Baldwin, Edward
Godvin, Vilʹi︠a︡m
Godvin, Viljem
ゴドウィン, ウイリアム
edited with an introduction by Peter Marshall ; foreword by John P. Clark
PM Press c2017
William Godwin ; edited by Tilottama Rajan
c2016 Broadview editions
: pbk
edited by Mark Philp ; researcher, Austin Gee
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin / general editor: Mark Philp ; v. 7
: set
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin / general editor: Mark Philp ; v. 6
edited by Pamela Clemit
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin / general editor: Mark Philp ; v. 5
edited by Mark Philp
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin / general editor: Mark Philp ; v. 4
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin / general editor: Mark Philp ; v. 3
edited by Martin Fitzpatrick ; with an introduction by Mark Philp
Routledge 2016 The Pickering masters . Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin / general editor, Mark Philp ; v. 1, 2
: set , 1 , 2
ウィリアム・ゴドウィン著 ; 岡照雄訳
白水社 2016.7 白水Uブックス 206 . 海外小説 : 永遠の本棚||カイガイ ショウセツ : エイエン ノ ホンダナ
William Godwin ; edited and with an introduction and notes by Isaac Kramnick
Penguin Classics/Penguin 2015, c1976 Penguin classics . Penguin literature
: [pbk.]
William Godwin ; edited with an introduction and notes by Mark Philp
Oxford University Press 2013 Oxford world's classics
Oxford University Press 2011-
v. 1 , v. 2
William Godwin
[La Vergne] [2010]
edited by David O'Shaughnessy
Pickering & Chatto 2010 The Pickering masters
William Godwin ; edited with an introduction and notes by Pamela Clemit
Oxford University Press 2009 New ed Oxford world's classics
by William Godwin ; edited with an introduction by Richard Holmes
Harper Perennial 2005 Classic biographies
William Godwin ; edited with an introduction and notes by Maurice Hindle
Penguin 2005 Reprinted with corrections Penguin classics
William Godwin ; aus dem Englischen übertragen von Jutta Schlösser ; herausgegeben und mit einem Anhang versehen von Hermann Klenner
Haufe Mediengruppe 2004 Haufe Schriftenreihe zur rechtswissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung Band 17
William Godwin ; with a new introduction by John Morrow
Thoemmes Press , Edition Synapse 2003
: uk : set , : ja : set , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
William Godwin ; edited by Pamela Clemit & Gina Luria Walker
Broadview Press c2001 Broadview literary texts