Marcus, Yizhak



Marcus, Yitzhak

Marcus, Y.

Marḳus, Yitsḥaḳ

マーカス, Y.


検索結果24件中 1-20 を表示

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  • Ion exchange and solvent extraction : a series of advances

    edited by Jacob A. Marinsky, Yizhak Marcus

    CRC Press 2019

    v. 12


  • Supercritical carbon dioxide

    Yizhak Marcus

    Nova Science Publishers c2019 Chemistry research and applications

    : softcover


  • Ions in solution and their solvation

    Yizhak Marcus

    Wiley c2015

    : [cloth]


  • Ions in water and biophysical implications : from chaos to cosmos

    Yizhak Marcus

    Springer c2012


  • Supercritical water : a green solvent: properties and uses

    Yizhak Marcus

    Wiley c2012


  • Solvent mixtures : properties and selective solvation

    Yizhak Marcus

    Marcel Dekker c2002


  • The properties of solvents

    Y. Marcus

    Wiley c1998 Wiley series in solution chemistry v. 4


  • Ion properties

    Yizhak Marcus

    Marcel Dekker c1997


  • Ion solvation

    Yizhak Marcus

    Wiley c1985


  • Ion exchange and solvent extraction reactions, organometallic compounds

    authors, John H. Forsberg, Yizhak Marcus, Therald Moeller ; editors, Therald Moeller, Ulrich Krüerke, Edith Schleitzer-Rust

    Springer 1983 Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry / prepared and issued by Gmelin-Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften ; director, Ekkehard Fluck system no. 39 . Sc, Y, La-Lu, rare earth elements ; D6

    : gw , : us


  • Cation exchange and chromatography of uranium

    authors, Hermann O. Haug ... [et al.] ; editors, Rudolf Keim, Yizhak Marcus, Cornelius Keller

    Springer 1983 Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry / prepared and issued by Gmelin-Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften ; director, Ekkehard Fluck System no. 55 . U, uranium ; Suppl. v. D4

    : gw , : us


  • 液体化学入門

    Y.Marcus著 ; 関集三監訳 ; 池田重良 [ほか] 共訳

    化学同人 1982.9


  • Anion exchange of uranium

    Hermann O. Haug ; editors, Rudolf Keim, Yizhak Marcus, Cornelius Keller

    Springer 1982 Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry / prepared and issued by Gmelin-Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften ; director, Ekkehard Fluck System no. 55 . U, uranium ; Suppl. v. D3

    : gw , : us


  • Solvent extraction of uranium

    authors, Zdenek Kolarik ; editors, Rudolf Keim, Yizhak Marcus, Cornelius Keller

    Springer 1982 Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry / prepared and issued by Gmelin-Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften ; director, Ekkehard Fluck System no. 55 . U, uranium ; Suppl. v. D2

    : gw , : us


  • Coordination compounds (continuation)

    authors, Edward R. Birnbaum, John H. Forsberg

    Springer 1981-1986 Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry / prepared and issued by Gmelin-Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften ; director, Ekkehard Fluck system no. 39 . Sc, Y, La-Lu : rare earth elements ; pt. D 2-D 4

    [1]. : (gw) , [1]. : (us) , [2]. : (gw) , [2]. : (us) , [3]. : (gw) , [3]. : (us)


  • Introduction to liquid state chemistry

    Y. Marcus

    Wiley c1977


  • Ion exchange equilibrium constants

    compiled by Y. Marcus ; with the collaboration of D. G. Howery

    Butterworth 1975 IUPAC additional publication


  • Alkylammonium salt extractants

    compiled by A.S. Kertes, Y. Marcus and E. Yanir

    Butterworths , Distributed in North America by C. Russak c1974 Equilibrium constants of liquid-liquid distribution reactions pt. 2


  • Organophosphorus extractants

    compiled by Y. Marcus, A.S. Kertes and E. Yanir

    Butterworths , Distributed in North America by C. Russak c1974 Equilibrium constants of liquid-liquid distribution reactions introduction, and pt. 1


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