American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Acoustic and Noise Control Division
ASME. Noise Control and Acoustics Division
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Devision, ASME
ASME c2009
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME
ASME , [2007] , c2007 NCA vol. 33
ASME , [2005] , c2005 NCA vol. 32
ASME , [2004] , c2004 NCA vol. 31
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME ; organized by Sheryl M. Grace, Kenneth Frampton
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c2003 NCA v. 30
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME ; edited by Richard C. Marboe, Sheryl M. Grace
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c2002 NCA vol. 29
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME ; principal editor, Richard C. Marboe
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c2001 NCA vol. 28
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME ; principal editor, Martin L. Pollack
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c2000 NCA vol. 27
contributing editors, Nickolas Vlahopoulos ... [et al.] ; sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1999 NCA vol. 26
edited by Mardi C. Hastings ... [et al.] ; sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1998 NCA vol. 25
contributing editors, Raymond J. Nagem ... [et al.] ; sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1997 NCA vol. 24
Edited by P. R. Mantena .. [et al.] ; sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME, The Design Engineering Division, ASME, The Materials Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1996 NCA vol. 22-23
v. 1 , v. 2
Edited by Richard M. Lueptow, William L. Keith, Theodore M. Farabee ; sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME, The Fluids Engineering Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1995 NCA vol. 19 , FED vol. 230
Edited by Richard C. Marboe .. [et al.] ; sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1995 NCA vol. 21
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1995-
sponsored by the Design Engineering Division, the Applied Mechanics Division, the Dynamic Systems and Control Division, and the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME ; edited by K.W. Wang ... [et al.]
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1994 DE vol. 75
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, the Design Engineering Division, and the Applied Mechanics Division, ASME ; edited by P.K. Raju, R.F. Gibson
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1994 NCA vol. 18 , DE vol. 80
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, ASME ; edited by S.F. Wu
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1994 NCA vol. 17
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, and the Applied Mechanics Division, ASME ; edited by P.K. Raju, R.F. Gibson
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1993 NCA vol. 16 , AMD vol. 172
sponsored by the Noise Control and Acoustics Division, and the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by T.M. Farabee ... [et al.]
American Society of Mechanical Engineers c1993 NCA vol. 15 , FED vol. 168