edited by Shailer Mathews
Edition Synapse 2010
: [set] , v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6
AMS Press [1974]
AMS Press 1974] 2d ed., rev. and with glossary. Boston, Silver, Burdett
edited by Miles H. Krumbine
Books for Libraries Press [1972] Essay index reprint series
by Shailer Mathews ; edited and with an introduction by Kenneth Cauthen
Fortress Press c1971 Lives of Jesus series
by Shailer Mathews
Macmillan 1938
Macmillan 1936
Cokesbury Press c1935 The Cole lectures 1934
シェイラ・マシュウス著 ; 高柳伊三郎譯
基督教出版社 1934.5
Harper & Brothers 1934 Living issues in religion / edited by Miles H. Krumbine
Harvard University 1933 The Ingersoll lecture 1933
セエラー・マシウス原著 ; 竹中勝男, 溝口靖夫譯
一粒社 1933.6
Macmillan 1931
Macmillan 1930
D. Van Nostrand c1929 Man and his world : Northwestern University essays in contemporary thought / edited by Baker Brownell v. 11
Macmillan 1928
arranged by Shailer Mathews, using the New Testament, an American translation by Edgar J. Goodspeed
University of Chicago Press 1927 The University of Chicago publication in religious education . Constructive studies
by Ernest Dewitt Burton and Shailer Mathews
University of Chicago Press 1927 3rd rev. ed The University of Chicago publications in religious education . Constructive Studies
Angus Stewart Woodburne ; introduction by Shailer Mathews
Macmillan 1927
by Shailer Mathews ; with the cooperation of William E. Ritter ... [et al.]
D. Appleton c1924