Walsh, William Henry
ウオルシュ, W. H.
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(英)W.H.沃尓什著 ; 何兆武, 张文杰译
北京大学出版社 2008.10 历史的观念译丛=Series of ideas of history 08
Available at 1 libraries
W. H. Walsh
Thoemmes Press 1992 Key texts : classic studies in the history of ideas
Available at 4 libraries
W.H. Walsh
University Press 1997, c1975
: pbk
Available at 8 libraries
Thoemmes Press, 1992 Key texts : classic studies in the history of ideas
Available at 2 libraries
Gregg Revivals 1991 Modern revivals in philosophy
: hard
Gregg Revivals , Distributed in the U.S. by Ashgate Pub. Co. 1991 Modern revivals in philosophy
Available at 7 libraries
Greenwood Press 1984, c1967
Available at 3 libraries
Garland Pub. 1984, c1969 The philosophy of Hegel / edited by H.S. Harris 16
Available at 31 libraries
by W. H. Walsh
Bouvier 1981
edited by L. Pompa and W.H. Dray
University Press c1981
Available at 10 libraries
W.H.ウォルシュ著 ; 神山四郎訳
創文社 1978.12 歴史学叢書
Available at 126 libraries
Humanities Press , Harvester Press 1976, c1967 3rd revised ed. reprinted, with an addenda to the bibliographical section
: us , : uk
University of Chicago Press 1976, c1975 Phoenix ed. Phoenix books P688
W.H.ウオルシュ [著] ; 田中芳美訳
法律文化社 1975
Available at 70 libraries
Edinburgh University Press c1975
Available at 29 libraries
[by] W. H. Walsh
Macmillan , St. Martin's P 1969 New studies in ethics , Macmillan student editions
Available at 32 libraries
Harper & Row 1968, c1967 Rev. ed Harper torchbooks TB 1020
Available at 11 libraries
Hutchinson 1967 3rd revised ed Hutchinson University Library philosophy
Harcourt, Brace & World [c1963] A Harbinger book H055
Hutchinson 1963 Hutchinson University Library . Philosophy / editor, H.J. Paton
: pbk.
Available at 12 libraries