ヴェークナー, ヴィルヘルム(ヴェークナー, ヴィルヘルム)
Wagner, Wilhelm
Wagner, Guilelmus
Wagner, W.
エミール・ナック, ヴィルヘルム・ヴェークナー著 ; 紫谷哲朗訳
佑学社 1986.4
with notes, critical and exegetical, and an introduction by Wilhelm Wagner
Arno Press 1979 Latin texts and commentaries
Ed. with prolegomena and critical notes, by Wilhelm Wagner. Containing seven poems, three of which appear here for the first time. With an essay on the Greek version of Appollonius of Tyre, by M. A. Ch. Gidel
Grüner 1970 [1971]
edited with prolegomena and critical notes, by Wilhelm Wagner ; with an essay on the Greek version of Appollonius of Tyre, by M. A. Ch. Gidel
Argonaut 1970
Wilhelm Wägner
Haude & Spenersche 1969
Emil Nack, Wilhelm Wägner
C. Ueberreuter 1958
J.W. Handel 1934
von Wilhelm Wägner ; nach der zehnten von Fritz Baumgarten verfassten Ausgabe neubearbeitet von Ludwig Martens
Neufeld & Henius Verlag [1922]
von Wilhelm Wägner
Otto Spamer [1911?] 10 Aufl., neu bearb. / von Fritz Baumgarten
arranged and annotated by Wilhelm Wagner
[Cambridge] University Press 1908 , 1877 Pitt Press series
Leslie Holdsworth Allen
Bereiter & Meißner [1907]
translated from the works of W. Wagner ; with introduction by W.S.W. Anson
Norrœna Society 1906 Norrœna, the history and romance of northern Europe : a library of supreme classics printed in complete form
Wilhelm Wagner
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Aus den comenius-blättern für volkserziehung Bd. 11 . Heft 5/6
erstattet von Wilhelm Wagner
Hermann Heyfelder 1902 Vorträge und Aufsätze aus der Comenius-Gesellschaft 10 Jahrg., 2. Stück
von Wilhelm Wagner
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Vorträge und Aufsätze aus der Comenius-Gesellschaft 10 Jahrg., 2. Stück
by Wilhelm Wagner
Deighton, Bell 1891
Deighton Bell 1887
with notes critical and exegetical, and an analysis by Wilhelm Wagner
J. Allyn 1885 9th ed
Virgil ; with English notes abridged from professor Conington's edition by Henry Nettleship and Wilhelm Wagner
Whittaker 1884-1885 Grammar school classics
Books V and VI , Books VII and VIII , Books IX and X , Books XI and XII