Watson, James D.
Watson, J. D. (James D.)
ワトソン, ジェームス D.(ワトソン, ジェームス D.)
Search authors sharing the same name
James D. Watson
Touchstone 2001 1st Touschstone ed
: pbk
Available at 15 libraries
James D. Watson [ほか] 原著 ; 今成啓子 [ほか] 訳
東京電機大学出版局 2001.3 第2版
上 , 下
Available at 186 libraries
James D. Watson ; with an introduction, afterword, and annotations by Walter Gratzer
Oxford University Press c2000
: hbk
Available at 1 libraries
Easton Press c2000
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press c2000
Videorecording (Videocassette)
ジェームス・D・ワトソン著 ; 新庄直樹 [ほか] 訳
ニュートンプレス 2000.10 Newton science series
Available at 146 libraries
James D. Watson ; with and introduction, afterword, and annotations by Walter Gratzer
: hc
Available at 35 libraries
James D. Watson ; with a new introduction by Steve Jones
Penguin Books 1999, c1968 Penguin books
Available at 9 libraries
Scribner 1998 1st Scribner ed
Available at 8 libraries
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1997, c1968
Available at 4 libraries
Bruce Alberts [ほか] 著 ; 中村桂子, 藤山秋佐夫, 松原謙一監訳
教育社 , 教育社出版サービス (販売) 1995.7 第3版
Available at 454 libraries
Kary B. Mullis, François Ferré, Richard A. Gibbs, editors ; foreword by James D. Watson
Birkhäuser c1994
: us , : us : pbk , : gw , : gw : pbk
Available at 50 libraries
Bruce Alberts ... [et al.]
Garland Pub. c1994 3rd ed
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 282 libraries
James D. Watson [ほか] 著 ; 松橋通生 [ほか] 監訳
丸善 1993.5 第2版
Available at 302 libraries
edited by John Cairns, Gunther S. Stent, James D. Watson
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 1992 Expanded ed
Available at 20 libraries
James D. Watson ... [et al.]
Scientific American Books : Distributed by W.H. Freeman c1992 2nd ed
: hard , : pbk
Available at 130 libraries
by Elizabeth L. Watson ; with, Landmarks of twentieth century genetics : a series of essays / by James D. Watson ; principal architectural photography by Andrew Garn
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 1991
Available at 3 libraries
トッパン 1990.3 第4版
Available at 214 libraries
arranged by James D. Watson ... [et al.]
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [1990]
arranged by James D. Watson, John R. Inglis
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [1989]