United States. Argonne National Laboratory
Argonnskai︠a︡ nat︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ laboratorii︠a︡
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Argonne National Laboratory
Chicago (Ill.). Argonne National Laboratory
Metallurgical Laboratory (U.S.)
United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development. Metallurgical Laboratory
Lemont (Ill.). Argonne National Laboratory
United States. Energy Research and Development Administration. Argonne National Laboratory
United States. Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Ill
sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Enegry, ER [and] Argonne National Laboratory ; planned by the Plasma/Materials Interaction, Task Group, Office of Fusion Energy, ER
Available from NTIS 1980
sponsored by SIAM Institute for Mathematics and Society (SIMS) and supported by Argonne National Laboratory (Department of Energy) and SIMS ; John David Buckmaster, editor
SIAM 1980 SIAM-SIMS conference series 7
editors, Joanne S. Day, Alan D. Krisch, Lazarus G. Ratner
American Institute of Physics 1980 AIP conference proceedings no. 60
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory 1979
F. L. LaQue
Dept. of Energy, [Office of Energy Research], Argonne National Laboratory , for sale by the National Technical Information Service] 1979
sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Laser Fusion and Division of High Energy and Nuclear Physics ; proceedings editor, R.C. Arnold
Brookhaven National Laboratory Associated Univirsities, Inc. 1978
editors, P.A. Schreiner, G.H. Thomas, A.B. Wicklund
American Institute of Physics 1978 AIP conference proceedings no. 43 . Particles and fields subseries ; no. 13
edited by Wayne Cowell
Springer-Verlag 1977 Lecture notes in computer science 57
: gw , : us
edited by James R. Bunch and Donald J. Rose
Academic Press 1976
editors, H. Wiedersich, M.S. Kaminsky and K.M. Zwilsky
North-Holland 1974
ANL 1972
sponsored by IEEE Nuclear science ... [et al.]
IEEE c1971 IEEE transactions on nuclear science v. NS-18, no. 3
[organized by the Physics Division of the Lavoratory
ANL 1971
sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, March 27-29, 1972
Argonne National Laboratory [1972?]
Argonne National Laboratory [1969] ANL 7521 . mathematics and computers
edited by A.R. Bodmer and L.G. Hyman ; organizing committee, A.R. Bodmer ... [et al.] ; scientific secretaries, K.O. Bunnell ; sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory 1969
v. 1 , v. 2
s.n.] [1969]
Argonne National Laboratory 1968
Edwin J. Hart, conference chairman
American Chemical Society 1968 Advances in chemistry series 82 . Radiation chemistry ; v. 2
American Chemical Society 1968 Advances in chemistry series 81 . Radiation chemistry ; v. 1