Witten, E.
Виттен, Э
Vitten, ė
Sam B. Treiman ... [et al.]
Princeton University Press [2014?], c1985 Princeton legacy library
: pbk
Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten
Cambridge University Press 2012 25th anniversary ed Superstring theory / Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten v. 2
: hardback
Cambridge University Press 2012 25th anniversary ed Superstring theory / Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten v. 1
Cambridge University Press 2012 25th anniversary ed
ゴードン・ケイン著 ; 藤井昭彦訳
紀伊國屋書店 2001.12
Edward Wittien
American Mathematical Society c1998 AMS selected lectures in mathematics
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (カセット))
editors, W. Nahm ... [et al.]
World Scientific c1991
Edward Witten
The Mathematical Society of Japan c1990
М. Грин, Дж. Шварц, Э. Виттен
Мир 1990 Теория суперструн / М. Грин, Дж. Шварц, Э. Виттен Том 2
Мир 1990
Мир 1990 Теория суперструн / М. Грин, Дж. Шварц, Э. Виттен Том 1
Witten, Edward
Iwanami 1990 Iwanami videotheque . ICM 90 Kyoto, Japan ; 12
Cambridge University Press 1988, c1987 Repr. with corr Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics . Superstring theory / Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten ; v. 2
: hard covers
Edward Witten ; introduced by Felix E. Browder
Distributed by American Mathematical Society c1988
Cambridge University Press 1988 Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics . Superstring theory ; v. 2
Cambridge University Press 1988 Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics . Superstring theory / Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten ; v. 1
Cambridge University Press 1987 Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics . Superstring theory / Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten ; v. 2
Cambridge University Press 1987 Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics . Superstring theory / Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten ; v. 1
[compiled by] Sam B. Treiman...[et al.]
Princeton University Press c1985 Princeton series in physics
: pbk.
World Scientific c1985
: pbk , : hard