Ramazzini, Bern.
Ramazzini, Bernhard
ラマッツィーニ, ベルナルディーノ(ラマッツィーニ, ベルナルディーノ)
ラマッツィーニ, B.(ラマッツィーニ, B.)
ベルナルディーノ・ラマツィーニ著 ; 東敏昭監訳
産業医学振興財団 2015.3 改訂版
産業医学振興財団 2004.9
by Bernardino Ramazzini ; [the Latin text of 1713 revised, with translation and notes by Wilmer Cave Wright]
The Classics of Medicine Library c1983 Special ed The classics of medicine library
Bernardino Ramazzini
Readex Microprint 1981 Landmarks II monographs
マイクロ形態 (マイクロオペーク)
B.ラマッツィーニ著 ; 松藤元訳
北海道大学図書刊行会 1980.3
Bernardino Ramazzini ; tranlated from the Latin text De morbis artificum of 1713 by Wilmer Cave Wright ; with an introduction by George Rosen
Hafner 1964
Bernardino Ramazzini ; revised, with translation and notes by Wilmer Cave Wright
The University of Chicago press 1940 History of medicine series no. 7
Bernardino Ramazzini : traduzione di G.M. Levi con note ed aggiunted di De Fourcroy
E. Zerboni 1908
Bureau de l'encyclopédie 1841 Encyclopédie des sciences médicales 7e division . Collection des auteurs classiques
Bern. Ramazzini ; uebersetzt von Julius Heinrich Gottlieb Schlegel
B.F. Voigt 1823
par Ph. Patissier
J.-B. Baillière 1822
neu bearbeitet und vermehret von Johann Christian Gottlieb Ackermann
Bey D.C. Franzen und J.C. Grosse 1780
translated and enlarged, with an appendix, by R. James
Printed for John Whiston, at Mr. Boyle's Head, and John Woodyer, at Cœsar's Head , both in Fleet-Street 1750 2nd ed
auctore, Bernardino Ramazzini
Apud Josephum Corona 1743
Sumptibus Cramer & Perachon 1716
written in Latin by Bern. Ramazzini, and now done in English
printed for Andrew Bell ...[et al.] 1705
Bernardini Ramazzini
Typis Antonii Capponi 1700