Fever, Buck
アンダースン, シャーウッド(アンダースン, シャーウッド)
アンダーソン, シャーウッド(アンダーソン, シャーウッド)
アンダスン, シャーウッド(アンダスン, シャーウッド)
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Sherwood Anderson
Dover Publications 2000 Dover thrift editions
Available at 1 libraries
Sherwood Anderson ; edited with an introduction by Glen A. Love
Oxford University Press 1999 Oxford world's classics
: pbk
Available at 7 libraries
Modern Library 1999 Modern Library pbk. ed
Sherwood Anderson ; introduction by Malcolm Cowley
G.K. Hall [1999], c1960
hc : lg. print
平凡社 1999.12 平凡社ライブラリー 315
Available at 129 libraries
Sherwood Anderson ; edited with an introduction by Charles E. Modlin
Penguin Books 1998 Penguin twentieth-century classics
Available at 16 libraries
selected writings by Sherwood Anderson ; edited by Welford Dunaway Taylor and Charles E. Modlin
University of Georgia Press c1997
Available at 22 libraries
アンダソン [著] ; 小島信夫, 浜本武雄訳
講談社 1997.6 講談社文芸文庫
Available at 73 libraries
edited by Ray Lewis White
Ohio University Press 1997
Available at 41 libraries
Oxford University Press 1997 The world's classics
Available at 4 libraries
Roald Dahl [ほか] 著 ; 山内照子, 宮沢邦子編注
三修社 1996.2
Sherwood Anderson ; text and criticism edited and updated by John H. Ferres
Penguin Books 1996 The Viking critical library
Available at 11 libraries
Sherwood Anderson ; edited by Charles E. Modlin and Ray Lewis White
W.W. Norton c1996 Norton critical editions
Available at 52 libraries
シャーウッド・アンダーソン著 ; 森本真一訳
近代文藝社 1995.7
Available at 26 libraries
Anderson ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Ferdinand Schunck
Philipp Reclam jun. 1995 Universal-Bibliothek Nr. 9216 . Fremdsprachentexte
Available at 2 libraries
Dover Publications 1995 Dover thrift editions
by Sherwood Anderson with an introduction by Jeffrey Meyers
Bantam Books 1995 A Bantam classic
Modern Library 1995
Available at 13 libraries
鶴見俊輔 [ほか] 編
筑摩書房 1994.10 新・ちくま文学の森 / 鶴見俊輔 [ほか] 編 1
Available at 195 libraries
Signet Classic 1993