能性SMNタンパク質産生量を増加させる2'-O-(2-メトキシエチル)(2'-MOE)ASOとして,スクリーニングにより見出された.ヌシネルセンは,<i>SMN2</i> mRNA前駆体に結合...

    DOI Web Site Web Site ほか2件 参考文献22件

  • Resolving the Full Spectrum of Human Genome Variation using Linked-Reads

    Patrick Marks, Sarah Garcia, Alvaro Martinez Barrio, Kamila Belhocine, Jorge Bernate, Rajiv Bharadwaj, Keith Bjornson, Claudia Catalanotti, Josh Delaney, Adrian Fehr, Ian T. Fiddes, Brendan Galvin, Haynes Heaton, Jill Herschleb, Christopher Hindson, Esty Holt, Cassandra B. Jabara, Susanna Jett, Nikka Keivanfar, Sofia Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou, Monkol Lek, Bill Lin, Adam Lowe, Shazia Mahamdallie, Shamoni Maheshwari, Tony Makarewicz, Jamie Marshall, Francesca Meschi, Chris O’keefe, Heather Ordonez, Pranav Patel, Andrew Price, Ariel Royall, Elise Ruark, Sheila Seal, Michael Schnall-Levin, Preyas Shah, Stephen Williams, Indira Wu, Andrew Wei Xu, Nazneen Rahman, Daniel MacArthur, Deanna M. Church 2017-12-08

    ...</jats:italic><jats:sub><jats:italic>1</jats:italic></jats:sub> and <jats:italic>SMN</jats:italic><jats:sub><jats:italic>2</jats:italic></jats:sub>....

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  • Binding to SMN2 pre-mRNA-protein complex elicits specificity for small molecule splicing modifiers

    Manaswini Sivaramakrishnan, Kathleen D. McCarthy, Sébastien Campagne, Sylwia Huber, Sonja Meier, Angélique Augustin, Tobias Heckel, Hélène Meistermann, Melanie N. Hug, Pascale Birrer, Ahmed Moursy, Sarah Khawaja, Roland Schmucki, Nikos Berntenis, Nicolas Giroud, Sabrina Golling, Manuel Tzouros, Balazs Banfai, Gonzalo Duran-Pacheco, Jens Lamerz, Ying Hsiu Liu, Thomas Luebbers, Hasane Ratni, Martin Ebeling, Antoine Cléry, Sergey Paushkin, Adrian R. Krainer, Frédéric H.-T. Allain, Friedrich Metzger Nature Communications 8 (1), 2017-11-14

    ..., thereby stabilizing a yet unidentified ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex that is critical to the specificity of these small molecules for <jats:italic>SMN2</jats:italic> over other genes....

    DOI PDF Web Site 被引用文献2件

  • Spinal muscular atrophy carriers with two SMN1 copies

    Mawaddah Ar Rochmah, Hiroyuki Awano, Tomonari Awaya, Nur Imma Fatimah Harahap, Naoya Morisada, Yoshihiro Bouike, Toshio Saito, Yuji Kubo, Kayoko Saito, Poh San Lai, Ichiro Morioka, Kazumoto Iijima, Hisahide Nishio, Masakazu Shinohara Brain and Development 39 (10), 851-860, 2017-11

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