默里, 奥斯温(マレー, オズイン)
Oswyn Murray ; edited by Vanessa Cazzato ; with illustrations by Michael Gabriel
Oxford University Press 2018
David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, Aldo Corcella ; edited by Oswyn Murray and Alfonso Moreno ; with a contribution by Maria Brosius ; translated by Barbara Graziosi ... [et al.]
Oxford University Press 2011
: pbk.
(英) 奥斯温・默里著 ; 晏绍祥译
上海人民出版社 2008.10 北京大学希腊研究中心西学文库・希腊文明译丛
Oxford University Press 2007
David Sacks ; editorial consultant, Oswyn Murray ; revised by Lisa R. Brody
Facts On File c2005 Rev. ed Facts on File library of world history
Edward Bulwer Lytton ; edited by Oswyn Murray
Routledge 2004 bicentenary ed.
: [hbk]
Fernand Braudel ; text edited by Roselyne de Ayala and Paule Braudel ; preface and notes by Jean Guilaine and Pierre Rouillard ; translated from the French by Siân Reynolds ; with an introduction by Oswyn Murray
Penguin Books 2002 Penguin history , Penguin books
Allen Lane, the Penguin Press 2001
edited by John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray
Oxford University Press 2001
: pbk
Paul Veyne ; abridged with an introduction by Oswyn Murray ; translated by Brian Pearce
UT Back in Print service 1999
Jacob Burckhardt ; translated by Sheila Stern ; edited, with an introduction by Oswyn Murray
HarperCollins 1998
Jacob Burckhardt ; translated by Sheila Stern ; edited with an introduction by Oswyn Murray
St. Martin's Press 1998 1st U.S. ed
David Sacks ; historical consultant: Oswyn Murray ; original drawings by Margaret Bunson
Oxford University Press c1995 Oxford paperback reference
edited by Oswyn Murray and Manuela Tecușan
British School at Rome in association with American Academy at Rome ... [et al.] 1995
David Sacks and Oswyn Murray
Constable 1995
David Sacks ; historical consultant, Oswyn Murray ; original drawings by Margaret Bunson
Facts on File c1995
edited by Oswyn Murray
Clarendon Press 1994, c1990
Oswyn Murray
Fontana Press 1993 2nd ed Fontana history of the ancient world
Paul Veyne ; abridged, with an introduction by Oswyn Murray ; translated by Brian Pearce
Penguin 1992 Penguin history