Evans, Richard Isadore
エヴァンズ, R. I.(エヴァンズ, R I)
エヴァンス, リチャード・I
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R.I.エヴァンズ[著] ; 岡堂哲雄, 中園正身訳
金沢文庫 1973
Available at 21 libraries
Richard I. Evans ; translated by Eleanor Duckworth
E.P. Dutton 1973 1st ed His Dialogues with notable contributors to personality theory 7 , A Dutton paperback D360
: pbk
Available at 2 libraries
E.P. Dutton c1973 [1st ed.] His Dialogues with notable contributors to personality theory v. 7
Available at 18 libraries
R.I.エヴァンズ[著] ; 宇津木保訳
誠信書房 1972.7
Available at 109 libraries
エヴァンズ〔著〕 ; 岡堂哲雄,中園正身訳
北望社 1971
Available at 47 libraries
リチャード・エヴァンズ [著] ; 牧康夫訳
みすず書房 1970.10
Available at 115 libraries
Richard I. Evans and Richard M. Rozelle
Allyn and Bacon c1970
Available at 5 libraries
Richard I. Evans
Dutton 1969 1st ed A Dutton paperback D237
Available at 1 libraries
Dutton 1969 1st ed His Dialogues with notable contributors to personality theory v. 5
by Richard I. Evans
E.P. Dutton 1969 A Dutton paperback
Available at 4 libraries
Richard I. Evans ; in collaboration with Peter K. Leppmann ; foreword by Nevitt Sanford
Jossey-Bass 1968, c1967 The Jossey-Bass series in higher education
Available at 16 libraries
Harper & Row c1967 [1st ed.] Dialogues with notable contributors to personality theory
Available at 8 libraries
Harper & Row 1966 Dialogues with notable contributors to personality theory 2
Available at 15 libraries