ヤコービ, マリオ
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Mario Jacoby
Inner City Books 2006 Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts 116
Available at 2 libraries
マリオ・ヤコービ [著] ; 高石浩一訳
新曜社 2003.9
Available at 151 libraries
マリオ・ヤコービ, ヴェレーナ・カースト, イングリット・リーデル著 ; 千野美和子, 山愛美, 青木真理訳
新曜社 2002.4
Available at 127 libraries
Mario Jacoby ; translated from German, in collaboration with the author, by Robert Weathers
Routledge 1999
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 28 libraries
Walter c1998
Available at 1 libraries
マリオ・ヤコービ著 ; 高石浩一訳
創元社 1997.1
Available at 167 libraries
Mario Jacoby ; translated from the German in collaboration with the author, by Douglas Whitcher
Routledge 1996
: pbk
Available at 14 libraries
Mario Jacoby, Verena Kast, Ingrid Riedel
Herder 1994 Herder/Spektrum meisterdenker Bd. 4287
Mario Jacoby ; translated from the German in collaboration with the author by Douglas Whitcher
Routledge 1994
Available at 22 libraries
Walter-Verlag c1993 2. revid. u. erweit. Aufl.
Walter-Verlag 1993 2 Aufl.
Mario Jacoby, Verena Kast, Ingrid Riedel ; translated by Michael H. Kohn
Shambhala , Distributed in the U.S. by Random House, Inc. c1992 1st ed
Available at 6 libraries
Mario Jacoby ; translated from the German by Myron Gubitz and in collaboration with the author, by Françoise O'Kane
Routledge 1991
: pbk.
Available at 7 libraries
Routledge 1990
Available at 19 libraries
マーリオ・ヤコービ [著] ; 松代洋一訳
紀伊國屋書店 1988.11
Available at 130 libraries
マリオ・ヤコービ著 ; 氏原寛 [ほか] 訳
創元社 1985.4 ユング心理学選書 7
Available at 184 libraries
J. Pfeiffer 1985 Reihe "Leben lernen" Nr. 60
Mario Jacoby ; translated from the German by Myron B. Gubitz
Sigo Press c1985
Bonz 1985, c1978 4. Aufl. Psychologisch gesehen
Inner City Books c1984 Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts 15