Parrinder, John Patick
パリンダー, P.(パリンダー, P)
Patrick Parrinder
Routledge 2021 Routledge library editions . Science fiction ; v. 2
: hbk
edited by Patrick Parrinder
Routledge 2021 Routledge library editions . Science fiction ; v. 1
George Gissing ; introduction by D.J. Taylor ; notes by Patrick Parrinder
Penguin Classics/Penguin 2015 Penguin classics . Penguin literature
: [pbk.]
edited by Patrick Parrinder, Andrew Nash and Nicola Wilson
Palgrave Macmillan 2014
Routledge 2013 The critical heritage series
: pbk
edited by Patrick Parrinder and John S. Partington
Bloomsbury 2013 The reception of British and Irish authors in Europe / series editor: Elinor Shaffer v. 7
: pb
edited by Patrick Parrinder and Andrzej Gąsiorek
Oxford University Press 2011 The Oxford history of the novel in English v. 4
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by Neil Gaiman ; and notes by Andy Sawyer
Penguin 2007 Penguin books , Penguin classics , Penguin fiction
Oxford University Press 2006
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by Marina Warner ; and notes by Steven McLean
Penguin 2006 Anniversary ed Penguin books . Penguin literature , Penguin classics
: hbk , : pbk
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by John Clute ; and notes by John S. Partington
Penguin 2005 Penguin classics , Penguin fiction
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by Jay Winter ; and notes by Andy Sawyer
Penguin Books 2005 Penguin classics , Penguin fiction
Thoemmes Continuum 2005 The Athlone critical traditions series . The reception of British authors in Europe ; v. 7
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by China Miéville ; and notes by Steven McLean
Penguin Books 2005 Penguin books , Penguin fiction , Penguin classics
H.G. Wells ; edited with an introduction by Patrick Parrinder ; notes by Andy Sawyer
Penguin 2005 Penguin books , Penguin fiction , Penguin classics
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by Christopher Priest ; and notes by Andy Sawyer
Penguin 2005 Penguin books , Penguin classics
H.G. Wells ; edited by Gregory Claeys and Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction by Francis Wheen ; and notes by Gregory Claeys and Andy Sawyer
Penguin Books 2005 Penguin classics
H.G. Wells ; edited by Patrick Parrinder ; with an introduction and notes by Edward Mendelson