Bhāratīya Sāmājika Vijñāna Anusandhāna Pariṣadah Pariyojanā
Inḍiyan Kaunsal āf Soshal Sāʾins Rīsarc
भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद्
Bhāratīya Sāmājika Vijñāna Anusandhāna Parishad
आई सी एस एस आर
Āī Sī Esa Esa Āra
Indian Council of Social Science Research
National Pub. House 1972-
Indian Council of Social Science Reseach
Indian Council of Social Science Reseach 1971 Research information series no. 3, vol.1
Sri Chandra
Oxford & IBH Publishing 1971
Indian Council of Social Science Reseach 1971 Research information series no. 4, v. 1
Inter-University Board of India & Ceylon, Indian Council of Social Science Research 1969- Research information series no. 2, vol. 1 , Publication (Indian Council of Social Science Research) no. 11
1969 : set , 1969, pt. 1 , 1969, pt. 2
Orient Longman in collaboration with the Indian Council of Social Science Research 1971-
by Pendleton Herring
Indian Council of Social Science Research [1970] ICSSR occasional monographs , Publication (Indian Council of Social Science Research) no. 3
Inter-University Board of India & Ceylon, Indian Council of Social Science Research 1970- Research information series no. 1, vol. 1,2, no. 2, vol. 1 , Publication (Indian Council of Social Science Research) no. 4, 10, 23
Up to 1967 , 1968 , 1969
Indian Council of Social Science Research 1970-
[Sage Publications India] , [Sage Publications]