シャーフ, エアロン
Aaron Scharf
Penguin Books 1986, c1974
Penguin Books 1983 Penguin books
エアロン・シャーフ編著 ; 小沢秀匡訳
PARCO出版局 1979.1
prepared by Aaron Scharf and Stephen Bayley ; for the [Open University] Course Team
Open University Press 1978 An arts foundation course units 16,17, and 18
selected by Aaron Scharf from an open Submission
Arts Council of Great Britain 1977 Summer show 4
Jiri Mucha, Marina Henderson, Aaron Scharf
Flammarion c1977
prepared by Aaron Scharf ; for the [Open University] course team
Open University Press 1976 Arts, a third level course modern art 1848 to the present, styles and social implications : units 4 and 5
Open University Press 1976 Arts, a third level course modern art 1848 to the present, styles and social implications : unit 6
written and compiled by Aaron Scharf
H.N. Abrams 1976
prepared by Aaron Scharf ; for the [Open University] Course Team
Open University Press 1975 Arts, a third level course modern art 1848 to the present, styles and social implications : unit 1, unit 2, unit 3
[text by] Jiri Mucha, Marina Henderson, [and] Aaron Scharf
Academy Editions 1974 Revised enlarged ed
Penguin c1974 Pelican books
prepared by Aaron Scharf for the Arts Second Level [Age of Revolutions] Course Team
Open University Press 1972 The Open University Arts, a second level course . The age of revolutions ; units 29-30
prepared by Aaron Scharf and Tim Benton for the Arts Foundation Course Team
Open University Press 1971 Humanities: a foundation course units 11-12
Academy Editions 1971
edited by Christopher Harvie, Graham Martin, Aaron Scharf
Macmillan 1970 Open University set book Arts foundation course
: pc
アーロン・シャーフ著 ; 重森弘淹訳
美術出版社 1969
Studio Vista , Reinhold 1965