ルイス, オスカー(ルイス, オスカー)
Lewis, Oscar
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オスカー・ルイス, ルース・M.ルイス, スーザン・M.リグダン著 ; 江口信清訳
明石書店 2007.4
Available at 79 libraries
オスカー・ルイス著 ; 高山智博, 染谷臣道, 宮本勝訳
筑摩書房 2003.6 ちくま学芸文庫 [ル2-1]
Available at 122 libraries
Oscar Lewis ; penerjemah, Rochmulyati Hamzah
Yayasan Obor Indonesia 1988 Buku Obor
Available at 1 libraries
Susan M. Rigdon
University of Illinois Press c1988
: alk. paper
Available at 7 libraries
オスカー・ルイス [著] ; 柴田稔彦, 行方昭夫共訳
みすず書房 1986.4
: 新装版
Available at 97 libraries
オスカー・ルイス著 ; 高山智博訳
思索社 1985.11
Available at 84 libraries
Oscar Lewis
Penguin in association with Secker & Warburg 1983 A Peregrine book
Available at 3 libraries
Grijalbo c1982 3a ed
Oscar Lewis ; [traducción de la introducción Carlos Villegas]
Editorial Grijalbo c1982
Oscar Lewis[著] ; 上野政夫編[注]
芸林書房 1981.2
directed and produced by Hall Bartlett ; adapted from thebook by Oscar Lewis ; screenplay by Cesare Zavattini
International Video Entertaiment c1978 Monterey home video
Videorecording (Videocassette)
Oscar Lewis ; traduit de l'anglais par Céline Zins
Gallimard [1978], c1963 Collection Tel 31
Available at 2 libraries
Oscar Lewis, Ruth M. Lewis, Susan M. Rigdon
J. Mortiz 1977
v. 1. Cuatro hombres , v. 2. Cuatro mujeres , v. 3. Vecinos
University of Illinois Press c1977-1978
v. 1. Four men , v. 2. Four women , v. 3. Neighbors
Available at 19 libraries
Oscar Lewis ; foreword by Oliver La Farge
Souvenir Press 1976 [1st ed. reprinted] / with a new introduction by Margaret Mead A condor book
: pbk
por Oscar Lewis ; [traducción directa de, Lauro J. Zavala]
Editorial J. Mortiz 1976 3. ed
J. Mortiz 1976 2a ed
Oscar Lewis ; with a new introduction by Margaret Mead ; foreword by Oliver La Farge
Basic Books c1975
Available at 12 libraries
Joaquín Mortiz 1974, c1965 13. ed
University of Illinois Press 1972 Illini books IB-9