Janson, Horst Woldemar
ジャンソン, ホースト・ウォルデマー
Penelope J. E. Davies ... [et al.]
Pearson c2016 Reissued 8th ed
Penelope J.E. Davies ... [et al.]
Prentice Hall c2012 8th ed., portable ed
bk. 3
Penelope J.E. Davies ... [et. al]
Prentice Hall c2011 8th ed
v. 2 : pbk
painting, Robert Rosenblum ; sculpture, H.W. Janson
Prentice Hall c2005 Rev. and updated ed
: pbk.
H.W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson
H.N. Abrams 2003 6th ed
H.W. Janson, Anthony F. Janson
Harry N. Abrams 2001 6th ed.
Thames & Hudson 2001 6th ed
H.W.ジャンソン, アンソニー・F.ジャンソン著 ; 木村重信, 藤田治彦訳
創元社 2001.5
Horst W. Janson und Dora Jane Janson ; Aktualisiert von Anthony F. Janson ; [aus dem Amerikan. von M. und B. Cichy]
DuMont 2000
H. W. Janson ; ed. por Anthony F. Janson ; versión de Francisco Payarols ; revisión de Elena Luxán y Gian Castelli
Editorial Alianza c1999 ed. revisada y ampliada El libro universitario . Manuales : arte y música ; 010-014
Obra completa , t. 1 , t. 2 , t. 3 , t. 4
Thames and Hudson 1997 5th ed. rev
H.N. Abrams 1997 5th ed
H.N. Abrams 1997 5th ed. rev. / [Anthony F. Janson]
Prentice Hall , Harry N. Abrams 1997 5th ed
: pbk
H・W・ジャンソン著 ; 村田潔, 西田秀穂訳監修
美術出版社 1995.5 [原著]第3版
: 新装版
H.W. Janson
Thames and Hudson 1995 5th ed. / rev. and expanded by Anthony F. Janson
H. W. Janson
Prentice Hall , H. N. Abrams 1995 5th ed. / rev. and expanded by Anthony F. Janson
H.N. Abrams , Prentice Hall 1995 5th ed. / revised and expanded by Anthony F. Janson
[v. 1] , v. 2 : pbk
Erwin Panofsky ; herausgegeben von Horst W. Janson ; mit einer Vorbemerkung von Martin Warnke
DuMont c1993
Prentice Hall , Harry N. Abrams 1992 4th ed.