カルヴァン, ジャン(カルヴァン, ジャン)
Calvin, John
Cauvin, Jean
Kalʹvin, Iogann
Calvin, Johannes
Kalvín, Jan
Calvijn, Johannes
Caluin, Iohn
Calvyn, Jean
Caluinus, Ioannes
Calvinus, Ioannes
Calvinus, Joannes
Calvini, Ioannis
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written in Latine by John Caluine ; and translated into English according to the authors last edition ..., by Thomas Norton ; whereunto there are newly added in the margent of the booke, notes conteyning in briefe the ſubſtance of the matter handled in each ſection
Printed by H. Middleton, for W. Norton Anno Dom. 1587
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authore Ioanne Caluino ; Ioannes Sturmius …
per Vuendelinum Rihelium menſe Martio, anno 1543
Available at 3 libraries
Labor et Fides
sumptibus librariae Gebaueriae
Printed for the Calvin Translation Socirty
Verlag der Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins, Neukirchen, Kreis Moers
general editor, D.F. Wright ; assisted by D.F. Kelly ; consultant editors, T.H.L. Parker ... [et al.] ; contributing editors, R.C. Gamble ... [et al.]
William B. Eerdmans , Paternoster
iussu Corporis Presbyterianorum Universalis, World Alliance of Reformed Churches (Presbyterian and Congregational) ; moderante James I. McCord ; edidit Erwin Mülhaupt, adiuvantibus Willem Balke ... [et al.]
Neukirchener Verlag des Erziehungsvereins
by John Calvin ; translated from the Latin and collated with the author's last edition in French, by John Allen
Presbyterian Board of Christian Education [n.d.] 7th American ed., rev. and corrected
v. 1 , v. 2
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