Rosenthal, Fr.
فرانز روزنثال
by Franz Rosenthal ; edited by Dimitri Gutas
Brill c2015 Brill classics in Islam v. 7
: hardback
by Franz Rosenthal ; with an introduction by Geert Jan van Gelder
Brill 2011, c1956 Brill classics in Islam v. 6
by Franz Rosenthal ; with an introduction by Dimitri Gutas
Brill 2007 Slightly rev. 2nd ed Brill classics in Islam v. 2
Franz Rosenthal
Bibliothèque nationale de France 2002
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
Harrassowitz Verlag 1995 6th, rev. ed Porta linguarum orientalium neue serie ; Bd. 5
by Franz Rosenthal
O. Harrassowitz 1995 6th print Porta linguarum orientalium 5
Franz Rosenthal : translated from the German by Emile and Jenny Marmorstein
Routledge 1992 Arabic thought and culture
Variorum c1990 Collected studies series CS330
Variorum c1990 Collected studies series [CS309]
Variorum c1990 Collected studies series CS322
translated and annotated by Franz Rosenthal
State University of New York Press c1989 SUNY series in Near Eastern studies , Bibliotheca Persica . The history of al-Ṭabarī = Taʾrīkh al-rusul waʾl-mulūk ; v. 1
: pbk
Ibn Khaldûn ; translated from the Arabic by Franz Rosenthal
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1986 2d ed., with corrections and augmented bibliography Bollingen series 43
set ISBN:0710001959 , v. 1ISBN:0710016794 , v. 2ISBN:0710016808 , v. 3ISBN:0710016816
State University of New York Press c1985 SUNY series in Near Eastern studies , Bibliotheca Persica . The history of al-Ṭabarī = Taʾrīkh al-rusul waʾl-mulūk ; v. 38
تأليف فرانتز روزنتال ؛ ترجمة أنيس فريحة ؛ مراجعه وليد عرفات
دار الثقافة 1983 الطبعة 4
E.J. Brill 1983
O. Harrassowitz 1983 5th print Porta linguarum orientalium 5
Ibn Khaldūn ; translated from the Arabic by Franz Rosenthal ; abridged and edited by N.J. Dawood
Routledge and Kegan Paul : Secker and Warburg 1978
Brill 1975
by Franz Rosenthal ; translated from the German by Emile and Jenny Marmorstein
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1975 The Islamic world