Drell, Sidney D. (Sidney David)
Drell, Sidney David
Drell, S. D. (Sidney David)
edited by George P. Shultz and Sidney D. Drell
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University 2012 Hoover Institution publication no. 626
: cloth , : pbk
Edited by George P. Shultz, Sidney D. Drell, and James E. Goodby
Hoover Institution press 2011 Hoover Institution publication No. 613
conference organizers and report editors, Sidney D. Drell and George P. Shultz
Hoover Institution 2007 Hoover Institution publication 558
: pbk
Sidney D. Drell
World Scientific Pub. c2007
: hbk. , : pbk.
Sidney D. Drell and James E. Goodby ; foreword by George P. Shultz
Hoover Institution Press 2003
edited by Sidney D. Drell, Abraham D. Sofaer, and George D. Wilson
Hoover Institution Press 1999
: alk. paper , : pbk. : alk. paper
James D. Bjorken, Sidney D. Drell
McGraw-Hill, Primis Custom Pub. c1998 Customized ed International series in pure and applied physics
McGraw-Hill Book Company c1998 International series in pure and applied physics
McGeorge Bundy, William J. Crowe, Jr., Sidney D. Drell
Council on Foreign Relations Press c1993
edited by Sidney D. Drell, Sergei P. Kapitza
American Institute of Physics c1991
: case , : paper
Sidney D. Drell ; with an open letter on The danger of thermonuclear war from Andrei Sakharov
University of Washington Press c1989 1989 ed The Jessie and John Danz lectures
by Sidney D. Drell, Philip J. Farley, and David Holloway
Ballinger c1985
University of Washington Press c1983 The Jessie and John Danz lectures
program directors, D. W. G. S. Leith, S. D. Drell
Available from National Technical Information Service 1973 SLAC report no. 167 . proceedings of Summer Institute on Particle Physics, July 9-28, 1973 ; v. 2
Program Directors, D. W. G. S. Leith, S. D. Drell
Available from National Technical Information Service 1973 SLAC report no. 167 . proceedings of Summer Institute on Particle Physics, July 9-28, 1973 ; v. 1
von James D. Bjorlen u.Sideney D. Drell
Bibliographisches inst. c1967 B.I.-Hochschultaschenbücher Bd.101
von James D. Bjorken u. Sidney D. Drell
Bibliographisches Inst. c1966 B.I.-Hochschultaschenbücher Bd. 98
by S.D. Drell and F. Zachariasen
Clarendon Press 1965, c1961 [Repr. ed.] Oxford library of the physical sciences
McGraw-Hill c1965 International series in pure and applied physics
McGraw-Hill c1964 International series in pure and applied physics