Stallings, W.
William Stallings
Pearson c2023 8th ed., global ed
: pbk
Addison-Wesley c2019
William Stallings, Lawrie Brown
Pearson c2018 4th ed., global ed
Pearson c2018 9th ed., global ed
Pearson c2018 9th ed
Pearson c2017 7th ed., global ed
Pearson c2017 7th ed
Pearson c2015 8th ed., global ed. / contributions by Moumita Mitra Manna
Pearson Education c2014 10th ed., international ed
William Stallings ; international edition contributions by Mohit P Tahiliani, NITK Surathkal
Pearson c2014 6th ed., international ed Pearson international edition
Pearson/Prentice Hall c2014 10th ed
Pearson c2014 6th ed
Pearson Education Limited c2012 7th ed., International ed.
Pearson/Prentice Hall c2011 9th ed.
Prentice Hall c2011 5th ed. Pearson international edition
: pbk.
Prentice Hall c2011 5th ed
: hbk
Pearson c2010 8th ed., international ed The William Stallings books on computer and data communications technology
Pearson c2011 9th ed., international ed.
Prentice Hall c2010 8th ed The William Stallings books on computer and data communications technology
Pearson Education International c2009 6th ed., International ed.